
How to let us transcend worries and overcome the weaknesses of human nature, after reading this article, you will understand a lot

author:Ink speaks of life

Worry is an emotional experience of excessive sadness and sadness. Everyone has a time to worry, but if they are worried for no reason, or if they can't help but look worried and sad, even if they have a reason, it is psychological worry.

Anxiety manifests strong and persistent sadness in the mood, feeling depressed and depressed, and accompanied by reactions such as anxiety, irritability and irritability. Negative self-evaluation in cognition, feeling that one has no value, life has no meaning, and is full of pessimism about the future; it is also manifested in a lack of interest in various things, increased dependence, decreased activity level, avoidance of interacting with others, accompanied by a sense of inferiority, and in severe cases, suicidal thoughts.

The core manifestation of worry is depression, and such people often feel anxious and sad for no reason and inexplicably. If you add environmental stimuli, it is like adding fuel to the fire, further aggravating the sorrow and troubles. Lin Daiyu in "Dream of the Red Chamber", which everyone is familiar with, belongs to this kind of worried personality. Generally speaking, introverted, narrow-minded, willful, stubborn, sentimental, and isolated people tend to worry.

How to let us transcend worries and overcome the weaknesses of human nature, after reading this article, you will understand a lot

There are many reasons why a person is worried, but mostly from the self. As the British writer Thackeray said: "Life is a mirror, you laugh, it laughs; you cry, it cries." "It has to do with the amount of one's social experience. This kind of person has too high expectations of society and others, but underestimates the arduousness and complexity of realizing good wishes, so when there is a huge gap between wishes and reality, a sense of loss is generated, and then disappointment, frustration or worry.

It also has to do with a person's ability to survive. Such people lack the ability to adapt to complex society, have low psychological endurance, poor tolerance for setbacks, and are particularly fragile in personality and prone to extremes.

In addition, the manifestation of worry can also be like this: Some people always feel that it is not the right time to live, and have a feeling that they do not meet with talent, so they complain that life is unfair to themselves, and feel that everything is not smooth and dissatisfied; some people attach too much importance to their personal interests and losses, honors and disgraces, and suffer from losses and worries all day for some trivial matters, so that they cause psychological fatigue and affect normal work, study, and life; some people even disturb themselves, worrying about this and fearing that all day, and seeking trouble for themselves.

How to let us transcend worries and overcome the weaknesses of human nature, after reading this article, you will understand a lot

Worrying about this mental illness is a great burden on our psychology and even affects our physical health. A famous doctor once said:

"Of the patients I've come into contact with, 70 percent of them will get better naturally if they can dispel their fears and worries. Don't make the mistake of thinking that they are all sick, that their illnesses are as real as if you had a tooth decay, sometimes 100 times more severe. The disease is like neurological indigestion such as stomach ulcers, heart disease, insomnia, some headaches and paralysis.

"These diseases are real diseases, and I don't say these things indiscriminately, because I myself have suffered from stomach ulcers for 17 years."

"Fear makes you worry, worry makes you nervous, and affects the nerves in your stomach, so that the gastric juice in the stomach changes from normal to abnormal, so it is easy to produce stomach ulcers." What are the causes of mental disorders?

No one knows the full answer. In most cases, however, it is highly likely to be caused by fear and apprehension. Most anxious and restless people cannot adapt to the real world, and cut off all relations with their surroundings, shrinking to his own dream world, so as to solve all his worries. ”

Some scientists have scientifically quantified, counted, and analyzed people's worries, and found that almost all of them are unnecessary. Statistics found that 40% of the worries are about the future, 30% are about the past, 22% are worried about trivial things, 4% are worried about the fact that we can't change, and the remaining 4% are worried about the things we are doing.

How to let us transcend worries and overcome the weaknesses of human nature, after reading this article, you will understand a lot

Happiness is self-seeking, and troubles are self-seeking. If you don't bother yourself, others will never be able to bother you. So, whenever you're worried, whenever you sigh, write down your troubles and classify them in the scientist's analysis: Is it the 40 percent of the future, the 30 percent of the past, the 22 percent of the little things, the 4 percent of the unchangeable facts, or the remaining 4 percent?

In the 1960s, a rehabilitation tour group in Italy traveled to Austria under the guidance of a doctor. During a visit to the private castle of a local celebrity, the celebrity came out to receive him in person. Although he is 80 years old, he is still refreshed and humorous. He said: "It is a big mistake for all the guests to come here to learn from me, and they should learn from my friends. My dog Buddy, no matter how much bitter bullying and abuse he suffers, will quickly put the pain behind him and enjoy every bone passionately; my cat Rice never worries about anything, and if he feels anxious, even the slightest emotional tension, he will go to sleep beautifully and let the anxiety disappear; my bird Morley knows best how to sneak around and enjoy life, even if there is a lot of food in the bushes, it will stop and sing for a while. "Man, by contrast, is always looking for trouble, and isn't man the stupidest animal?" He concluded.

Worried people may have their own worries, but happy people are similar. When they are faced with various choices in life, they will always choose the one that makes them happy.

How to let us transcend worries and overcome the weaknesses of human nature, after reading this article, you will understand a lot

Carnegie wrote in his book The Virtues of Human Nature:

One night, a neighbor came and rang my doorbell and asked our family to plant cowpox to prevent smallpox. He was one of thousands of people throughout New York City who volunteered to ring the doorbell. Many frightened people lined up for hours to plant cowpox. Cowpox breeding stations are located not only in all hospitals, but also in fire brigades, police stations and large factories, and about 2,000 doctors and nurses are busy growing cowpox day and night. People flock to grow cowpox because 8 people in New York City have smallpox — two of them died — two of the 8 million people died.

I've lived in New York for 37 years, and yet no one has ever sounded my doorbell to warn me about mental depression. The disease has caused at least 10,000 times more damage than smallpox in the past 37 years.

No one has ever sounded the doorbell to warn me that 1 in 10 people who are currently living in this world will have a nervous breakdown, mainly because of worry and emotional conflict. So I'm writing this chapter now to ring your doorbell to warn you.

Perhaps some people are not accustomed to seeing worry as a disease, and they are even less aware that it is a serious harm to our physical health.

There are many patients who have just been diagnosed with cancer, which could have been completely controlled by timely treatment, but they are constantly worried, thinking that they are not going to be good, so it is really as they envisioned. Not only does worry make ordinary people like us sick, it can make even the strongest people sick. In the last days of the American Civil War, General Grant discovered this.

Grant besieged Richmond for 9 months, and General Lee's disheveled and hungry troops were defeated. At one point, several legionnaires deserted. The rest of the people met in their tents to pray—shouting, crying, and seeing all kinds of illusions. Seeing that the war was coming to an end, General Lee's men set fire to Richmond's cotton and tobacco warehouses and arsenals, and then abandoned the city and fled in the night of rising flames. Grant took advantage of the victory to pursue, attacking the Confederate Forces from the left and right flanks and rear, while the cavalry intercepted from the front, demolishing the railway line and intercepting the vehicles carrying supplies.

Grant, who was half-blind due to a severe headache, was unable to keep up with the team and stopped at a farmhouse. "I spent the night there," he wrote in his memoirs, "soaking my feet in cold water with mustard and plastering me on both wrists and the back of my neck in the hope of recovering the next morning." ”

Early the next morning, he did recover. But what revived him was not mustard ointment, but a cavalryman who brought back general Lee's surrender.

"When the cavalry came to me," Grant wrote, "my head still hurts terribly, but as soon as I saw the contents of the letter, I was immediately better, and strangely Enough, my spirit was better than usual." ”

How to let us transcend worries and overcome the weaknesses of human nature, after reading this article, you will understand a lot

Therefore, human anxiety is entirely a mental illness, and when this disease becomes a powerful force, it in turn will destroy our bodies, because we all know that the body and mind are one.

Dr. Joseph Muntane, who wrote the book Neurotic Stomach Disease, said the same thing. He pointed out: "The stomach ulcer does not arise in what you eat, but in what you worry about. ”

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