
On November 26, Russian media said that the United States wanted to go to war with Russia; China launched a counter-espionage war; johnson changed his face again

author:Hear the word about the world

After the end of World War II, the global situation remained generally peaceful and stable, and even during the cold war when the Confrontation between the United States and the Soviet Union was the most intense, there was no military conflict between the two countries. However, in the new century, the factors of global instability have gradually increased, the geopolitical situation in some regions has become extremely severe, and the risk of military conflicts and even wars has become increasing.

A few days ago, the Russian media issued a warning that the United States has recently been creating lies about "Russia invading Ukraine", constantly exerting pressure on Russia, and practicing strategic bombers to attack Russia in the Russian border area.

On November 26, Russian media said that the United States wanted to go to war with Russia; China launched a counter-espionage war; johnson changed his face again

Russian media said that if the United States does not correct its erroneous behavior in time and becomes deeper and deeper on the Russian-Ukrainian issue, US-Russian relations will become quite dangerous. It is reported that since February this year, the relations between Russia and Ukraine have become suddenly tense because of the Donbass regional issue. Western countries led by the United States quickly intervened.

On the one hand, the United States continues to play up Russia's threat to Ukraine, claiming that Russia has deployed a large number of troops and elite weapons and equipment in the Russian-Ukrainian border area, and there are signs that Russia is planning military operations against Ukraine; on the other hand, Western countries continue to provide assistance to Ukraine and encourage Ukraine to oppose Russia.

On November 26, Russian media said that the United States wanted to go to war with Russia; China launched a counter-espionage war; johnson changed his face again

In the middle of this month, the United States provided Ukraine with 80 tons of ammunition, including javelin portable anti-tank missiles. Subsequently, the United Kingdom provided Ukraine with a low-interest loan of 1.7 billion pounds to buy weapons and equipment for Ukraine to improve combat readiness. Analysts said that the reason why Russian-Ukrainian relations have come to this situation is entirely caused by the United States, Britain, and western countries.

Since the United States and Russia are both nuclear-armed countries, the possibility of war between the two sides is unlikely, but the tense relations between the two countries cannot be effectively improved in a short period of time. The United States will not let go of its suppression of Russia, nor will it stop its provocations against China. In order to gain an advantage in the contest with China, the United States will stop at nothing to collect intelligence related to China.

On November 26, Russian media said that the United States wanted to go to war with Russia; China launched a counter-espionage war; johnson changed his face again

Against this background, the infiltration and theft of secrets by foreign spy agencies into China has become more and more rampant. Recently, some media reported that a certain marine public welfare organization, with the financial support of a foreign intelligence organization and under the guise of protecting the marine ecological environment, has set up nearly 100 monitoring points in China's coastal waters to collect military bases of the people's navy, the deployment of people's naval vessels, and other high-value military intelligence for foreign intelligence organizations, posing a major threat to China's national security.

In addition, in early October this year, the director of the CIA, Burns, revealed that the CIA was preparing to build a department focused on Chinese intelligence collection, called the "China Mission Center." Burns claimed that China is america's main competitor in the 21st century, and most of the challenges and threats facing the United States will come from China. Under the unified leadership of the CIA, the "China Mission Center" will strengthen U.S. intelligence work toward China.

On November 26, Russian media said that the United States wanted to go to war with Russia; China launched a counter-espionage war; johnson changed his face again

At a press conference held by China's Ministry of National Defense on November 25, Senior Colonel Wu Qian, spokesman for the Ministry of National Defense, said that national security is not far from ordinary people, and even around everyone, everyone is a line of defense for national security, and it is necessary to strengthen national security awareness, strictly guard state secrets, and effectively safeguard national security. In response to the Defense Department's statement, the US media interpreted that the Chinese military is launching a "people's war" and carrying out counter-espionage operations.

In any case, national security issues cannot be ignored, and judging from the current international environment, China will face more and more security problems in the future, not only involving the military aspect, but also economic security should also be paid attention to. At the instigation of the United States and other Western countries, the risk of Chinese enterprises operating abroad is rising rapidly.

On November 26, Russian media said that the United States wanted to go to war with Russia; China launched a counter-espionage war; johnson changed his face again

On November 26, British Prime Minister Johnson confirmed that Chinese companies will be banned from participating in the investment and construction of critical infrastructure in the United Kingdom, such as the construction of new nuclear power plants. According to a British source familiar with the matter, the Johnson administration is withdrawing from a 2016 cooperation agreement with The Chinese nuclear power giant CGN, which means that Chinese companies investing in the UK have once again been deceived, and the UK has stabbed the Chinese company again.

Johnson claimed that critical infrastructure involving Britain's national security could not be built by Potential Rivals in Britain. In 2016, CGN and EDF reached an agreement on the construction of nuclear power plants, in which Chinese and French nuclear power companies will be responsible for the construction of the Hinkley Point C nuclear power project in the United Kingdom, and at the same time advance the work of the two major nuclear power plant projects of Sezwell C and Bradwell B.

On November 26, Russian media said that the United States wanted to go to war with Russia; China launched a counter-espionage war; johnson changed his face again

Under the agreement, CGN holds a 33% stake in the Hinkley Point C nuclear power project. Originally, the project went relatively smoothly, but after Trump took office, he launched a trade war against China, put many Chinese high-tech companies on the sanctions list, and used his influence to pressure allies to stop cooperating with Chinese companies. If the UK excludes CGN, The Relationship between China and the UK and the trade between the two countries will inevitably face unprecedented challenges.

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