
"Jane Eyre": A truly noble woman who can keep the low places of life

In 1847, the 31-year-old British writer Charlotte Brontë completed her autobiographical novel Jane Eyre.

As soon as the book was published, it caused a hurricane in the European literary scene in the 19th century.

The protagonist, Jane Eyre, has no family protection, no beautiful face, and is not favored by the god of luck.

She single-handedly broke into the world and struggled lonely at the bottom of society.

In a situation full of injustice, persecution and temptation, she guarded her soul and finally won the battle against the sky.

Life is a fluctuating curve, sometimes high, sometimes low.

Fate does not favor anyone, and everyone has a desperate moment of falling into the bottom like Jane Eyre.

But as long as we don't give up and don't bow our heads, one day we can all look at the dawn of the dawn.

Only a woman who keeps the low place of life deserves to have a noble life.


When encountering injustice, guard the girl's backbone

Jane Loves has had both of her parents died since she was a child and lives in the house of Uncle Reed.

When she was 9 years old, her uncle died, and she suddenly became a thorn in the eye of her aunt, Mrs. Reed, and began to suffer inhuman abuse.

She was confined to a hut and was not allowed to move around or talk to anyone else.

On this day, Mrs. Reed entertained the guests, and everyone dressed up in attendance, except Jane Eyre.

She seemed to be completely forgotten, until she was almost hungry, and she quietly crawled into the kitchen to find something to eat.

After eating a few slices of brown bread, she slipped into the study, picked up one of her favorite books, hid behind the curtains, and read it hungrily.

The afternoon sun poured down, and Jane Eyre flew away in a furry halo, her thoughts fluttering away.

"Where the hell did she hide?" That nasty wild kid! The sudden sound of insults pulled Jane Eyre back to reality.

She heard John push the door in and slammed it hard again.

She was just about to be glad that she had escaped the disaster, but suddenly she was dragged out from behind the curtain.

Cousin Eliza dragged Jane Eyre as she shouted as if she were catching prey: "She's here, come and see!" ”

Only to see John rush up with an arrow, kick down Jane Eyre, pull her hair and start hitting.

He also scolded: "You have no right to take our books." Mom said you are a person who depends on others to support you, you have no money, you should go and ask for food, why are you in our family? ”

Emaciated Jane Eyre was powerless, and she was slammed into the door by John until her head was bleeding and she was saved by the servants.

The aggrieved Jane Ai let out a cry of pain, and she resisted like crazy, holding John and wrestling together.

And this scene was seen by Mrs. Reed, who had heard the noise.

Jane's tragic situation, instead of arousing the sympathy of the wife, made her suffer several slaps.

"Lock her up!" Mrs. Reed said viciously.

Everyone thought that Jane Ai would beg for forgiveness, but this ten-year-old girl did not have the slightest fear and compromise in her eyes, but reflected a clever look.

She said to herself fiercely, "I will rebel to the end like any slave who resists." ”

She scolded her for her insulters and said to Mrs. Reed, "You have been cruel to me to the point of shame, you are no longer my aunt, I am leaving here!" ”

Jane Eyre understood that this sentence would immediately send herself to the orphan school.

But she did not regret it, and instead of living without dignity, it was better to fight for a breath on her own.

Weak, bullying, and strong dependence seem to be the stereotype of girls by many people.

In their view, once the girl loses her dependence, she will be like a rootless weed, fluttering with the wind.

However, there are always some girls who, even if they are whipped hard by the whip of bad luck, can still stand up with their chests up.

They would rather suffer more on their own than live in a nest and be at the mercy of others.


When life is down, keep your mind

One morning not long after, before dawn, Jane Eyre, alone, dragged her worn-out suitcase and boarded a carriage bound for Lowwood School.

When she arrived at school, she was almost stunned by the scene in front of her.

She saw eighty girls sitting on stools, each holding a Bible like a drug, smiling and confused.

If it weren't for the girls lining up to go to dinner after class, Jane Ai once thought it was a bunch of dummies.

Lowood School is a socially funded school, not to mention that there are few donations, and the only little funding is also managed by the administrator, Mr. Brock.

As a result, the girls still wear only single clothes in winter, and there are only disgusting porridge for three meals a day.

In addition to studying, they were asked to do handicrafts or go to the woods to collect firewood.

If anyone slackened off, immediately five or six stout women would surround them, loudly reprimanding or whipping them with wickers.

This is not the worst case scenario, the most terrible thing is the mental enslavement of girls in schools.

Mr. Brock, the manager, asked the girls to recite the Bible every day and carry out shameful "moral kidnapping" of the girls.

Here, once the girls laugh, they are seen as frivolous. The slightest resistance is scolded as ungrateful.

If you are afraid of cold and afraid of hunger and do not work, you will be put on the hat of coveting pleasure.

All of this made Jane Ai feel disgusted, and she did not want to live as a wooden person with no consciousness and no feelings.

Therefore, she took the initiative to talk to others, liked to discuss knowledge with teachers, and dared to express her own unique views.

On this day, Mr. Brock conducted a routine inspection, and the teachers and students of the whole school waited in strict formation.

Suddenly, Mr. Brock walked up to Jane Eyre and ordered someone to bring a high bench and put Jane Eyre up to stand.

He turned to everyone and said, "Look at this girl, she betrayed her aunt who raised her, she has been a thief since she was a child, and she has done all the bad things, and it can be said that her heart has been occupied by the devil." ”

After Jane Ai was humiliated in public, she suddenly collapsed, and she cried: "I have always been a good child, I want to win love and respect, why is it so difficult?" ”

After returning to the dormitory at night, her heart was extremely depressed, and she even thought of death.

Just then, the kind teacher, Miss Temple, leaned into Jane Eyre's ear and said:

"What kind of person you are, you have to prove it to yourself, and continue to be a good girl."

This sentence suddenly penetrated Jane Ai's mind.

Since then, she has calmed her mind and focused on cultivating herself.

She studied hard and studied hard, and eight years later, she became a retainer at Lowood School with outstanding grades.

Compared to Jane Eyre, the other girls were not so lucky, either dying of illness in depression or being sent out to marry at the end of the semester.

In the face of the downfall of life, Jane Eyre did not give up on herself in the repression and went with the flow, but silently exerted herself and clenched her teeth to survive.

Many times, it is not the ups and downs themselves that crush us, but the state of mind that has completely lost hope.

Especially for sensitive and thoughtful girls, in the face of unsatisfactory life, they are more likely to be at the mercy of the mood, tormented by emotions, and more likely to become vulnerable and confused.

Therefore, as a woman, the more helpless you are, the more you must remain independent, and the more you must keep your mind.

There is no one to help, just stand on their own;

Without a backer, you live yourself as a mountain.


In the face of temptation, guard the woman's bottom line

There is a classic line in the movie "The Shawshank Redemption":

"There are birds that are destined not to be kept in cages, and every feather of theirs shines with the radiance of freedom."

It is most appropriate to describe Jane Eyre in this sentence.

After being a teacher at Lowwood for several years, Jane Eyre felt that her life should have a broader world.

In an era when women's job search was generally not optimistic, she successfully obtained a position as a governess through the newspaper.

On the day she left Lowwood, she seemed to have escaped the curse of fate and flew like a bird to a freer world.

At The house of Her employer, Thornfield, she not only taught miss Warren, a schoolgirl, brilliantly, but also unexpectedly gained a sweet love.

She fell in love with the man of the house, Mr. Rochester, a rich and funny gentleman.

Jane Ai gladly accepted his marriage proposal, but on the wedding day, Heaven made a huge joke with Jane Ai.

Some people revealed that Rochester was a husband with a wife, and also cruelly locked the original wife in the attic.

Rochester hastily explained that his father had tricked him into marrying a woman with a family genetic disease because of his greed for money, and then the woman went crazy and locked her in the attic himself.

Although this explanation is nearly perfect, this matter is still like a thunderbolt on a sunny day, cutting off Jane's happiness.

Because in Jane Eyre's values, she will never allow herself to be the mistress of any man, even if this man can give her the life she wants most.

In this way, Jane Ai once again packed her bags and traveled alone, and she told the world with a stubborn back: People must have a bottom line when they are alive.

In the years that followed, she continued to work as a teacher at a village school, until After Rochester was widowed, Jane Eyre returned to him.

This time, in the respect and blessing of everyone, she entered the marriage hall and won the happiness that belonged to her.

The British writer Smyers once said:

"A man without principles and will is like a ship without a rudder and a compass, and he will be blown by the wind to change his direction at any time."

Sweet love and a happy marriage, for women, there is no shortage of temptation.

But things often happen, the more eager the heart, the easier it is to fall on your knees in front of temptation, and then disregard principles and lead to big mistakes.

And the truly noble person, no matter what the situation, can abide by the bottom line and keep his dignity.

"Jane Eyre": A truly noble woman who can keep the low places of life


The novel "Jane Eyre" has the classic structure of Western literature: hell, purgatory, heaven.

As soon as Jane Eyre was born, she was devastated by her low commitment; then she went out to study, and was crushed and fell into the abyss.

But she finally passed the test of fate and completed the counterattack of life.

In the process of rising up again and again and being beaten back to its original form, Jane Ai has never asked for forgiveness, accepted defeat, and did not compromise.

The tenacity in this bone is the protective shell given to her by God, protecting her out of danger, walking through confusion and towards happiness.

"The snow presses the branches low, although it is not low in the mud. When the sun rises, it is still in line with the sky. ”

In life, no matter who wants to soar, it is inseparable from the persistence of the lows and the strength of the lows.

Only by not bowing to fate can we have the opportunity to raise our heads; only by not succumbing to suffering can we turn defeat into victory.

The ups and downs of life are the norm, may we all enjoy the scenery from above, keep our hearts low, not afraid of grinding, and not lose our original intentions.

Author: Insight Jin Shan Yue

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