
Human weakness · How to better persuade others


When you have to criticize others, start like this

· The dentist will inject anesthesia before the tooth extraction, although the tooth extraction will be very painful, but the anesthetic will not be felt at all. In the same way, when we start criticizing others, we should also praise others

Reminders for side-tapping

· Tapping around to remind others of mistakes often yields good results, especially for those who are sensitive. This will not irritate them, nor will it lead to their rebuttal and resentment

Before criticizing others, reflect on yourself

· If people want to criticize others, start by reflecting and criticizing yourself. First, humbly admitting that you are deficient in many ways, and then sincerely pointing out other people's problems, so that the criticism of others is easily accepted

· If you use a few words to belittle yourself and praise others at the same time, you can make the grumpy and crazy person calm down and become a warm friend

No one likes to be pointed out

· You might think about doing it; you might want to try to do it better; how do you feel about it; if we write it this way, does it feel better?

· It can help others save face, but also give others a sense of respect; it is easy to get the cooperation of the other party in this way, and it is not easy to be rejected

· Ask questions in the same way that you ask; you can make commands more acceptable

Save face for others

· Saving face for others is an important issue. How many of us have stopped to think about this question? We don't care about the feelings of others, leave no room at all, just blame ourselves for other people's mistakes, and even intimidate, we often criticize our employees and children in front of others, without considering whether doing so will hurt other people's self-esteem

· Hurting someone's self-esteem is a crime, I don't have the right to criticize or blame others in front of others, what matters is not how I see him, but how he sees himself.

Encourage others to succeed through praise

· Everyone likes to be appreciated or affirmed by others, and they are willing to make great efforts to do it, but no one likes to make a scene, no one is interested in perfunctory flattery.

· Blame can only serve the smallest purpose, while praise works best

Learn to "wear a top hat" for others

· If you openly claim in front of everyone that someone has a certain point, give them a good reputation as the direction of their efforts, they will work harder to progress, because they do not want to see your hopes destroyed

· If someone respects you, or shows a lot of admiration for someone's specific abilities in a certain area, you can easily lead them

· If you want to have a virtue, start by pretending

Encouragement makes it easier for people to correct mistakes

· Being tolerant of other people's mistakes and encouraging them often can make things easier. Let others know that you have confidence in what he wants to do, he has a lot of potential, then he will sleep and forget to eat, and try to do his best.

Let others be willing to serve you

· Man is dominated by toys

· To achieve something, remember the following guidelines:

Don't make promises that can't be fulfilled

Remember exactly what you want the other person to do

Understand the feelings of others, think carefully about what the other person needs, forget your own interests, and pay more attention to the interests of others

Think about what others can get out of your advice

Connect what the other person needs with those benefits

Make a request and write down the benefits that can be brought to the other person

Discover yourself and be yourself

· All the troubles stemmed from myself, because I kept putting me in an inappropriate role

· The safest thing to do is to get rid of those who pretend as soon as possible

· The biggest mistake in the interview process is not to show your true face, not to be honest with each other, but to try to give you the answers they want

· In the process of receiving education, it will be found that jealousy is ignorance, and imitation is suicide. For better or worse, you must be yourself and play your role well.

· Don't imitate others, discover and be yourself

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