
The flower path has not been swept by guests, and the Pengmen gate is now open for the king

author:Wah Seng Online

The secretary general of the provincial people's congress went to Pingjiang Huankou Town to inspect the work of the people's congress

Hunan Daily, New Hunan Client, November 21 (Correspondent He Jiujiu) "As the deputies of the county people's congress in Huankou Town, how do you perform your duties in peacetime?" How do you solve the problems that the masses are demanding so strongly?" On the afternoon of November 20, Hu Bojun, secretary general of the Standing Committee of the Hunan Provincial People's Congress and secretary of the party leading group of the organ, and Li Xiangjun, director of the secretariat of the General Office of the Standing Committee of the Provincial People's Congress, came to Pingjiang County to inspect the performance of duties by people's congress deputies on the platform and the construction of the five-star people's congress deputies' liaison workstation with the masses. Hu Bojun had a cordial conversation with Li Cungen, a deputy to the county people's congress on duty, to learn about his performance of his duties.

The flower path has not been swept by guests, and the Pengmen gate is now open for the king

Hu Bojun and others carefully understood the people's livelihood voting project "Sifeng Market Town Quality Improvement and Transformation" in the first half of 2019 in Huankou Town, and fully affirmed the effectiveness of the implementation of the voting system. They deeply understood the achievements of deputies at all levels in the work of poverty alleviation and affirmed the practice of "people's representatives for the people". They visited the people's congress deputies' liaison work station in Huankou Town, listened to the report of the chairman of the town's people's congress, and expressed great satisfaction with the layout of the work station and the functions it played.

The flower path has not been swept by guests, and the Pengmen gate is now open for the king
The flower path has not been swept by guests, and the Pengmen gate is now open for the king

Also accompanying the inspection were Zhao Yueping, vice chairman of the Standing Committee of the Yueyang Municipal People's Congress, and Li Yaohui, chairman of the Standing Committee of the Pingjiang County People's Congress. They are also very satisfied with the work of the people's congress in Huankou Town, and hope that the town's people's congress will continue to lead the people's congress deputies to conscientiously perform their duties, do more practical things for the people, and truly ensure that the people's representatives are the people's representatives.

The flower path has not been swept by guests, and the Pengmen gate is now open for the king

[Editor-in-Charge: He Mengjun]

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