
"The writing is good, but the mood is humble." What do you think of Mr. Yang Dai's evaluation of Zhang Ailing?

author:The text is like smoke

Inscription: The name Zhang Ailing, like the novel "Dream of the Red Chamber", many people know, but how many people have really read it, and how many people can really read it?

I didn't watch the movie "First Incense", and the previous series "Half Life" watched a few episodes, and it was over. In fact, Zhang Ailing's works are more suitable for looking at the original work, looking at the silent bits and pieces between the lines.

"The writing is good, but the mood is humble." What do you think of Mr. Yang Dai's evaluation of Zhang Ailing?

Poster for the movie "The First Incense"

Mr. Yang Dai once commented on Zhang Ailing, she said: I think you all look at Zhang Ailing too highly, I have prejudice against her, my niece and Zhang are both students of St. Mary's Girls' School, my niece said that Zhang Ailing is going to be in the limelight, deliberately dressed strangely, want to attract people, but she looks very ugly, a face of "peanut rice" (youth beans), classmates look down on her. To be fair, she's well-written. But the mood is humble.

I will not comment on this passage here, only Zhang Ailing's writing, I think Zhang Ailing's writing is very related to the polarization of her personality. On the one hand, it is the arrogance in the bones, on the other hand, the humility in the heart, so the works written are also very labeled, and the average person cannot simulate it, let alone transcend it.

"The writing is good, but the mood is humble." What do you think of Mr. Yang Dai's evaluation of Zhang Ailing?

Stills from the movie "Color Ring"

When it comes to Zhang Ailing's works, I still want to start with her and Hu Lancheng's love. From love at first sight to wishful thinking, from deep affection to gradually drifting away, from seeking perfection to complete parting. As she said, "Love will end when it's over, and when the time comes, you can't end it if you don't want to end it." Love, turned out to be a laughing drink of poisonous wine. ”

Through words, we can understand it like this: true love is devoted to the whole body, not hitting the south wall and not looking back; such emotions have become grains of character, stories, hidden in her works, one after another. And all these artistic conceptions are lamentable, cannot be ignored, and are difficult for others to surpass.

"The writing is good, but the mood is humble." What do you think of Mr. Yang Dai's evaluation of Zhang Ailing?

Reading Zhang Ailing's works, a glance can only be regarded as a formality, and to say that it is not good is to read a lonely. If you want to read Zhang Ailing, you must have considerable endurance, you must have a heart that is good at meditation, to put it bluntly, the more delicate and profound, so don't read it if you are not sure, otherwise you cannot enter the state.

Readers with hearts can find that zhang Ailing's words are meticulous and have their own unique side of their observation of life, which is not only sharp-eyed, but also fantastic, coupled with her living environment and background, as well as the innate sensitivity to art and the uniqueness of literary expression, ordinary people are really beyond reach.

"The writing is good, but the mood is humble." What do you think of Mr. Yang Dai's evaluation of Zhang Ailing?

A TV series adapted from Zhang Ailing's novel "Half Life"

To use a simple sentence: reading Zhang Ailing's works, I will think of a word that is "sound east and west", but how can readers who are impetuous and not perceptive enough really enter Zhang Ailing's works themselves, let alone understand the role.

Zhang Ailing's pen, even if it is an inconspicuous small role, is also full of three-dimensional, but unfortunately on the screen it seems too flat. I can't help but admit that when "pearls and jade" become a "paper person", the value of appreciation will also be greatly reduced, so I don't like to watch the film and television dramas made by Zhang Ailing's works.

"The writing is good, but the mood is humble." What do you think of Mr. Yang Dai's evaluation of Zhang Ailing?

Stills from the TV series Half-Life

I thought that if I really wanted to read Zhang Ailing, I had to go into her works, and just go to the screen and there were some so-called "biographies" to find out, which was definitely not enough, because it was Zhang Ailing in the minds of others, and it was Zhang Ailing who was stereotyped after round after round of peeling and dismantling.

In this strange human world, no one can live a smooth life. But I always believe that after walking through the Pinghu Lake, the mountains and rivers, those who have gone through all the disasters and tasted all kinds of tastes will be more vivid and clean.

As an "outlier" in the history of modern Chinese literature, Zhang Ailing, who has had a genius dream since childhood, has such a passage in her "Own Article": There is no war and no revolution in my works. I thought that when people were in love, they were more simple and more relaxed than in war or revolution.

"The writing is good, but the mood is humble." What do you think of Mr. Yang Dai's evaluation of Zhang Ailing?

From this, I thought that Zhang Ailing was in love with the work in the process of writing, and she even integrated herself into the work at any cost, and put all her efforts into the creation. From this, there are many unique, natural and infectious works that have been circulated to the world and presented to her fans and readers who are passionate about literary creation.

Zhang Ailing said: "If you like a person, you will be humbled to the dust and then blossom." In fact, Zhang Ailing's love for literature, why not? (Image from the Internet)

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