
How to make spicy seeds in oil

author:Beef bucket bowl dining

Bull Bowl Catering Combat Training Base - Oil Spicy Seeds

Today, teach everyone to make the oil spicy seeds in Chongqing small noodles.

How to make spicy seeds in oil

First prepare a scale and weigh the required materials.

Preparation: Yamana 11.1 g, Star anise 6.7 g, Fragrant Fruit 6 g, Cinnamon 8.5 g, Cloves 6.8 g, Grass Fruit 3.1 g (seeded), Fragrant Leaves 9.7 g, Cumin 7.9 g. Place these weighed ingredients in a bowl. Soak in water for half an hour in advance. Then filter out the spices and set aside.

Preparation: 58 grams of ginger slices, 60 grams of onion, 54 grams of minced garlic, 8.8 grams of chicken essence, 39.6 grams of large ingredient powder, 56 grams of white sesame seeds, 23.5 grams of vinegar, 188.3 grams of extremely fresh soy sauce, 135.1 grams of bullet pepper, 132.2 grams of millet pepper, 133.5 grams of two wattle peppers.

Add a little oil into the pot, add the two thorn strips, the bullet head, the pepper, stir-fry over low heat, and fry until the peppers begin to turn yellow and turn black locally. Then pour it out to cool off and set aside. Place the cooled chili peppers in a stone mortar and mash them for later (remember not to mash too much). Add garlic, chicken essence, large ingredient powder and extremely fresh soy sauce to the chili pepper, stir well and set aside.

Add rapeseed oil into the pot, first use high heat to burn the oil to 240 degrees, then wait for the oil temperature to drop to 180 degrees, add ginger slices, onions, spices, slow fry over low heat, let the aroma of the spices blend into the oil, and then fish out the residue, wait for the oil temperature to be about 170 degrees, pour one-third of the oil into the chili noodles, (pay attention to safety when pouring oil) and then put in the sesame seeds. Take another third of the oil. The waves are inside the peppers. Stir to combine. When the oil temperature is about 150 degrees, pour all the remaining oil into it. Then add vinegar. Stir to combine.

Today's oil splash pepper is ready, is not very simple. I don't know, but it tastes delicious! There is no one-size-fits-all formula, just for learning and communicating!

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