
The United States exposed the slave farm scandal: immigrants were pointed at gunpoint and dug up onions with their bare hands for only 1.3 yuan

author:China Youth Network
The United States exposed the slave farm scandal: immigrants were pointed at gunpoint and dug up onions with their bare hands for only 1.3 yuan


According to the "Atlanta Constitution" reported on the 4th, recently, the US law enforcement departments in Georgia smashed a human trafficking organization, the organization has been operating slave farms for many years, illegal profits of up to 200 million US dollars. There, more than 100 migrants are being held in cramped, dirty, electrically fenced camps and subjected to excessive force of labor under gun coercion. At least 2 people were killed in the workplace and 1 was raped multiple times. Twenty-four members of the criminal gang were charged with forced labor, money laundering, fraud and other crimes.

According to the indictment, criminal gangs used H-2A visas as bait to attract immigrants from countries such as Mexico, Guatemala and Honduras to enter the United States to work in agriculture. It is understood that in the absence of local workers in the United States, U.S. employers can recruit foreign citizens to work in the United States for short-term agricultural work through H-2A visas, but at the same time require visa recipients to work only for employers who "introduced" them.

But when these immigrants embark on their journey with the American dream, the nightmare has only just begun. More than 100 victims were taken to southern Georgia, where some were shot at digging onions with their bare hands, earning only 20 cents (about 1.3 yuan) per bucket; some were forced to work in lawn care, construction and restaurants that were not covered by visas; others were charged illegal transportation, room and board, and they were in debt without making money.

When not working, the migrants are held in cramped, dirty, electrically fenced camps with sewage, a lack of food and no safe drinking water. Their passports and documents were also taken to prevent them from escaping. Some immigrants are also trafficked to Florida and Texas.

Criminal gangs make $200 million from human trafficking and forced labor, and use the hard-earned money from exploitation to buy houses, cars, and gamble. The H-2 visa system currently in place in the United States has been criticized for its abuse and is seen by many as an upgraded version of "legalized slavery." A Lawyer in Georgia said the visa system tied immigrants to current employers, giving them too much control and putting them at a disadvantage. Former House Fundraising Committee Chairman Charles Rancher has pointed out that the H-2 program is the closest he has ever seen to slavery.

Source: Overseas Network

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