
What is the problem with Du Fu's "Pengmen is now open for the King"? Why are parents suggesting that they be removed from textbooks?

author:Flip through the pages of the book in a breeze

Speaking of Du Fu, I believe that everyone will not be unfamiliar, because we have learned a lot of Du Fu's poems in textbooks since we were young. Du Fu is known as the "saint of poetry" by the world, and many foreign scholars also think that Du Fu is one of the greatest poets in the world, because his poems are not simple expressions, but more reflect social reality and people's suffering, and his poems not only have feelings, but also temperature.

What is the problem with Du Fu's "Pengmen is now open for the King"? Why are parents suggesting that they be removed from textbooks?

The reason why Du Fu was able to write so many grounded poems is nothing more than two reasons, one is his rich and bumpy life experience, because he just lived in the chaotic period of Anshi, the soldiers were in chaos, and the birth was not timely, although Du Fu was full of ambitions, he could only float in the middle of his life. All he saw was the mourning of the officials and the people, but as a commoner, he could not do anything about all this, so he could only appeal to the sadness and indignation in his heart. The second is because of Du Fu's personality charm, although Du Fu's official path is not smooth, but he did not collude with villains because of this, he has a bottom line, an ideal, and a heart that is also a good life.

What is the problem with Du Fu's "Pengmen is now open for the King"? Why are parents suggesting that they be removed from textbooks?

In addition, Du Fu was also a very interesting person, especially after he entered Chengdu, he stopped his turbulent and displaced life and gained a short period of peace, so he felt the mood of life more urgently. He wrote a lot of interesting words during this period, and also made many close friends with his gentlemanly personality, which can be regarded as the most stable moment of his exile, and the poem "Kezhi" was composed during the period when he lived in Du Fu Caotang.

What is the problem with Du Fu's "Pengmen is now open for the King"? Why are parents suggesting that they be removed from textbooks?

The beginning of the poem describes the beautiful environment of the caotang, surrounded by green water and green mountains, and every day there are flocks of gulls and birds coming to the stream, such a life is very uncomfortable, compared with Du Fu's previous life, this place is completely a paradise. However, although the environment of the grass hall is very beautiful, it is easy to feel lonely and lonely for a long time, so when he heard the news of his friend's visit, Du Fu was overjoyed, and even cleaned the front and back of the house, and even used the grass to form a curtain to welcome the arrival of friends.

What is the problem with Du Fu's "Pengmen is now open for the King"? Why are parents suggesting that they be removed from textbooks?

The sentence "Pengmen is open for the junkai today" is exactly the expression of Du Fu's inner joy, but now many parents have suggested that this poem be deleted from the textbook because of this sentence. It turns out that this poem has been tainted by many people, who think that this sentence is easy to cause misunderstanding, reminiscent of bad aspects, and has an impact on the physical and mental health of children.

What is the problem with Du Fu's "Pengmen is now open for the King"? Why are parents suggesting that they be removed from textbooks?

Although the parents' starting point is good, but such a fuss is not necessary, if only because it will make people think of bad aspects of the text to delete the text, then the textbook is estimated to have few completely "pure and flawless" articles left. And this poem describes du Fu's hospitable scene, although the family is poor, but still hospitable, and friends just simply drink and feel happy, such a harmonious and simple scene makes people so fascinating, why do everyone have to think about the bad side?

What is the problem with Du Fu's "Pengmen is now open for the King"? Why are parents suggesting that they be removed from textbooks?

If you want to protect your child's physical and mental health, it is not a big deal to delete a few articles, and how children see the world depends entirely on the guidance of teachers and parents. What's more, this poem expresses the pursuit of friends and happiness, is there no need to learn such a thing? What do you think about this? Feel free to leave a message in the comments section.

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