
Eight-course restaurant sells best-selling dishes, and the road is hot

author:Chinese food cooks

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Eight-course restaurant sells best-selling dishes, and the road is hot

raw material:

Bullfrog 500 g, mushroom 50 g, dried green peppercorns 20 g, dried safflower peppercorns 25 g, flower peppercorns 30 g, dried red pepper knots 15 g, red pepper knots 15 g, green chili pepper knots 15 g, pickled ginger rice 10 g, garlic rice 5 g, shallot knots 5 g, refined salt 3 g, monosodium glutamate 5 g, chicken essence 5 g, cooking wine 20 ml, sesame oil 5 ml, mixed oil 500 ml (about 30 ml consumption)


1. Cut the bullfrogs into chunks and the mushrooms into evenly packed chunks.

2. Put the net pot on the fire, put in the mixed oil and burn until it is 70% hot, and then drain the oil after the bullfrog block slips away. Put the mushroom pieces into the oil pan, fry until the surface is hard, pour out the oil, and set aside.

3. Leave a little bottom oil in the pot, sauté the dried green peppercorns, dried red peppercorns, dried red pepper festivals and flower peppers to bring out the aroma, then soak the ginger rice, garlic rice, red pepper festivals, green pepper knots, slippery bullfrogs and mushroom blocks and stir-fry evenly, then put cooking wine, salt, monosodium glutamate and chicken essence, and finally add sesame oil and shallots to turn well, and serve.

The key to production: when the pepper is under the oil pot, the oil temperature should not be too high, and it is necessary to master the degree, both to refine the aroma of the peppercorns, but also not to refine.

Teppanyaki goose intestines

Eight-course restaurant sells best-selling dishes, and the road is hot

600 grams of fresh goose intestines, 100 grams of onion pieces, green pepper pieces, red pepper blocks, 20 grams of pickled ginger slices, 30 grams of pickled pepper knots, 30 grams of garlic cloves, 5 grams of peppercorns, ginger, green onions, salt, cooking wine, monosodium glutamate, chicken essence, pepper powder, sugar, spicy fresh sauce, spiced red oil, rapeseed oil, a little alkali

1. Cut the fresh goose intestines into knots, add ginger, green onion, salt, cooking wine and edible alkali to taste, rinse with running water, control the moisture, and then put it into a hot oil pot to slip and break the raw, fish out the drainage.

2. Heat the pan with spices and red oil, add the pickled ginger slices, pickled chili pepper knots, garlic cloves and peppercorns to stir-fry, add the goose intestine knots, onion pieces and green and red pepper pieces, add salt, cooking wine, monosodium glutamate, chicken essence, pepper, sugar and spicy fresh sauce and stir-fry evenly, and put them into a hot iron plate.

Bacon buns

Eight-course restaurant sells best-selling dishes, and the road is hot

150 grams of bacon, 350 grams of flour, 100 grams of tangyuan powder, 35 grams of potatoes, 45 grams of cabbage, 30 grams of carrots, 50 grams of kelp shreds, 40 grams of square legs, 2 eggs, 20 grams of green onion, 10 grams of minced ginger, 20 grams of bean paste, 10 grams of oyster sauce, 4 grams of salt, 5 grams of thirteen spice powder, 3 grams of monosodium glutamate, 2 grams of chicken essence, and an appropriate amount of cooked vegetable oil

1. Cook the bacon in a pot of water, fish it out and cut it into strips. Also cut the potatoes, cabbage, carrots, and square legs into strips.

2. Heat the net pot, put the cooked vegetable oil on the heat, add the bacon shreds and ginger minced and stir-fry the oil, add the bean paste and stir-fry the incense, add the shredded potatoes, cabbage shreds, carrot shreds, kelp shreds and square leg shreds, add salt, monosodium glutamate, chicken essence, thirteen spice powder and oyster sauce and stir-fry evenly, pour into the tray and set aside.

3. Put the flour, tangyuan powder and eggs in a basin, add an appropriate amount of water and stir well to form a thick batter, then pour in the sautéed raw materials and green onions and mix well.

4. Add cooking vegetable oil in a frying pan, heat to 50%, scoop in the batter and spread it into a round cake shape, fry over medium-low heat until both sides are golden and crispy and cooked, then scoop it out and plate it.

Pepper Dragon Treasure

Eight-course restaurant sells best-selling dishes, and the road is hot

Eel section, Shimizu bamboo shoots, eggs


Ginger, green onion, garlic, salt, monosodium glutamate, fresh vine pepper, etc.;

1. Change the knife to spare the eel section, and spare the water of Qingshui Ya bamboo shoots;

2, eel section over oil placed on the bamboo shoots, put oil in the pot to fry ginger, green onion, garlic, fresh vine pepper added to the appropriate amount of broth;

3: When the juice is put away, add the appropriate amount of rattan pepper oil and drizzle it.

Eggplant stewed pork ribs

Eight-course restaurant sells best-selling dishes, and the road is hot

1. Chop the pork ribs into pieces, rinse the basin with water to purify the blood, drain, and then put the pot with oyster sauce, rib sauce, salt and corn starch, mix well and marinate into the flavor, and then slide into a pot of 30% or 40% hot oil. After pouring out the draining oil, steam in a steamer basket until soft and cooked, then set aside. Cut the eggplant into hob pieces.

2. Heat the oil in the net pot, first put the eggplant cubes over the oil, pour out the oil. Leave the bottom oil in the pot, stir-fry the millet pepper, ginger, garlic and dry pot sauce until fragrant, mix the appropriate amount of water to boil, then add the ribs and eggplant pieces, wait for low heat until the juice is collected, start the pan and plate, sprinkle with fried garlic and green onions, and serve.

Shallots and bamboo shoots coated with yellow cauliflower

Eight-course restaurant sells best-selling dishes, and the road is hot

Fresh yellow flowers 200 grams of crisp bamboo shoot shreds 100 grams of green onion 10 grams of salt 3 grams of monosodium glutamate 1 grams of green onion leaves, fresh soup, green onion oil each appropriate amount

1. Put the fresh yellow flowers into a pot of boiling water and remove the super-cold water and drain the water.

2. Add fresh soup to the pot, add crispy bamboo shoots, salt, simmer for 1 hour, then drain.

3. Yellow cauliflower in a pot, add salt, MSG and mix well, then add the chicken juice crispy bamboo shoots, green onion, green onion oil and mix well, put the green onion leaves on the plate, slightly garnish.

Side ear roots mixed with ear silk

Eight-course restaurant sells best-selling dishes, and the road is hot

100 grams of pig ears, 100 grams of side ear roots, home-made compound sauce, crushed peanuts, and green onions

1. After washing and brine the pig ears, cut them into strips and set aside; cut the side ear roots into granules and put them on the bottom of the plate.

2. Spread the pig ear shreds on the side ear roots, drizzle with home-made compound flavor juice, sprinkle with an appropriate amount of ground peanuts and green onions.

Description: Homemade compound sauce is made by mixing 3 grams of sugar, 4 ml of vinegar, 2 grams of monosodium glutamate, 1 g of chicken essence, 5 grams of knife cut chili pepper, 3 grams of pepper noodles, 5 ml of light soy sauce, and 30 ml of red oil.

Roasted pepper overlord elbow

Eight-course restaurant sells best-selling dishes, and the road is hot

900 grams of pork front elbow, 50 grams of cold noodles, watercress sauce, ginger shallots, spices, second soup, roasted pepper, millet pepper, spicy girl sauce, pickled ginger, tempeh, corn starch, lettuce oil, salad oil

1. Remove the pig's front elbow and shave it to clean, set aside. Heat a little oil in the pot, stir-fry the watercress sauce, ginger and shallots, and spices, add an appropriate amount of soup to taste, and pour it into the pressure cooker together with the pork knuckle, press for 1 hour and then fish out the plate, and put the cold noodles next to it.

2. Pour a little oil into the pot and heat it, put the roasted pepper, millet pepper, spicy girl sauce, pickled ginger and tempeh and stir-fry, then mix an appropriate amount of two soups to taste, boil and then add corn starch to outline, and pour into lettuce oil to stir evenly, and pour on the pork knuckle.

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