
Nine restaurants sell dishes well, and the road is hot

author:Chinese food cooks

Dried cowpea roasted crucian carp

Nine restaurants sell dishes well, and the road is hot

raw material:

Crucian carp, dried cowpeas, shiitake mushrooms, pork foam, tomatoes, cucumbers, fragrant, red peppers. Seasoning: green onion, ginger, garlic, millet spicy, peppercorns, shallots, star anise, fragrant leaves, dark soy sauce, soy sauce, sesame oil, salad oil, lard, salt, sugar, monosodium glutamate, chicken powder, corn starch, white pepper, balsamic vinegar, rice wine.


1: Soak the dried cowpeas in hot water for two hours, wash them and cut them off for later.

2: Slaughter and wash the crucian carp, beat it with a flower knife, add green onion and ginger, rice wine, salt, monosodium glutamate, white pepper and marinate for 5 minutes, then set aside in oil.

3: Change the green onion, ginger, garlic, millet spicy knife, shiitake mushrooms into coarse strips, and cut the green onions into green onions and set aside.

4, wash the incense and put it on the plate, the tomato skin is eliminated to make a red rose flower and put it on the incense, the cucumber tail is cut into the shape of a leaf, and the plate head is prepared for later.

5, put salad oil in the pot, lard put onion ginger garlic, millet spicy, peppercorn stir-fry and then put meat foam stir-fry incense, add water, put in the spare crucian carp and dried cowpeas, and then put in star anise, fragrant leaves, soy sauce, soy sauce, salt, sugar, monosodium glutamate, chicken powder, balsamic vinegar, white pepper, cover the pot lid and bring to a boil, simmer for about five minutes, drizzle with sesame oil to put on a plate that is decorated, sprinkle with green onions.


The color is bright red, mellow and fragrant, and the aftertaste is endless.

Key points:

1. Dried cowpeas need to be soaked two hours in advance and then cooked with crucian carp, so that it is easy to taste.

2. When making fish, put some vinegar appropriately, the taste will be better, go fishy and fresh.

Ecuadorian shrimp in Thai sauce

Nine restaurants sell dishes well, and the road is hot

Thai sauce is seasoned, mostly found in fried dishes, but here is the white water cooked prawns and pickled baby cabbage to match the Thai juice, the taste and taste of the dish are good.

raw material:

Ecuadorian shrimp 12 cucumbers 2 carrots 100g shallots, ginger slices, Thai chicken sauce, tomato sauce, ginger rice, garlic rice, lemon juice, green and red millet pepper, bell pepper shreds, coriander festival, onion shredded, salt, cooking wine, sugar, chicken powder, sesame oil each appropriate amount


1. Peel off the shell of the shrimp, cut open (pay attention to maintaining the shape of the whole shrimp) basin, add cooking wine, ginger slices, green onion knots and marinate, and then put it into a pot of boiling water and fish it out.

2. Cut the cucumber into small sections and hollow out the middle of each section and set aside. Cut the baby cabbage into coarse strips, add shallots, coriander knots, bell peppers, shredded onions, salt, chicken powder and sugar, and stir into pickles and set aside.

3. Plate the cooked Ecuadorian shrimp on top of the cucumber festival, squeeze the marinated baby cabbage out of the juice, after using the mold to shape, place the plate to form a column, and finally spoon the Thai sauce made of Thai chicken sauce, tomato sauce, ginger rice, garlic rice, lemon juice, green and red millet pepper grains, salt, sugar and sesame oil.

Spicy dried pot shrimp

Nine restaurants sell dishes well, and the road is hot

Pond water shrimp, potatoes, green peppers, onions, parsley, shiitake mushrooms, coriander, chicken essence, sugar, pepper, cooking wine, salt, red oil, pepper, garlic, ginger, green onion, pork belly

1: Remove the sand line on the back and sandbags on the head and wash the prawns.

2: Cut the pepper into sections, cut the green onion into sections, slice the ginger, peel the garlic, and chop the chives and coriander.

3: Place the pan on high heat, pour in salad oil, heat the oil by 70%, fry the prawns until the shrimp turn red and fish out for later.

4: Cook the pork belly for eight minutes and cook it and slice it for later.

5: Put salad oil in the pot, sauté the onion, ginger, garlic, shiitake mushrooms, fungus, pepper and peppercorns to make the aroma, and sauté the red oil under the watercress. Add the prawns, add cooking wine, broth, salt and sugar, bring to a boil over high heat, turn to low heat until the soup is finished, and season the chicken essence.

6: Stir-fry the peppercorns and peppers until fragrant, add the pork belly slices and stir-fry.

7, pour all the ingredients into the pot, add some sugar, salt, if too dry can add less water, and add two tablespoons of chili oil to stir-fry until cooked, add chicken essence into the dry pot to become spicy dry pot shrimp.

Hanging pot skewers shabu-shabu

Nine restaurants sell dishes well, and the road is hot

1, the pot into the salad oil to 60% hot, under the ginger, garlic, minced green onion 8 grams each sautéed thoroughly, put in the watercress sauce 6 grams, homemade spicy base 50 grams, salt, monosodium glutamate, pepper noodles 5 grams each, chicken essence 10 grams of stir-fry incense, add two soup 800 grams of high heat, beat off the foam and residue, put in 7 grams of pepper oil to mix well to become shabu soup.

Place the pressed tripe in a hanging pot, pour in the prepared shabu soup and sprinkle 5 grams of minced chives to serve.

2, put 2 kg of vegetable oil, 500 grams of butter into the pot and burn until 50% heat, add 100 grams of green onion, 30 grams of ginger slices, 70 grams of chives and fry until the green onion is golden brown, fish out the residue, add 80 grams of shallots, 40 grams of ginger slices, 100 grams of garlic seeds, 20 grams of rock sugar, stir-fry well, until all the rock sugar is melted, add 600 grams of red oil watercress sauce, 20 grams of peppercorns, 100 grams of paprika, 80 grams of concentrated base of three or five brands of Chongqing hot pot and stir-fry for 2 minutes, add spice packets (cumin, star anise, grass and fruits 5 grams each, sand ginger). , Cinnamon, fragrant leaves, spirit grass, row grass, white cardamom, sand kernels 4 grams each, 1 monk fruit, 3 grams of southern ginger, 2 grams of cloves) stir-fry for 1 minute, then add 200 grams of dried chaotian pepper and fry for 3 minutes, pour into the red star two pot 40 grams and stir well, then fry for 4 minutes.

Auspicious Three Treasures

Nine restaurants sell dishes well, and the road is hot

150 grams of pork ribs, 50 grams of dried bamboo shoots, 200 grams of iron stick yam, 200 grams of blue fish carp, and 3 lotus leaves


Stir-fried sesame powder 100 grams, salad oil 20 grams, ingredient A (soy sauce, flower carving wine 5 grams each, salt, sugar, monosodium glutamate 3 grams each), ingredient B (salt 3 grams, chicken essence 5 grams, lard 20 grams), ingredient C (3 grams of laba beans, 10 grams of minced pepper, 5 grams of chicken essence, 5 grams of steamed fish sauce), 30 grams of green onion, 45 grams of green onion oil

1. The bottom of the small steamer basket is paved with lotus leaves;

2, pork ribs chopped into small pieces, blanched water; put salad oil in the pot, when it is 50% hot, add minced green onion and ginger to stir-fry, put in pork ribs, dried bamboo shoots and stir-fry well, pour in Ingredient A and 300 grams of water, bring to a boil over high heat, change to low heat until fragrant, take out and put it into a small steamer;

3: Peel the yam with iron sticks, cut into long and short strips, blanch the water and add ingredient B (3 grams of salt, 5 grams of chicken essence, 20 grams of lard), wrap evenly with stir-fried sesame powder and pour lard into the second small steamer basket;

4: Cut the mackerel into strips, put them into a third small steamer basket and sprinkle with ingredient C. 5. Place three small steamers in a large steamer basket, steam on high heat for 15 minutes, remove and sprinkle with green onions, pour onion oil that is 80% hot and serve.

Bacillus braised in vanilla sauce

Nine restaurants sell dishes well, and the road is hot

300 grams of porcini mushrooms, 50 grams of parsley, 8 grams of rosemary vanilla sauce, 3 grams of salt, 5 grams of monosodium glutamate, 5 grams of chicken powder, 3 grams of sugar, 5 grams of green onion, ginger and garlic, 5 grams of corn starch, 800 grams of salad oil (about 50 grams), 30 grams of fresh soup, 10 grams of cooking wine

1: Wash the porcini mushrooms and cut into 0.3 cm thick slices for later; cut the parsley into 3 cm long sections and set aside.

2: Heat the pan with salad oil and heat to 40% heat.

3: Remove the dried oil from the porcini mushroom slices, stir-fry the shallots, ginger, garlic, vanilla sauce, put in the porcini mushroom slices and stir-fry, add all the spices and fresh soup, and cook until the flavor is hooked.

Rare fungus buckle three wires

Nine restaurants sell dishes well, and the road is hot

Jinhua ham 200 grams, pork sit buttocks, winter shoots, chicken breast 100 grams each, fresh matsutake mushroom 50 grams, a good mushroom, pea seedlings 5 grams

Salt 8 g, clear broth 500 g

1, pork sit buttocks, ham, winter shoots, chicken breast respectively boiled in water, and cut into 10 cm long filaments; matsutake mushrooms are also cut into thin strips;

2, take a round bowl, put the mushrooms at the bottom of the small bowl, and then divide the ham shreds into three equal parts, place them in the bowl at intervals, place the bamboo shoot shreds, chicken breast shreds and sitting buttocks shreds in the middle of each equal portion of the ham shreds, and finally put the shredded matsutake mushrooms into the center of the bowl, pour the soup, steam for 15 minutes on high heat, and then take out the raw materials into the soup bowl;

3: Bring the broth to a boil in a pot, season with salt, add the pea sprouts, pour into the soup bowl.

Stone cooked shrimp ball seafood mushrooms

Nine restaurants sell dishes well, and the road is hot

300 grams of seafood mushrooms, 100 grams of shrimp balls with good syrup, 50 grams of minced pork belly, 10 grams of green onion

Salad oil 500 g (about 50 g consumption), ingredient A (200 g fresh soup, 15 g haihuang stir-fry sauce, 3 g sugar, chicken rice soy sauce, chicken essence 5 g each), wet starch 5 g

1, wash the rain flower stone, put it in the oven and bake until it is hot; put the sand pot into the pot stove and heat it to a high temperature, and put the rain flower stone in the sand pot;

2, put in the salad oil in the pot, when it is heated to 30% or 40%, put in the shrimp ball lubricating oil, after fishing out, the oil temperature will rise to 70% heat, put in the seafood mushrooms, fry on medium heat until crispy, fish out the oil control, and place the seafood mushrooms on the rain flower stone;

3, leave the bottom oil in the pot, when it is 50% hot, put in the minced pork belly and stir-fry, add Ingredient A to boil, use wet starch to outline, pour on the seafood mushrooms, sprinkle shrimp balls and green onions, cover and serve.

Misty cinnamon fish

Nine restaurants sell dishes well, and the road is hot

Fresh cinnamon fish 1000 g. 50 grams of ham, 25 grams of water hair magnolia slices, 50 grams of water hair shiitake mushrooms. 20 grams of rice wine, 4 grams of refined salt, 5 grams of pepper, 65 grams of wet starch, 10 grams of soy sauce, 150 grams of clear soup, 100 grams of peanut oil, 10 grams of green onion, 10 grams of ginger, 20 grams of sugar.

1, cinnamon fish scraping scales to remove internal organs and wash, with boiling water after scraping black skin cleaning, one side of the 2 cm apart hill knife (do not cut the spine) into a tile block, the other side into a diamond-shaped block with a side length of 2.5 cm. Ham, magnolia slices, shiitake mushrooms cut into thin strips.

2: Put the rice wine, salt, pepper, wet starch, soy sauce and clear soup into the soup bowl and stir into a sauce.

3: Put the cinnamon fish in boiling water and then rinse it, roll up the flowers, put it on a large plate, sprinkle it with fine salt on the body for a while, put it in the cage and steam it in boiling water for 10 minutes, and put the fish into another dish.

4: Add peanut oil to the wok, heat over medium heat to 60% heat (about 150 ° C), add shredded green onion and ginger, fry out the aroma and add sugar, ham shreds, magnolia shreds, shiitake mushroom shreds, pour the sauce into the pot and pour it on the fish.

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