
Mix with the soup with the slurry water

author:Long Right Farmer

Syrup water mixed with soup is a common food of Tianshui people. Dignitaries, peddlers, and housewives of every household are masters of making soup, even if they follow the gentleman's far kitchen man and make soup, they will not lose the towel.

Spring bitter bitter vegetables are the best ingredients for making pulp water, and the bitter bitter vegetables that have just exposed three or four fresh leaves on the ground are the best - after the spring wind, the bitter bitter vegetables that rest for a winter are riveted and rushed out of the ground. Carry a small basket, bring a small shovel, pick up a basket in a short time, go home and wash it, control the moisture, or slightly dry it. Then set fire to half a pot of boiling water, put the bitter bitter vegetables into the pot, after the first time the water is boiled, it is fished with a basket, and the drainage water can be put into the slurry tank, and after three or four days, it can be eaten. Water is often added after meals, and pulp is made in the spring. The slurry water needs to be cast at two ends for three days, every three to five minutes, to maintain the best umami taste. Lazy people can't make delicious slurry.

Mixing soup is a technical task, in a bowl or a small basin, using a pair of chopsticks to mix the flour into a soft and even, delicate and lingering dough, it takes years of hard work. When I was in high school, in addition to learning the number of words, I learned the kung fu of mixing soup with a hand -- grabbing a few handfuls of wheat flour cornmeal in the bowl, beating an egg into it, dripping warm water, stirring a few times three times five divided by two, and the soup with even particles was formed, like flowers blooming in the bowl. To be someone else, not only to stir it repeatedly in a bowl, but also to pour it on the board and chop it for half a day.

Flour becomes soup, like a woman who is about to pass by, and leeks are the best dowry. Syrup water and leeks are the best food partners. Leeks are warm, slurry is cold, and the two are mutually beneficial, nourishing yin and yang. Pluck a few leeks from the yard and wash them, pick a few red peppers from under the eaves, cut into thin wires, stir-fry in hot oil, the spicy flavor is scattered, and the leeks are charming. Served on the plate, fine red and green, red and green, very tempting! In one meal, there is such a plate of small dishes with good color and taste, and there are also a few more festive meals.

The next process is "boiling" - cut a few slices of ginger, garlic slices, prepare a few peppercorns, shredded peppers, and set aside in a small bowl. Then lean down and add firewood to the stove to keep the fire on fire. Pour the oil into the pan – preferably freshly squeezed flax oil, and after the oil is hot, fry the peppercorns to a brown so that the aroma of the peppercorns is completely integrated with the hot oil. Then gently drain the peppercorns, then put the ginger into the pot, sauté the aroma, then add the garlic slices of chili pepper shreds and stir-fry quickly, until the garlic slices appear burnt, pour in the pulp water - this is called the simmering water. After the slurry boils, it is served in a bowl, and the heat is stirred, and the aroma comes to the nose.

Don't worry, start making soup right away! Wash the pot, put water into the pot and burn it! At this time, don't be idle, stretch your waist, and then cut a potato, cut it into a small cube of one centimeter square, put it in a pot, and boil the water. After the pot is boiled, turn to low heat for two or three minutes. Pick up the long-awaited noodles and stir them a few more times to prevent the noodles from sticking to each other and forming large lumpy dough. Then the lid of the pot is lifted and a burst of steam disperses. Pick up the basin, gently stir with one hand, rotate counterclockwise along the pan, and spread the dough evenly into the pan from the steam. Then pick up the spoon, gently turn the pot clockwise twice, pause briefly after the pot is opened, so that the dough is cooked thoroughly, and then pour in the pulp water and stir well - the pulp water mixed with the soup can be served.

The taste that is generated is nourished by the mouth, and the food that young children often eat is nature after adulthood. After decades of drinking syrup and mixing soup, I still haven't drunk enough! In the year of destiny, the more I like it, and when I see it, I will drink it and my stomach will be round. Once traveled to Tianshui, in a hotel drank more than a dozen small bowls of syrup water mixed with soup, until the waiter on the side was surprised - I have seen someone who can drink syrup water mixed with soup, but I have never seen such a guest who can drink, half a day is stunned on the side. She is not afraid to drink the hotel to loss. I'm just afraid to drink me up. So later, when I stayed in this hotel, the waiter stood in front of the soup pot and brought it to me bowl after bowl.

Little away from home, the taste of the countryside is difficult to change. Unconsciously it is winter, ordinary people, do not expect lamb soup to fill the belly, just make a pot of pulp water mixed with soup to eat it! Sit cross-legged on the hot kang, grab a plate of pickles, and drink a bowl of hot water!

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