
Supermaxilla Specialty Hotel Signature Dish - Pulp Water Fish Preparation Method Explained in Detail

author:The kitchen of the old Lin family
Supermaxilla Specialty Hotel Signature Dish - Pulp Water Fish Preparation Method Explained in Detail

Syrup Water Fish This is a special new dish that brings together the wisdom of several great chefs. This dish is prepared using innovative culinary techniques. A special way is used to combine the refreshing and aromatic effect of the heat relief with the very sour and spicy sauerkraut fish in the hot summer. This dish sells crazy straight and it's definitely a big dish in the summer. Because this dish is not only unique in flavor, but most importantly, it has a cooling function that other dishes do not have. Nowadays people eat vegetables not only in taste. For example, beauty. Moisturize the lungs. Additional features such as heat relief. So it's no surprise that the popularity of this dish is no surprise

In the hot summer, you should make some "ice cold", "cool", heat-relieving dishes, such as "ice cold aloe vera" to detoxify and nourish the face, "white ear watermelon soup" that cools the lungs, "eight treasure mung bean porridge" to relieve the heat, and "shrimp glue stuffed cold melon" that reduces the fire. When making dishes, attention should be paid to the disinfection and cleaning process of raw materials to avoid food poisoning. In terms of raw material selection, the more abundant melons, fruits, vegetables and condiments with a cool taste in summer will add a lot of color to summer dishes. In central Gansu, almost every family has the habit of eating pulp water, especially in summer, with a sour fragrance and cooling, heat relief effect of the pulp water has naturally become the favorite of the locals. Later, I combined the cooking technique of "sauerkraut fish" in Sichuan cuisine with the local people's habit of eating syrup water to create a new dish - "sauerkraut fish". Because of its cool color, spicy and sour taste, and tender fish, it has been popular with local diners as soon as it was introduced.

Slurry water fish

Supermaxilla Specialty Hotel Signature Dish - Pulp Water Fish Preparation Method Explained in Detail

Raw materials: grass carp 1500 g, syrup water 1000 g, syrup water vegetable 100 g.

Seasoning: 10 grams of chopped green onion, 2 grams of ginger slices, 50 grams of dried bell peppercorns, 5 grams of green peppercorns, 7 grams of salt, 8 grams of monosodium glutamate, 5 grams of chicken essence, 20 grams of large oil, 30 grams of salad oil, 30 grams of egg whites, 20 grams of wet corn starch.

Production: 1, grass carp slaughter, scraping scales, gills, remove internal organs, wash, use a knife to remove fish bones (spare), fish skin, large thorns, change the net meat into a thick 0.2 cm, length 3 cm, width 2 cm large pieces, add salt 2 grams, MSG 3 grams marinate for 5 minutes, put in egg whites, wet corn starch sizing and set aside; pulp water vegetables change the knife into small segments. 2, add large oil to the pot on the heat, burn until 70% hot, add ginger slices to simmer incense, fry the fish bones for 3 minutes until slightly colored, add the slurry water and simmer for 10 minutes, remove the fish bones and pour in the syrup water vegetables and fish fillets and heat for 5 minutes until the fish is white, put the chicken essence to season and then put it into the pot and put it into the container. 3: Put salad oil in the pot, when it is 70% hot, add green peppercorns and dried bell peppercorns and sauté for 10 minutes, pour on the surface of the fish, sprinkle with green onions and serve.

Features: The soup is sour and fresh, the pulp and water taste are prominent, and the fish is smooth and tender after eating.

The key to production: the fish bones must be fried in large oil, after adding the slurry water, it must be slowly boiled over low heat to dissolve the umami taste of the fish bones into the pulp water.

Preparation method: Raw materials: lotus vegetables (i.e. cabbage) with green leaf part 1500 grams, small bean sprouts, green onions 1000 grams each, celery 500 grams, potato shredded 300 grams, water 35 kg, flour 300 grams, pulp water old yeast 1000 grams.

Preparation: 1, lotus vegetables cut into strips, green onion, celery are cut into 0.5 cm long segments; Bring water to a boil in a pot, blanch the cut ingredients and bean sprouts in water for 1 minute, remove and place in a jar. 2, add 200 grams of water to the flour, stir well into a thinner noodle juice, pour the noodle juice into the boiling water of the boiling vegetables and stir well, pour all into the jar of vegetables to dry to 35 ° C, sizing the old leaven water and cover the altar cover, wrap the fermentation with cotton cloth. Generally, it can be fermented for 2 days in summer and 3-4 days in winter. When making pulp water for the first time, the pulp water old yeast can be replaced by 250 grams of hair noodle water (hair noodle water is to put 250 grams of hair noodles in 6-8 pounds of warm water at 40 ° C, so that it can be dissolved to take its face water).

Supermaxilla Specialty Hotel Signature Dish - Pulp Water Fish Preparation Method Explained in Detail

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