
Gansu specialty noodles - introduction and practice of pulp water surface

author:Half-life - juvenile

I think there must be very few people who have heard of pulp water surface, especially southerners, because pulp water surface is only popular in Gansu and Shaanxi provinces, and it is a very distinctive noodle, which I like very much.

The characteristics of the pulp water surface are not in the noodles, but in the pulp water, the noodles are ordinary hand-rolled noodles, as long as the strength is good, and this pulp water has said. I don't know when and where the pulp water originated, there are some online information about the origin of the pulp water surface, but none of them can be confirmed. According to my guess, slurry water is something that arises by chance. Simply put, it is a soup made from a mixture of vegetables, water, and starch that has a sour taste and a special fragrance, but I don't know exactly what bacteria are at work. Must be the ancients in the vegetable soup when left some, forgot to deal with, wait a while to see, found that has been sour, thought can not eat, but in curiosity to taste, found that the taste is fine, some sour, but there is a special fragrance, after drinking cool and refreshing, quench thirst and relieve the heat, so this soup was retained. Probably because this soup is slightly cloudy and mixed with vegetable leaves, it is called pulp water.

Now the practice of slurry water is basically fixed, which is very simple to say, but it is a job that requires experience. First prepare what you need, in fact, there are three things, boiling water, vegetables, generally speaking, celery, cabbage is the best, celery made out of the pulp water with a special aroma. These two vegetables are chosen because they are resistant to foaming, not easy to soften and become cotton, eat crisp and raw, very delicious, and if it is cabbage, it is not resistant to foaming, it is easy to become soft and collapsed, radish can also be, but the smell after fermentation is unbearable. Finally, there is the pulp water primer, which is actually the pulp water, adding this is the introduction of fungi, to help fermentation, this and do yogurt to make rice wine is a truth, always need a primer. With all that's left, it's easy to cut the vegetables and put them in a large vat, and then pour boiling water into it, some like celery, put it in the water and pour it in with the cooked soup, so that it's easier to ferment. Finally, pour in the slurry water primer, cover the lid, try to seal it as much as possible, and you will be finished. It should be noted that in this process, it is necessary to keep it clean, not to see the meat, nor to see other seasonings, otherwise it will affect the fermentation and fall short. Even if the method is so simple, but the taste of the pulp made by different people is still different, and some people even do not do it well according to this method, which requires experience. There are also some people who like to add some starch or something in it, which is easy to ferment, but the soup is cloudy and looks like there is no appetite, which I don't like. Some people make the pulp more sour, and even mix it with white vinegar, which is the most annoying to me, because although the pulp of white vinegar is sour, it is not authentic, and the sour taste of not natural fermentation is far from the sour taste naturally formed by the pulp water, and the difference is very different.

Mom came from Hedong and made a good hand of pulp water. The syrup she makes, the soup is clear, the vegetables are crisp, the sour taste is authentic, the aroma is unique, and it is the best in the pulp water. In the hot summer, drink a bowl of sour and delicate perfumed water, quench your thirst, go to the summer and defeat the fire, and be refreshing. Some people put the slurry water in the refrigerator in the summer, as the best drink in the summer, in the hometown of Gansu Jiuquan, the syrup water is also extremely popular. The method of pulping water surface is very simple, and the things that need to be prepared are also very simple, and it is most suitable for green onions or garlic seedlings, coriander, pulp water, noodles, and hand-rolled noodles. First put a little oil in the pot, when the oil is seven ripe, add the chopped green onion or garlic seedlings, fry until golden brown, after the aroma comes out, pour the pulp water in, boil, add salt, and finally add the chopped coriander to taste. This process is called stewed water in our place, and after such a boil, the pulp water immediately completes a gorgeous turn, from the pure acid of raw pulp water to the taste of cooked pulp water, both sour and fragrant. At this time, the next bowl of mom's best hand-rolled noodles, pour in the boiled slurry water (it is best to let it cool), a bowl of authentic slurry water surface is born. The soup is clear, with layers of oil flowers floating on it, and the fragrance of coriander mixed with the strange aroma of pulp water is very attractive. Take a big bite of the noodles, sour and refreshing, drink a mouthful of syrup in the bowl, the taste is endless, at this time there is a plate of oiled pickled leeks is more perfect. Because of this sourness, people's appetite is greatly opened, unconsciously two large bowls under the belly, even the soup with water, not a drop left, very refreshing.

In addition to making this kind of pulp water surface, there are other ways to eat the pulp water. My favorites are syrup steamed rice and syrup water fish. These two ways of eating are also unique to our side, and the rice is actually cooked batter, but it is less watery and harder. The method is also very simple, boil a pot of boiling water in the pot, constantly add corn flour in it, stir, and wait until it is mushy and the aroma is emitted. Put it cooler, and then pour it with a good cool slurry, use chopsticks to eat a piece, the unique aroma of corn flour plus the sourness of the pulp water, it is also a kind of human delicacy. Syruped rice is a unique way to eat whole grains, which is not only delicious, but also has the effect of removing oil from the body and enhancing the digestive function of the intestines. And the slurry water fish method is a bit cumbersome, first to reconcile the noodles, put in the water to wash, this process in our side is called washing cold powder, in fact, is to wash the starch in the noodles into the water, the rest is protein, commonly known as gluten, also very delicious. Cook the washed starch in a pot and stir it constantly, just like the way to make rice, and when it is glued into a paste, it is almost cooked. When all this is done, there is only one key step left, find a colander with a large hole, pour the still mushy cold powder into the colander while it is hot, let it flow down the small hole, followed by a basin of cold water, the magical scene is born, the cool powder that falls into the cool water basin instantly solidifies, forming a small strip of cool powder like a tadpole shape, just like a small rain, so it is called fish fish. Fish out the fish in the water, pour on the cool slurry water, the fish is incredibly powerful, q bouncy smooth, with the sourness of the sizing water, the taste is simply wonderful.

The method of pulp water surface is simple, the ingredients are easy to obtain, the taste is unique, and the aftertaste is endless. And the pulp water is a good thing, there is a heat to reduce fire, increase appetite, eliminate fatigue, restore physical strength, is really a rare soup in the top product. And the pulp water can also be put into medicine, in Chinese medicine, pulp water, cool sex, can be detoxified, in the folk many food poisoning can be solved with pulp water, has a miraculous effect. But the pulp water surface is not everyone likes, some people's stomach can not stand this sour taste, after eating will be sour and uncomfortable, and some people just have psychological shadows, think that the sour taste of the pulp water is delicious, can not eat. To these people, I can only say that they missed a human delicacy, which is a pity. There is also a great geographical restriction on the pulp water surface, but in Gansu Shaanxi, other regions have basically not heard of, I think although the taste of each region is different, but the pulp water surface also has the value of dissemination and promotion, for me, the biggest regret of studying in a different place is not to be able to eat a bowl of cool pulp water surface in the hot summer, that is the most memorable taste of the hometown.

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