
What are the cuisines of Gansu Tianshui? Don't tell me, you only know the surface of the pulp

author:XiaoWu food taste

Mention Gansu Tianshui, everyone has a better impression of it. Longshang Xiaojiangnan, beautiful scenery, suitable climate. Because of the suitable climatic conditions, it is definitely the top in Gansu. It is also a well-known tourist city in China, Maiji Mountain and Immortal Cliff, every year there will be a large number of tourists to come, in addition to the beautiful scenery, Tianshui cuisine has to say!

What are the cuisines of Gansu Tianshui? Don't tell me, you only know the surface of the pulp

Tianshui rice dumpling cake

I remember when I was a child, on the weekend, my mother would take it to the alleyway entrance, a sugar oil cake, a plate of rice cake, it was not too delicious.

Ingredients: glutinous rice honey red dates brown sugar rice dumpling leaves

Step: 1 I want to soak the glutinous rice. (I tried, four hours on it, sometimes, not in a hurry, soak in a day can also be)

2 Pots that are not too hot, add honey, heat over low heat and let the honey melt

3 Add the soaked glutinous rice, then add the brown sugar water and turn it over constantly.

4 Sauté for a few minutes, then start spreading into a plate, a layer of red dates, a layer of sautéed glutinous rice

5 Spread the rice dumplings in a steamer, then put them on a plate and start steaming. After steaming for 40 minutes, I added another layer of brown sugar water, not past the glutinous rice (this is the method I tried a few times, this is softer and suitable for my taste), and then steamed for another 40 minutes.

6 Uncover, let cool, and eat!

What are the cuisines of Gansu Tianshui? Don't tell me, you only know the surface of the pulp

Tip: 1 Rice dumplings should also be soaked in advance!

2 Brown sugar will dissolve more easily with boiling water.

3 Ratio is actually nothing specific, love to eat sweet, just put more brown sugar water, dates and honey

Noodle fish fish

What are the cuisines of Gansu Tianshui? Don't tell me, you only know the surface of the pulp

As a northwestern person, noodle fish is a refreshing snack specialized in Tianshui.

Ingredients: Flour Corn or soba noodles alkali a small rub

Step: 1 The ratio of wheat flour to cornmeal is about 5:2, and the cornmeal is easy to cook and the taste is good

2 Add water and stir

3 Stir well, very smooth without particles

4 The pot should be brushed with a layer of oil in advance, and it is not easy to stick to the pan

5 Boiling water with a little alkali, the batter is easy to clump

6 Pour the batter into boiling water and stir quickly, stirring without stopping

7 This process is very tiring, the hands are cramping, let it bubble, grunt. The color has changed. Lasts about forty minutes because the cornmeal is not easily ripe. As soon as the raw water was released, it dispersed

8 Spoon and funel for the noodle fish. Prepare a basin of cold water

9 Quickly multiply the batter from the pan into the colander, press the batter with a spoon to let the batter flow to the cold water, and continue until the batter is all leaked

10 Toppings to play on your own! Spicy and sour, sweet and sour can be, cool and appetizing

What are the cuisines of Gansu Tianshui? Don't tell me, you only know the surface of the pulp

My family's braised hemp food

What are the cuisines of Gansu Tianshui? Don't tell me, you only know the surface of the pulp

Since childhood, I like to eat hemp food, it is estimated that it is the reason why I love to eat vegetables, cooked hemp food with a little balsamic vinegar oil spicy seeds, eat a bowl of immediately warm up the whole body

Ingredients: Flour 200g water 100g beans 150g old tofu 90g

Dried shiitake mushrooms, dried yellow flowers, dried fungus 40g tomatoes 150g green vegetables 2 eggs

Light soy sauce 30g dark soy sauce 15g peppercorn powder 5g salt 10g pepper to taste tomato sauce


Step 1 First use a bread machine and noodles, or your own hand and, and to the dough tri-light, let the dough cover the damp cloth loose, and soak the three dried vegetables in warm water

2 Peel and cut the tomatoes into small pieces

3 Don't diced vegetables too much, and cut the dried vegetables into small cubes

4 Add a little more oil in the pot and stir-fry the diced vegetables slightly

5 Add dried vegetables and tomatoes, if the tomatoes are not ripe enough, add the right amount of ketchup, it will make the color better and the color more intense. Add all the spices to the pan and stir-fry for about 5 minutes

6 Add enough water, keep the dish flat, and let it continue to cook until the potatoes are cooked before turning off the heat

7 While cooking, take the dough out and press it flat, and roll out with a rolling pin to form such a thick circle

8 Cut long strips with a knife, take a noodle in your hand, and pull out a small piece slightly larger than a soybean

9 Press down on your thumb and rub your fingers forward to the end to allow the dough to bend into a poke shape

10 During the operation, be sure to put more dry flour and place the kneaded hemp food sticking,

11 Put a little water in the pot, do not put too much, less than half of the water below

12 After the water has boiled, add the rubbed hemp food, stir with a spoon to prevent sticking, and cook for about 5 minutes. Seeing that the hemp food is obviously enlarged, you can put the dish

13 Add the sautéed vegetables and stir well to cook them together. It takes about 10 minutes to let the flavor of the vegetables into the hemp food

14 Put in a bowl and add parsley, balsamic vinegar, oil and spicy seeds, stir well and eat

What are the cuisines of Gansu Tianshui? Don't tell me, you only know the surface of the pulp

Tianshui's hemp food, the family are slightly different, I am vegetarian, you can also add diced meat to make meat, the type of dish by yourself, eggplant, bean sprouts, soybeans, peanuts and rice can be added

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