
Believe that when you start to love yourself, the whole world will love you

When you start to love yourself, the whole world will love you.

Why? Because when you learn to love yourself, your love is full, and you will naturally overflow your love to the people around you. That's why we always say that a person who doesn't love himself can't love others.

As the saying goes: "People always like to compare with others to see who is better than themselves and who is inferior to themselves." In fact, what sets the bottom for your troubles and sorrows is never the misfortune and pain of others, but your own happiness. ”

It is true that sometimes we always live in the eyes of others, always want to live the happiness that other people say, but in fact, the happiness we want is only obtained by ourselves.

Believe that when you start to love yourself, the whole world will love you

As the saying goes, "The multitude who pleases others, the king who pleases himself." "It's about people learning to please themselves, you have to know that making yourself happy is not in conflict with making others happy.

If your happiness is just blindly pleasing others, living for others. Sometimes what you give is not necessarily what the other person wants, because you don't know how to love yourself and how to love others.

Just as we want a good love, the first thing we have to learn is to start loving ourselves and using our love to warm and attract him. Instead of giving what you think you will give to get what you call love.

As we all know, the essence of love is attraction. Attract people who resonate with you. Instead of disparaging yourself to gain the liking of others.

Believe that when you start to love yourself, the whole world will love you

So, when you learn to love yourself, the whole world will love you, because when you learn to love yourself, you will also love others in the way you love yourself.

Just like a book I have read, the experience of Jane Eyre, the protagonist of the story, tells us what is the expression of loving ourselves. She lost both parents at a young age and was placed in foster care at her uncle's house. But soon after, my uncle also died.

So her aunt regarded her as a thorn in her eye, and the cousins in the family also bullied her, but Jane Ai did not give up, and later, she was sent to a very strict school, and it was in this school that she learned what is really to love herself.

These can be seen in Jane Eyre's experiences after she grew up. While Jane Eyre was working as a governess, she met Rochester, the owner of the estate. In the process of getting along, Jane Eyre slowly fell in love with Rochester.

Believe that when you start to love yourself, the whole world will love you

But when Jane Eyre learned that he had been married fifteen years ago, Jane Eyre chose to leave him. Because Jane Eyre knows how to love herself.

As she said to Rochester, "Do you think that if I am poor, lowly, unbeautiful, and small, I have no soul, no heart?" You're wrong, I have as many souls as you do, and just as fulfilling hearts. ”

Indeed, just like Jane Eyre, she knows how to love herself, and she does not exchange her dignity for so-called love, but has her own insistence on things.

Her experience also made us understand that loving ourselves is not to let ourselves lose the bottom line, nor to allow ourselves to indulge, but to know what we want to stick to.

After all, selfishness is not a sign of loving oneself. Truly loving yourself is not a matter of gain or loss in life. It's about seeing things. Love for oneself, and this love can also be projected on other people.

Believe that when you start to love yourself, the whole world will love you

Loving oneself is not selfishness, but being able to love others in the way you love yourself. In fact, if you think about it briefly, you will understand that a person who does not love himself and does not cherish himself, can you expect him to cherish you and cherish you?

The answer is yes, he will not cherish and cherish you, because he is cruel to himself, how can he be kind to you. A person must first be good to himself before he knows how to take care of others.

To give a very simple example, such as cooking, you need to learn to cook yourself first, so that you can cook for others to eat. We first need to be able to settle ourselves in order to be able to settle in other people.

So, from now on, from the moment on, love yourself well, and then pass on that love.

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