
Recommend several ways to eat chicken offal, and an essential artifact for eating and drinking

author:Ji food culture
Recommend several ways to eat chicken offal, and an essential artifact for eating and drinking

【Fresh and spicy cucumber fried chicken offal】


Chicken hearts: 10, milk cucumber: 2, chicken gizzards: 4, carrots: 80


Salt: appropriate amount; oil: appropriate amount; green onion and ginger: appropriate amount; sugar: 3; starch: appropriate; chicken essence: a little; red pepper: 4 pieces; garlic cloves: 4 grains; soy sauce: 25ml; pepper: appropriate amount

Specific steps

1. Prepare all the ingredients.

2. Wash and slice all the chicken gizzards and chicken hearts, add sugar, soy sauce, cooking wine, pepper, starch and mix well.

3. Cucumber, carrot washed and diced, chili shallot, ginger and garlic chopped.

4. In a wok, pour oil and sauté the peppers, shallots, ginger and garlic.

5. Pour in the chicken offal and stir-fry for a while.

6. Then add the carrots and stir-fry for a while.

7. Add raw soy sauce.

8. Add a little salt and sugar.

9. Add the diced cucumber and stir-fry.

10. Add the stir-fried chicken offal at the end.

11. Stir-fry again on high heat and stir-fry with a little chicken essence and turn off the heat.

Recommend several ways to eat chicken offal, and an essential artifact for eating and drinking

【Shanghai Fried Chicken Offal】

Chicken offal: 1 pair; chicken blood: 150; Shanghai Qing: 200

Oil: to taste, salt: to taste, cooking wine: to taste, corn starch: to taste

Step 1

Wash the chicken offal, cut into small pieces and marinate with salt, cooking wine and corn starch for about 15 minutes. Chicken blood, boiling water in a pot, boiling and then adding chicken blood, wait for the chicken blood to coagulate, take out, cut into small pieces. After cleaning and cutting into sections, pay attention to separating the leaf stem from the leaves.

Step 2

Stir-fry the chicken offal until the oil is 80% hot until it is broken. Raise another oil pan and sauté the Shanghai Aoba stalk when the oil is 80% hot.

Step 3

After the leaf stems are slightly soft, add the vegetable leaves and sauté together, then add the chicken offal, then add the chicken blood, add a little water and simmer for about 2 minutes. Cook, plate, serve, delicious Shanghai green fried chicken offal to eat.

Recommend several ways to eat chicken offal, and an essential artifact for eating and drinking

【Peas stir-fried chicken offal】

Chicken gizzards: 5; peas: 200g; chicken liver: 2

Chicken essence: a little; red pepper: 30g; salt: appropriate amount; soy sauce: 30ml; sugar: 3g; cooking wine: 20ml; starch: 3g; garlic cloves: 2; green pepper: 30g; green onion and ginger: appropriate amount

1. Wash the chicken gizzard and chicken liver.

2. Boil the water in a pot and add the peas to boil for 1 minute to cool.

3. Chicken gizzard and chicken liver slices are mixed with soy sauce, cooking wine, sugar and starch.

4. Finely chop green and red peppers, finely chop shallots, ginger and garlic.

5. Stir-fry the chives, ginger and garlic in oil in a wok.

6. Pour in the chicken offal and stir-fry until it changes color and set aside.

7. Then pour in the peas and stir-fry for a while.

8. Add raw soy sauce.

9. Add sugar and salt.

10. Then pour in the green and red peppers and stir-fry evenly.

11. Then pour the chicken offal together and stir-fry.

12. Drizzle with sesame oil.

13. Add a little chicken essence and stir-fry evenly.

Recommend several ways to eat chicken offal, and an essential artifact for eating and drinking

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