
Eight restaurant best-selling dishes dehydrated cucumber fried chicken gizzard making:

author:Chinese food cooks

Extremely frozen cucumber stock, Thai pickled panzhihua mango

Eight restaurant best-selling dishes dehydrated cucumber fried chicken gizzard making:

raw material:

Cucumber 1 kg · Caviar 10 g · 1 mango · Celery 200 g · White vinegar juice 50 g · 5 g onion · Coconut water 500 ml · Bell pepper 5 g · Chili pepper 5 g · Lemongrass 5 g · Perilla Tablets · Mint leaves 30 g · A pinch of olive oil · Pepper Boy · Agar to taste · A pinch of small carrot slices


1. Crush cucumber, celery, olive oil, white vinaigrette, chili pepper and agar in a blender and form a liquid. Place the cucumber stock separately in about 50 ml of transparent tubes and freeze, keeping fresh and set aside.

2. Cut the mango into small cubes and set aside, finely chopped the onion, bell pepper, coconut juice, lemongrass, mint leaves, perilla leaves and chili peppers.

3. Combine the finely chopped, add a little salt and marinate for 15 minutes.

4. Serve cucumber broth and garnish with Thai pickled mango, caviar and sliced carrots.

Seaweed soaked abalone

Eight restaurant best-selling dishes dehydrated cucumber fried chicken gizzard making:

No salt and MSG are added to the preparation process, and all the salty and umami taste comes from the standing seawater, Korean brine shrimp skin, wood fish flower, and 4 kinds of fresh sea vegetables; the fragrance comes from white pepper, star anise, fragrant leaves, dried shallots, and ginger slices. The abalone is made using the cooking technique of soaking in a warm soup over low heat, which makes the abalone moist and tender.

1. Take 10 live abalone and brush them with a brush to clean all the black film coats and internal organs.

2. Take a sand pot, add 1/5 of the purified seawater (Note: sodium chloride will weaken after the seawater is left for 48 hours, the seawater will become lighter, and the bitter taste will be reduced) Add 4/5 pure water, add 100 grams of ginger slices, wild seaweed (wakame, beef hair sea vegetable, dragon's whiskers, deer horn sea vegetables) 500 grams, white peppercorn grains 5 grams, star anise 15 grams, coriander leaves 10 grams, dried green onions 50 grams, wood fish flowers 25 grams, Korean brine shrimp skin 100 grams, and then put the sand pot on the coal stove to boil the soup, skim off the foam, Then put the coal stove on a thick iron plate, and sprinkle a layer of coarse salt on the iron plate (Note: the coarse salt plays a role in stabilizing the temperature).

3. Place the sand pot on the coarse salt to heat and maintain a low heat, so that the soup water is always controlled at about 60 ° C, simmer for about 1 hour to make it mature into the taste (Note: Do not let the sand pot see the open flame, to prevent heating, the raw materials become old).

4. After the soaked abalone is naturally cooled, it is put into the ice cube together with the soup container to cool down and soak, take out the abalone when selling, put the spatula into 4 pieces, put it into the abalone shell, and then put it into the shaped ice plate on the table, and serve it with Japanese soy sauce and Japanese mustard spicy dipping.

Tohoku stone pot tofu

Eight restaurant best-selling dishes dehydrated cucumber fried chicken gizzard making:

Self-ground tofu, abalone fillets, northeast fungus, bone broth, salt.

1. Cut the self-ground tofu into thick slices, fry it in oil first; soak the northeast fungus well; put the stone pot into the bone broth, put in the fried tofu slices and stew into the flavor, add the fungus and abalone slices to cook, add salt to taste.


The ingredients are abundant and nutritious and delicious. Although stewed with bone broth, the texture is not greasy, although it is a northeast-style stew that highlights the salty and umami flavor, but it is also suitable for sanya's tropical climate.

Hemp fragrant snow lotus tendon

Eight restaurant best-selling dishes dehydrated cucumber fried chicken gizzard making:

Snow lotus tendon 300 g. 100 grams of chopped coriander.


20 grams of garlic puree, 60 grams of white vinegar, 5 grams of salt, 3 grams of flavor powder, 3 grams of powdered sugar, 8 grams of sesame oil, 5 grams of pepper oil.

1. Soak the snow lotus tendons for 1 hour, squeeze out the water and set aside.

2. Pour the mixed sauce into the squeezed dry water snow lotus tendon and mix well to plate.

Jinfeng xi four bowls

Eight restaurant best-selling dishes dehydrated cucumber fried chicken gizzard making:

1 bowl of button meat, 1 bowl of sea buckthorn yellow rice porridge, 1 bowl of crispy chicken, 1 bowl of kelp, 250 grams of pork belly.

1, buckle meat: choose pork belly to cook until five ripe, over oil, fried into a golden brown. Slice 10 g of sweet noodle sauce, 5 g of rib sauce, 54 g of xiangqi sauce, 5 g of southern milk, a little sugar, mix well, put into a water bowl and steam for 1 hour, set aside.

2, sea buckthorn yellow rice porridge: yellow rice soaked in water for half an hour, dry the water, steamed in a steamer, then add 30 grams of sugar, 100 grams of yellow rice, 20 grams of preserved fruit, mix well, put in a bowl and set aside.

3, crispy chicken: choose 250 grams of chicken thighs chopped, add 2 grams of salt, 5 grams of chicken powder, 5 grams of oyster sauce, 15 grams of eggs, 10 grams of corn starch, mix well, fry in oil until golden brown, add soup to a bowl, steam for half an hour, set aside.

4, kelp silk: dry kelp soaked and washed, cut into strips and stir-fried incense, basket steamed for 1 hour.

5. Place the above four bowls in a suitable position.

Eight restaurant best-selling dishes dehydrated cucumber fried chicken gizzard making:

This dish was designed with the fruit cucumber and chicken gizzard in mind that both the crispy nature of the dish, so the two ingredients are matched. Stir-fry dishes in a 1:1 ratio with cooked lard and salad oil to increase the aroma of the dishes. In order to have a better taste of cucumbers when they are served, the cucumbers are first pickled and then dehydrated, and the effect is particularly good, and the click rate has been particularly high since its launch.

1, 150 grams of chicken gizzard washed, remove the outer film, change the knife into 2.5 mm flakes, add 3 grams of salt, 1 gram of monosodium glutamate, 5 grams of Donggu soy sauce, 2 grams of pepper water, 4 grams of ginger juice, marinate for 2 hours, blanch water, into 40% hot salad oil pan slightly fried, fish out the oil control;

1 kg of fruit cucumber, washed, knife into 4 mm thick slices, add 20 g of salt and marinate for 4 hours, dehydrate in a dehydrator, blanch and fish out.

2: Heat 5 grams of salad oil and cooked lard, 2 grams of minced green onion, minced ginger and minced garlic, 5 grams of peppercorns, add cucumber slices, chicken gizzards, stir-fry evenly and then put on the plate.

Production key:

1, when the fruit cucumber is salted, be sure to pay attention to maintain ventilation, or operate between cold vegetables with a lower temperature, otherwise the cucumber is easy to become sour, and it can be wrapped in gauze when dehydrated, and then pressed out of the water with a heavy object, and the dehydrator can also be used to help operate. Blanching water after dehydration is to make the cucumber color green and increase the appearance.

2, after the chicken gizzard is changed into slices, first marinate and then blanched, and then fried, in order to remove the fishy taste and maintain the crisp taste.

Miao xiang sour soup beautiful frog legs

Eight restaurant best-selling dishes dehydrated cucumber fried chicken gizzard making:

Bullfrog 125 g. 50 grams of green pepper segments, 50 grams of red pepper segments, 50 grams of pickled peppers, 30 grams of ginger, 30 grams of garlic, 45 grams of yellow light hot sauce, 50 grams of sauerkraut.

Chicken powder 12 g, oyster sauce 15 g, broth 800 g, salt 10 g, monosodium glutamate 10 g, white vinegar 150 g.

1. Slaughter and wash the bullfrogs and rinse until they change color.

2. Sauté ginger, garlic, spicy sauce and season in broth.

3. Put the rinsed bullfrog pieces into the pot and cook for 5 minutes, collecting the juice on high heat.

4. Add white vinegar before cooking and plate.

Features: The soup is thick with yellow juice, sour and spicy, the frog meat is smooth and tender, and the aftertaste is endless.

Pan-fried scallops with saffron lemon juice risotto

Eight restaurant best-selling dishes dehydrated cucumber fried chicken gizzard making:

30 grams of Italian rice, 1 gram of saffron, 10 ml of freshly squeezed lemon juice, 200 ml of broth, 3 grams of chopped grass, 3 scallops, 10 grams of parmesan cheese, 1 gram of italian parsley

5 g salt, 5 g olive oil

1. Wash the rice, pour the broth, rice, saffron and lemon juice into the pot, bring to a boil on high heat and simmer over low heat until the water has completely evaporated. Constant agitation is required during this time.

2. After turning off the heat, add parmesan cheese and chopped herbs, stir well and cover and simmer for 5 minutes.

3. Pour olive oil into a saucepan, fry the scallop meat in a pan until golden brown on both sides, place on top of the saffron risotto and sprinkle with italian coriander.


Italian rice itself has a unique aroma, which, combined with saffron, lemon juice and cheese, makes this risotto a varied and fragrant dish.

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