
Ride the wind and waves, and sail forward with courage in 2021 China's high-quality economic development

author:International Online

CCTV News (News Network): 2021 is a landmark year in the history of the party and the country, standing at the historical intersection of the "two hundred years", and starting a new journey of comprehensively building a modern socialist country. In the face of complex and severe domestic and international situations, the Party Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping as the core has calmly responded to the century-old changes and the epidemic of the century, adhered to the general tone of the work of seeking progress in stability, completely, accurately and comprehensively implemented the new development concept, accelerated the construction of a new development pattern, and promoted high-quality development. China's economy has moved forward against the wind and waves, achieved a good start in the "14th Five-Year Plan" with strong resilience and enterprising attitude, and taken a solid step in comprehensively building a modern socialist country.

Ride the wind and waves, and sail forward with courage in 2021 China's high-quality economic development

In the first three quarters of 2021, China's GDP was 82.31 trillion yuan, an increase of 9.8% year-on-year, higher than the expected target of more than 6%. Under the multiple shocks, China's economy has shown strong resilience with large aggregates, stable growth rate and strong development potential, and its economic development has maintained its leading position in the world, continuously injecting new impetus into the world economy that is struggling to recover. A number of international institutions have also given positive forecasts for the growth rate of China's economy in 2021.

The world of 2021 is struggling with uncertainty. In one year, the expectations of international institutions such as the International Monetary Fund and the OECD for global economic growth have been raised and lowered, highlighting the difficulty of recovery of the world economy. The external environment is complex and severe, China's economy is also facing a test, and the domestic economic recovery is still unstable and uneven. In the face of the complex and changeable situation at home and abroad, General Secretary Xi Jinping planned to move and lead the rudder. At the beginning of the year, two important meetings were presided over within a month. One meeting was aimed at leading cadres at the main provincial and ministerial levels. The other meeting was the first collective study by the Politburo in 2021. The two meetings focused on the same theme: grasping the new development stage, thoroughly implementing the new development concept, accelerating the construction of a new development pattern, promoting high-quality development during the "14th Five-Year Plan" period, and ensuring a good start and a good start in the comprehensive construction of a modern socialist country. In the face of the ever-changing external environment, General Secretary Xi Jinping gave a scientific judgment, the time and the trend are on our side, which is where our determination and confidence lie, and where our determination and confidence lie.

Ride the wind and waves, and sail forward with courage in 2021 China's high-quality economic development

Firmly grasp the period of important strategic opportunities for development. This year, General Secretary Xi Jinping has made important deployments many times, focusing on the themes of scientific and technological self-reliance, deepening and upgrading of the industrial chain supply chain, strengthening the construction of a modern circulation system, and carbon peaking and carbon neutrality, from top-level design to specific measures, and deploying to accelerate the construction of a new development pattern. This year, General Secretary Xi Jinping's footprints have covered 11 provinces, municipalities and autonomous regions across the country, from the depths of Wumeng Mountain to the land of Bamin, from the snowy plateau to the mouth of the Yellow River, paying attention to the high-quality development of manufacturing, rural revitalization, ecological protection, food and energy security, and major projects, pointing out the direction for accelerating the landing of a new development pattern and stimulating new advantages in high-quality development.

Dancing against the wind. In the first year of the "14th Five-Year Plan", based on the new development stage, the new development concept is completely, accurately and comprehensively implemented, and the new development pattern is accelerated, and the high-quality development of China's economy is bursting with strong new vitality. The new pattern and new vitality come from the surge of innovation. On the 400-kilometer space orbit, the Chinese space station appeared for the first time this year. The "artificial sun" successfully "burned" for 101 seconds at 120 million degrees Celsius, creating a new world record for thermonuclear fusion; the "Deep Sea One" ultra-deepwater field was officially put into production. In 2021, from the field of basic science, major frontier technologies to core technologies in the industrial chain, from vaccine research to agricultural breeding, a series of breakthroughs in the field of science will continue to make innovation the driving force for high-quality development.

Ride the wind and waves, and sail forward with courage in 2021 China's high-quality economic development

The new pattern and new vitality come from the gradual optimization of China's economic structure. In the first three quarters of this year, the added value of the service industry accounted for 54.8% of the GDP, continuing to exceed "half of the country", and the contribution rate of the service industry to economic growth reached 54.2%. Industrial upgrading is steadily advancing, and the year-on-year growth rate of the added value of high-tech manufacturing above designated size has maintained a strong double-digit growth rate for ten consecutive months, and the manufacturing industry is becoming the most solid foundation for China's economic development. The "Lighthouse Factory" represents the highest level of smart manufacturing and digitalization in manufacturing. Each point of light on this "lighthouse" distribution chart represents a "lighthouse factory". As of September this year, china has the largest number of 90 "lighthouse factories" in the world, with a total of 31. These advanced factories are leading the digital transformation of China's manufacturing industry to continuously improve quality and upgrade.

Ride the wind and waves, and sail forward with courage in 2021 China's high-quality economic development

The new pattern and new vitality also come from the potential of domestic demand stimulated by the "blocking points" that have been opened. On the snowy plateau at an altitude of 3,000 meters, the Fuxing EMU was driven for the first time this year. From Lhasa to Nyingchi, the journey in one day was shortened to three and a half hours. Traffic "blockages" are opening up, and the logistics network is smoother. On the China express big data platform, a point of light is a courier outlet. At present, more than 80% of the organized villages in the country have realized express delivery into the village, an increase of 30 percentage points over the beginning of the year. Agricultural products enter the city, industrial products go to the countryside, and the continuous improvement of circulation efficiency has become an important support for the smooth flow of domestic circulation.

Ride the wind and waves, and sail forward with courage in 2021 China's high-quality economic development

The new pattern and new vitality come from the vivid practice of smoothing the domestic and international double cycle. In the first 11 months of this year, the total value of China's imports and exports of trade in goods increased by 22% year-on-year. Under the situation of global supply chain obstruction, China's economy has become a stabilizer of world trade with strong manufacturing capabilities, industrial supporting capabilities and market competitiveness. Since the beginning of this year, the comprehensive pilot expansion of the service industry has been expanded, 33 financial reform measures have been released, and the Canton Fair, the Service Trade Fair, the Ciie Fair, and the Circumpose have outlined a magnificent picture of accelerating the construction of a new development pattern.

Ride the wind and waves, and sail forward with courage in 2021 China's high-quality economic development

The new pattern and new vitality are contained in the unremitting efforts to create a better life for the people. Meeting the needs of the people is the fundamental force for promoting high-quality development. In 2021, positive progress will be made in comprehensively promoting rural revitalization, identifying 160 national key counties for rural revitalization, and introducing a number of inclined support policies. Rural industries in various places have accelerated their development, rural construction actions have been launched and implemented, and the efficiency of rural governance has been effectively improved. As of the end of October, 53,400 old urban communities have been newly started to renovate, and public financial investment in education, medical care, pensions and other areas of people's livelihood is also increasing.

The new pattern and new vitality are hidden in one major project for the future. Since the beginning of this year, the implementation and construction of major engineering projects determined in the "14th Five-Year Plan" has outlined a new map of the future economic bloodline and become a pioneer in the comprehensive construction of a modern socialist country.

The journey is long, but there is only struggle. Based on the new development stage, implementing the new development concept, building a new development pattern, the beginning of the "14th Five-Year Plan", the Giant Ship of China along the road of high-quality development, riding on the long wind, full of spirit, sailing towards a better tomorrow!

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