
Chef teaches you 3 kinds of chicken offal methods, spicy crispy also under the rice, the family directly called too fragrant This issue of the guide: the chef teaches you 3 kinds of chicken offal methods, spicy and crispy also under the rice, the family directly called too fragrant small fried chicken offal fried chicken gizzard salt water chicken liver

author:Chef Hui

#鸡杂可以做哪些好吃的美食 #

When we go to the market to buy live chickens for slaughter, there will always be chicken offal, such as chicken gizzards, chicken livers, chicken hearts, etc., and some people will feel that they have a heavy smell and even abandon them. In fact, chicken offal is a good thing, the elderly often say what to eat, beneficial to the body, and the taste of chicken gizzard is very unique, chicken liver is also relatively tender, discarded is too pity, if a chicken offal is not enough to do a portion, you can also buy a little chicken offal, chicken liver is also about 3 pieces of a pound, quite cheap, buy a little together, go home to process it, it is a good meal.

Today the chef will teach you the method of "turning waste into treasure", sharing 3 kinds of chicken offal eating methods, or crisp and delicious or spicy and thick, mainly compared to the next meal, it is indeed delicious, like friends quickly try to make it.

Chef teaches you 3 kinds of chicken offal methods, spicy crispy also under the rice, the family directly called too fragrant This issue of the guide: the chef teaches you 3 kinds of chicken offal methods, spicy and crispy also under the rice, the family directly called too fragrant small fried chicken offal fried chicken gizzard salt water chicken liver

Ingredients required: 100 grams of chicken hearts, 100 grams of chicken liver, 100 grams of chicken gizzards, 50 grams of chicken intestines, 4 millet spicy, 2 bell peppers, 4 cloves of garlic, 1 piece of ginger, 1 green garlic

Seasoning required: 2 grams of salt, 2 grams of monosodium glutamate, 2 grams of chicken essence, 2 grams of pepper, 50 grams of wild mountain pepper, 15 grams of spicy girl sauce, 15 grams of very fresh soy sauce, 15 grams of cooking wine, 5 grams of white wine, 3 grams of dark soy sauce, 2 grams of pepper oil, 5 grams of red oil, 2 grams of baking soda

Production process:

1: Cut the chicken intestines from the middle, rinse and wash with white wine for 2 minutes, then use baking soda to grasp and mix evenly, swell for about 10 minutes, and then rinse with running water. Chicken hearts washed and cut into thin slices, chicken liver removed from the gall and changed to thick slices, chicken gizzard washed and cut into thin slices, put together to add an appropriate amount of cooking wine to remove fishy, and then put in a little baking soda to catch and mix evenly, put in a little salt and pepper to marinate the bottom flavor, put a little corn starch on a little pulp, marinate for about ten minutes.

2: Cut the garlic into small cubes, peel the ginger and cut into small cubes, wash the garlic and cut into small pieces. Millet spicy and beauty pepper de-rooted washed and cut into pepper rings. Cut wild pepper into sections and set aside.

3: Add a little water to the wok on the heat, add a little cooking wine and salt, boil the chicken intestines and blanch them immediately.

4: Start the pot again and put in the appropriate amount of salad oil, cook about 40% of the heat, put in the chicken heart chicken liver chicken gizzard lubricating oil, about 30 seconds after the break of the raw pour out the oil control. Drizzle the chicken intestines in hot oil and pour the chicken offal together and drain the oil.

5: Leave a little bottom oil in the wok, add ginger and garlic to stir-fry, then add millet spicy and beauty pepper to stir-fry a few times, add spicy girl sauce and stir-fry on low heat, fry out the red oil, add wild pepper and stir-fry.

6, put in the chicken offal, open the high heat and stir-fry, cook the cooking wine to remove the fishy, add a little salt, soy sauce and stir-fry, then add MSG, chicken essence and pepper to taste, add a little old soy sauce color, quickly stir-fry evenly.

7, after stir-frying, add garlic and stir-fry a few times to pour in pepper oil to increase the flavor, red oil to enhance the flavor and color, out of the pot and plate.

Chef teaches you 3 kinds of chicken offal methods, spicy crispy also under the rice, the family directly called too fragrant This issue of the guide: the chef teaches you 3 kinds of chicken offal methods, spicy and crispy also under the rice, the family directly called too fragrant small fried chicken offal fried chicken gizzard salt water chicken liver

Ingredients needed: 500 grams of chicken gizzard, 1 piece of ginger, 5 cloves of garlic, 4 pieces of millet spicy, 10 grams of fungus, 1 piece of green shoots

Seasoning required: 1 g salt, 2 g monosodium glutamate, 2 g sugar, 10 g cooking wine, 1 g pepper, 5 g corn starch, 15 g fresh soy sauce, 15 g spicy girl sauce, 10 g spicy sauce, 5 g spicy fresh sauce, 2 g sesame oil

1. Use the hob to remove the hard skin of the chicken gizzard, then change the chicken gizzard into a cross knife and cut it into small pieces, rinse with water.

Chef teaches you 3 kinds of chicken offal methods, spicy crispy also under the rice, the family directly called too fragrant This issue of the guide: the chef teaches you 3 kinds of chicken offal methods, spicy and crispy also under the rice, the family directly called too fragrant small fried chicken offal fried chicken gizzard salt water chicken liver

2: Wash and peel the ginger and cut into diamond-shaped small ginger pieces, cut the garlic into small pieces, and wash and remove the roots and cut into pepper rings with millet spicy.

Chef teaches you 3 kinds of chicken offal methods, spicy crispy also under the rice, the family directly called too fragrant This issue of the guide: the chef teaches you 3 kinds of chicken offal methods, spicy and crispy also under the rice, the family directly called too fragrant small fried chicken offal fried chicken gizzard salt water chicken liver

3: Soak the fungus with water one hour in advance, tear the soaked fungus into small flowers, peel the green shoots and cut into diamond-shaped pieces.

Chef teaches you 3 kinds of chicken offal methods, spicy crispy also under the rice, the family directly called too fragrant This issue of the guide: the chef teaches you 3 kinds of chicken offal methods, spicy and crispy also under the rice, the family directly called too fragrant small fried chicken offal fried chicken gizzard salt water chicken liver

4: Soak the gizzard in water for about 10 minutes to drain the blood.

Chef teaches you 3 kinds of chicken offal methods, spicy crispy also under the rice, the family directly called too fragrant This issue of the guide: the chef teaches you 3 kinds of chicken offal methods, spicy and crispy also under the rice, the family directly called too fragrant small fried chicken offal fried chicken gizzard salt water chicken liver

5, after the chicken gizzard controls the dry water, put in a little salt, pepper and cooking wine to marinate the bottom flavor, and then put in the corn starch to grasp and mix evenly for sizing, marinate and sizing for about 10 minutes.

Chef teaches you 3 kinds of chicken offal methods, spicy crispy also under the rice, the family directly called too fragrant This issue of the guide: the chef teaches you 3 kinds of chicken offal methods, spicy and crispy also under the rice, the family directly called too fragrant small fried chicken offal fried chicken gizzard salt water chicken liver

6: Heat the wok over high heat, add an appropriate amount of salad oil, and when it is about 40% hot, add the chicken gizzard oil.

Chef teaches you 3 kinds of chicken offal methods, spicy crispy also under the rice, the family directly called too fragrant This issue of the guide: the chef teaches you 3 kinds of chicken offal methods, spicy and crispy also under the rice, the family directly called too fragrant small fried chicken offal fried chicken gizzard salt water chicken liver

7: Grease for about 30 seconds, see the chicken gizzard change color, put in the fungus and green shoot slices over the oil, and then fish out the drainage oil.

Chef teaches you 3 kinds of chicken offal methods, spicy crispy also under the rice, the family directly called too fragrant This issue of the guide: the chef teaches you 3 kinds of chicken offal methods, spicy and crispy also under the rice, the family directly called too fragrant small fried chicken offal fried chicken gizzard salt water chicken liver

8: Leave a little oil in the wok, add ginger, garlic and millet spicy sauté a few times, and stir-fry with a small heat to bring out the aroma.

Chef teaches you 3 kinds of chicken offal methods, spicy crispy also under the rice, the family directly called too fragrant This issue of the guide: the chef teaches you 3 kinds of chicken offal methods, spicy and crispy also under the rice, the family directly called too fragrant small fried chicken offal fried chicken gizzard salt water chicken liver

9: Add the spicy girl sauce and spicy sauce and stir-fry the red oil over low heat, add the appropriate amount of spicy fresh sauce to enhance the flavor and add freshness, stir-fry a few times. If there is no spicy fresh sauce at home, you can leave it alone.

Chef teaches you 3 kinds of chicken offal methods, spicy crispy also under the rice, the family directly called too fragrant This issue of the guide: the chef teaches you 3 kinds of chicken offal methods, spicy and crispy also under the rice, the family directly called too fragrant small fried chicken offal fried chicken gizzard salt water chicken liver

10: Add the chicken gizzards and ingredients, cook a little cooking wine along the side of the pot to remove the fish, turn on the high heat and stir-fry for a while.

Chef teaches you 3 kinds of chicken offal methods, spicy crispy also under the rice, the family directly called too fragrant This issue of the guide: the chef teaches you 3 kinds of chicken offal methods, spicy and crispy also under the rice, the family directly called too fragrant small fried chicken offal fried chicken gizzard salt water chicken liver

11: Sauté in an appropriate amount of soy sauce, then add a little salt, monosodium glutamate, sugar and pepper to taste. Season with fresh soy sauce and don't put too much salt.

Chef teaches you 3 kinds of chicken offal methods, spicy crispy also under the rice, the family directly called too fragrant This issue of the guide: the chef teaches you 3 kinds of chicken offal methods, spicy and crispy also under the rice, the family directly called too fragrant small fried chicken offal fried chicken gizzard salt water chicken liver

12: Stir-fry evenly, pour in a little sesame oil to increase the flavor, stir-fry well and then you can put it on the plate.

Chef teaches you 3 kinds of chicken offal methods, spicy crispy also under the rice, the family directly called too fragrant This issue of the guide: the chef teaches you 3 kinds of chicken offal methods, spicy and crispy also under the rice, the family directly called too fragrant small fried chicken offal fried chicken gizzard salt water chicken liver

Ingredients needed: 1,000 grams of chicken liver, 1 green onion, 1 piece of ginger, 2 cloves of garlic, 1 spicy millet

Seasoning: 10 grams of salt, 2 grams of chicken essence, 10 grams of soy sauce, 5 grams of aged vinegar, 2 grams of sugar, 1 gram of sesame oil, 5 grams of red oil, 10 grams of white wine, 10 grams of cooking wine, 2 star anise, 10 peppercorns, 2 grams of cinnamon

Chef teaches you 3 kinds of chicken offal methods, spicy crispy also under the rice, the family directly called too fragrant This issue of the guide: the chef teaches you 3 kinds of chicken offal methods, spicy and crispy also under the rice, the family directly called too fragrant small fried chicken offal fried chicken gizzard salt water chicken liver

1, chicken liver to remove the bitter bile, rinse with water, and then soak with water and a little white wine for about half an hour to remove the blood inside. Wash and cut the green onion into shallots, wash and cut the ginger into slices, pat the garlic into small pieces, and wash and chop the millet spicy root and set aside.

2: Add some water to the wok over high heat, pour in a little cooking wine, add shallots and ginger slices, then add peppercorns, star anise, cinnamon, and finally add chicken liver and add a little more salt.

3: Bring to a boil over high heat and reduce heat, skim off the foam, open the lid and cook for about 10 minutes, turn off the heat and simmer for 10/15 minutes.

4: Prepare a small bowl and put the minced garlic and millet spicy into the bowl. Pour in soy sauce, aged vinegar, sugar, sesame oil and a little red oil and stir well to dip.

5, do not use a knife to cut the chicken liver, directly break into small pieces and plate, with dipping sauce on the table.

Hello everyone, today's dish is not salty, the taste is just right, I am Hui Ge. I am a catering person who has been engaged in the catering industry for many years, likes to study cooking techniques, and is willing to exchange management experience, and friends in need can pay attention to me. Want to know more cooking tips and catering industry knowledge can leave a message to communicate, there are different suggestions can also be commented on the comment area to discuss, thank you for reading and support! 【Original content Plagiarism must be investigated】

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