
If you want to eat tofu brain, you don't have to go out to buy it, you can make a big pot at home for 5 cents, and you can learn to open a shop

author:Chef Hu's gourmet recipes

Introduction: Tofu brain is known as "plant meat", because according to research, drinking a bowl of tofu brain every day can meet the body's daily calcium needs. And tofu brain is also rich in iron, calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, vegetable oil, amino acids and other nutrients, these substances can replenish the qi, clear heat and dryness, so in the summer, we have to give the elderly and children to drink a little more tofu brain. And outside, a small cup of tofu brain is at least 2 yuan, if you want to drink a large bowl, at least 5 yuan, and a family to drink a tofu brain at least 10 yuan or more, so in order to save money, I always make tofu brain at home for my family to drink, and at home 5 cents can make a big pot. Today, Master Hu will share the authentic tofu brain method with everyone, and you can open a shop after learning it.

If you want to eat tofu brain, you don't have to go out to buy it, you can make a big pot at home for 5 cents, and you can learn to open a shop

【Ingredient preparation】: 125 grams of soybeans for 5 cents, 2.5 grams of inner fat crystals, an appropriate amount of old brown sugar, 1250ml of water.

【Method of opening a shop tofu brain】:

Step 1: First rinse the soybeans, then soak the soybeans in water for 7 hours, if it is winter, the soybeans need to be soaked for 10 hours. Soybeans must be soaked in cold water, hot water or warm water, which will lead to the loss of nutrients in the soybeans.

If you want to eat tofu brain, you don't have to go out to buy it, you can make a big pot at home for 5 cents, and you can learn to open a shop

Step 2: Put 1200ml of water and soaked soybeans into a blender, then stir the soybeans for 2 minutes, after the time is up, filter the soybeans, leave the juice and water for later.

If you want to eat tofu brain, you don't have to go out to buy it, you can make a big pot at home for 5 cents, and you can learn to open a shop

Step 3: Put the prepared inner fat crystals into the bowl, and at the same time put 30% of the cold water into the bowl, stir well to set aside.

If you want to eat tofu brain, you don't have to go out to buy it, you can make a big pot at home for 5 cents, and you can learn to open a shop

Step 4: Put the soy milk into the pot, boil the soy milk on high heat, then change the heat to continue to cook for 2 minutes, turn off the heat after the time is up, reduce the temperature of the soy milk to 90 degrees Celsius, and then put the inner fat water into the pot and gently stir evenly, cover the pot lid, and wait patiently for 20 minutes.

If you want to eat tofu brain, you don't have to go out to buy it, you can make a big pot at home for 5 cents, and you can learn to open a shop

Step 5: Put the tofu brain into a bowl, add the appropriate amount of old brown sugar, stir well and eat.

If you want to eat tofu brain, you don't have to go out to buy it, you can make a big pot at home for 5 cents, and you can learn to open a shop

【Tips for making tofu brain】:

1, when making tofu brain, 500ml of water corresponding to 1 gram of internal fat can be, if the internal fat is added too much, tofu brain is not only not tender, but also will cause tofu brain to drink very astringent.

2, soy milk in the pot boiled, but also need to continue to reduce the heat to cook for 2 minutes, because the uncooked soy milk contains trypsin inhibitors, plant red blood cell lectin, lipoxygenase and other substances, these substances will lead to human poisoning, so the boiled soy milk for 2 minutes more, you can make these substances completely disappear. And many people like to eat salty tofu brain, next I will teach you a salty sauce recipe.

【Spice Recipe】: Star anise 3 grams, cinnamon peel 2 grams, tangerine peel 3 grams, cumin 1 gram, grass fruit 3 grams, peppercorns 2 grams, white root 1 gram, dark soy sauce 10ml, old soup 500ml, pepper powder 20 grams, water starch 20ml, salt to taste.

【Preparation method】: First of all, put the star anise, tangerine peel, cumin, grass fruit, peppercorns, and white root into the white wine and soak them for 10 minutes, then put them into the oil pot and fry for 3 minutes on medium-low heat, after the time is up, then put the old soup, salt, pepper into the pot and cook for 5 minutes, after the time is up, fish out the spices, then put the water starch into the pot, wait for the sauce to boil into a thick consistency, drizzle on the tofu brain and eat.

If you want to eat tofu brain, you don't have to go out to buy it, you can make a big pot at home for 5 cents, and you can learn to open a shop

If you want to eat tofu brain, you don't have to go out to buy it, you can make a big pot at home for 5 cents, and you can learn to open a shop. Today, Master Hu taught everyone sweet tofu brain and salted tofu brain, hoping that everyone will learn how to make tofu brain. This article is Master Hu's original graphics, the follow-up Master Hu will also explain to you more cooking tips, the latest recipes to everyone, thank you for watching, if today's article is helpful to you, then point a concern, a like, thank you for your support.

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