
At the end of the Eastern Han Dynasty, this population was unmatched, and the superstition of fighting wars led to the slaughter of Qingzhou, leaving a name that would be infamous throughout the ages

This person is the Qingzhou assassin Shi Jiaohe at the end of the Han Dynasty, and his eloquence can be said to be unparalleled in the world, but he can only talk about soldiers on paper, which eventually led to the slaughter of the city by the Yellow Turban Army, leaving a name that has been cursed for thousands of years.

When Dong Zhuo entered Beijing, Yuan Shao erected a banner against Dong Zhuo. Jiao He joined Yuan Shao's anti-Dong Zhuo alliance. After he was not willing to be left behind, the Qingzhou soldiers and horses were originally nothing more than that, and they gathered all their troops and drove out of Qingzhou. Some officials also kindly reminded that in recent times, large-scale Yellow Turban rebellions have broken out in Jizhou and Youzhou, and although public security in Qingzhou has always been good, now Han Fu in Jizhou is busy opposing Dong Zhuo, and Gongsun Zhan in Youzhou is busy quelling the invasion of ethnic minorities and does not have enough time to encircle and suppress the rebels. Once the remnants of the troops escaped into Qingzhou, the county governments of Qingzhou had no troops to resist, and the people of the whole state would suffer.

At the end of the Eastern Han Dynasty, this population was unmatched, and the superstition of fighting wars led to the slaughter of Qingzhou, leaving a name that would be infamous throughout the ages

Jiao He didn't think so, in his opinion, the Yellow Turban Army was just a ragtag crowd. As long as he returned to the army quickly, it was not a problem at all to eliminate the Yellow Turban. What's more, as long as Dong Zhuo is calm, as one of the heroes, he will inevitably become an official and become a knight, and if he does not do well, he can become the third duke and bid farewell to Qingzhou from then on. In that case, what does the death or death of the people of Qingzhou have to do with themselves? However, man is not as good as heaven. Before Jiao He's army had crossed the Yellow River, the anti-Dong Zhuo alliance in front of it was dissolved. Originally, Yuan Shao and others rebelled against Dong Zhuo, most of them were pregnant with ghosts, and everyone had a small calculation in their hearts, and when Dong Zhuo withdrew his army and retreated into Guanzhong, although Yuan Shao and other princes did not win the battle, the purpose of dividing the Kwantung had basically been achieved. Jiao He saw that there was no oil and water to fish in front of him, and he could only withdraw his army back to Qingzhou to be the emperor of tu. But who would have thought that the Yellow Turban Army in the nearby prefectures and counties had poured into Qingzhou in large numbers, and the governments in various parts of Qingzhou simply had no soldiers and horses to resist, and soon, many prefectures and counties were attacked by the Yellow Turban Army. After the Yellow Turban Army attacked the prefectures and counties, it vigorously pursued the three-light policy, killing people and setting fires to everything.

At the end of the Eastern Han Dynasty, this population was unmatched, and the superstition of fighting wars led to the slaughter of Qingzhou, leaving a name that would be infamous throughout the ages

Jiao He originally had tens of thousands of elite soldiers on his hands, and there was plenty of grain and grass, as long as he sent troops and commanded them well, he could completely defeat the Yellow Turban Army. However, although Jiao He was unmatched in eloquence, his courage was too small and he was extremely superstitious. Before this battle, we must first ask the gods to see how the immortals' instructions are, several times the immortals instructed the battle to be unlucky, Jiao He looked at the wind and fell, and again and again, Jiao He's subordinates also lost their fighting spirit, and many people fled the army. Later, some wizards said that they could make ice pills and throw them into the Yellow River, and the Yellow River would freeze, so that the Yellow Turban Thieves would not be able to cross the river. However, after the wizard got the money, he slipped away with a cigarette, and Jiao He missed the good opportunity to build the fortifications, and he also suffered a big defeat in the frontal battle with the Yellow Turban Army. In the end, he was also killed by the rioters, all the officers and soldiers died, fled, and tens of thousands of elite soldiers did nothing. Although Jiao He is good at eloquence and eloquence, he is extremely superstitious on paper, harming himself and harming the people.

At the end of the Eastern Han Dynasty, this population was unmatched, and the superstition of fighting wars led to the slaughter of Qingzhou, leaving a name that would be infamous throughout the ages

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