
Poppy shells were added to the spicy seeds, and a restaurant owner on Huaxing East Street was arrested

author:Red Star News
Poppy shells were added to the spicy seeds, and a restaurant owner on Huaxing East Street was arrested

Some research results show that long-term consumption of foods with poppy shells added will cause symptoms such as chills, sweating, fatigue, yellow muscle thinness, etc.; in severe cases, it may cause damage to the nervous system and digestive system, and even endocrine disorders and other symptoms, and eventually become addicted, with a potential tendency to take drugs.

Law enforcement officials remind that if you feel that the hot pot and halogen products you eat are suspicious, to make a complaint and report, you need to leave no less than 50 ml of soup (it is best to remove the soup with less oil in the lower layer), report it to the local food and drug regulatory department in time, or send it to the local drug testing agency or the criminal technology laboratory of the public security bureau for composition analysis.

"If you encounter this kind of "food" that makes people feel uncomfortable," if you encounter this kind of "food" that makes people feel uncomfortable, foodies may have more than one eye, which is not necessarily how exquisite the chef's craftsmanship is, but the poppy shell may be illegally added to the food.

Poppy shells were added to the spicy seeds, and a restaurant owner on Huaxing East Street was arrested

Law enforcement officers investigated and dealt with the restaurant involved

Recently, some citizens reported a Chinese restaurant on Huaxing East Street, and law enforcement officers immediately intervened in the investigation after receiving the report, and finally found a substance suspected of poppy shells in a pot of oil and spicy seeds. The test results showed that the oil chili contained papaverine, nacotin, tibain and other ingredients. The shop owner has been arrested.

Law enforcement officers strike decisively:

Found in the oil spicy

Substance suspected of poppy husks

Poppy shells were added to the spicy seeds, and a restaurant owner on Huaxing East Street was arrested

Poppy husks in oily peppercorns

Every lunch and dinner rush hour, the restaurants on Huaxing East Street are almost full, the waiters shout at the door, the kitchen is jingling... The surrounding office buildings continue to feed customers, and the F&B outlets compete in cooking day after day. However, the "Wei Jiang On the Chinese Restaurant" attached to No. 1 on the 1st floor of Building 1, No. 63 Huaxing East Street was "fouled" in this competition.

Recently, consumers reported that this Chinese restaurant was suspected of adding poppy shells to food. The Jinjiang District Market and Quality Supervision and Administration Bureau quickly intervened in the investigation after receiving the report, and in mid-July, the case-handling personnel of the Food and Drug Crime Investigation Brigade of the Jinjiang District Public Security Bureau entered the scene for inspection.

According to law enforcement officials, during the inspection of the store's kitchen condiment area, a bowl of shiny oil and spicy seeds attracted the attention of the case-handling personnel. There are sesame seeds floating on the spicy seeds, the aroma is strong, it does not look unusual, the case handling personnel use the spoon to stir, the oil spicy seeds will show the flaws, the spoon salvaged up the suspected poppy shell substance, the size of the pecan fruit is similar.

Law enforcement officers immediately conducted on-site sampling of 1.5 kilograms of chili oil suspected of containing poppy shells and 2 kilograms of cooked roasted ribs that the store had refined. The law enforcement personnel of the Jinjiang District Market and Quality Supervision and Administration Bureau and the case-handling personnel of the Food and Drug Crime Investigation Brigade of the Jinjiang District Public Security Bureau also questioned and investigated the people involved in the case in accordance with the law, and after preliminary investigation, the illegal circumstances of the parties were suspected of constituting a crime, and the Jinjiang District Market and Quality Management Bureau immediately filed a case for investigation, and on the same day transferred the case to the Jinjiang Branch of the Chengdu Municipal Public Security Bureau for further investigation and handling.

The restaurateur confessed:

Cold dishes such as folded ear roots and cold powder are added in noodles

It is understood that the ingredient in the poppy shell, tibain, also known as: dimethylmorphine, can be addictive. According to the test report issued by China Testing and Certification Group Co., Ltd., the batch of chili oil contains papaverine, nacotin, tibain and other ingredients. A few days ago, the boss involved in the case, Dai Mou, has been arrested.

"Poppies are explicitly prohibited from being added in the Food Safety Law." According to law enforcement personnel of the Jinjiang District Market and Quality Supervision And Administration Bureau, Article 34 of the Food Safety Law stipulates that food produced with non-food raw materials or foods with chemical substances other than food additives and other substances that may endanger human health, or food produced with recycled food as raw materials, will be prohibited from production and operation, while poppy is a "non-food raw material" and is "other substances that may endanger human health".

In addition, according to article 22 of the Administrative Punishment Law, if the illegal act constitutes a crime, the administrative organ shall transfer the case to the judicial organ and pursue criminal responsibility in accordance with law.

At present, the boss involved in the case, Dai Mou, has admitted to his illegal act of adding poppy shells. When explaining the case, he said that he added these substances to make the oil spicy more colorful and improve the taste of the dish. Usually, chili oil is mainly added to some cold dishes, such as cold mixed ear roots and cold powder, and sometimes these chili oils may be used in noodles.

In addition to the sign of "Wei Will Be Chinese Restaurant", there is also a "Snow Mountain Fast Food" on the top, which is more eye-catching. It is understood that Dai, who only has a primary school culture, originally worked under the boss, and took over the shop from the boss in March 2016, with a monthly rent of more than 10,000 yuan. According to people familiar with the matter, in order to expand the influence and make the "field bigger", in July this year, Dai joined forces with the "private dining room" next door and opened the middle wall, and the two bosses were divided into five or five.

It is understood that Dai bought poppy shells from vendors, 10 yuan a piece, and refined seven or eight pounds of chili oil on July 10 this year, and a cold dish will put one or two chili oils each time.

What should I do if I have doubts?

Leave 50 ml of soup and send it to a drug testing agency

Some research results show that people who eat foods with poppy shells for a long time will have symptoms such as chills, sweating, fatigue, yellow muscle thinness and other symptoms; in severe cases, it may cause damage to the nervous system, digestive system, and even endocrine disorders and other symptoms, and eventually become addicted, with a potential tendency to take drugs.

"The use of poppy husks is clearly regulated by national laws and prohibits the illegal supply, transport and use of poppy husks. However, there are still food processors who disregard national laws, regulations and the health of ordinary people, and mix poppy husks into food to attract repeat customers. The reporter learned from the Jinjiang District Market and Quality Supervision and Administration Bureau that the "List of Non-edible Substances and Food Additives That May Be Illegally Added to Food" promulgated by the state in 2009 lists poppy shells and marks the main food categories that may be added: hot pot, hot pot base and snacks, and may also be used for brine products, and even beverages.

Law enforcement officers from the Jinjiang District Market and Quality Supervision And Administration Bureau also said that ordinary consumers can first identify the poppy shell from the appearance, which is the shape of a date core, such as the size of a pigeon egg, one pointed, and the other end is a 6 to 14-petal crown. Its shell is often artificially cut with multiple knife marks. If you first eat a hot pot and brine products with poppy shells, you generally have a rapid heartbeat, a slight red face, a comfortable taste, and it is not easy to fall asleep after eating.

Chengdu Business Daily reporter Eun Xiaohuai photo report Editor Autumn


Add poppy husks to hot pot Those who sell spices were also sentenced

Liu Mou, the owner of a hot pot shop in Longquan Yiyi, bought spices with poppy shells from the owner of the spice shop in order to titian tiwei, and put them in the hot pot for sale, with an amount of 138,000 yuan. In the end, the owner of the hot pot restaurant was sentenced to 1 year and 8 months in prison and fined 280,000 yuan. The couple at the spice shop were also sentenced. In June this year, the Chengdu Intermediate People's Court upheld the original judgment in the second instance.

Since 2013, Liu has partnered with someone to run a hot pot restaurant. Liu said that at the end of 2014, someone reflected that the hot pot of the hot pot restaurant was not spicy, not numb, and not fragrant. In order to make the business of the hot pot shop prosperous, Liu mou bought 2 kilograms of hot pot spices containing poppy shells from a couple in the five stone agricultural and sideline products wholesale market. I also purchased it once since. Later, the Longquan Yi Food and Drug Administration conducted two sampling inspections of the hot pot base of the hot pot restaurant and found that morphine, papaverine and other ingredients were found in the hot pot base.

After investigation, Liu produced and sold a hot pot with poppy shells for 138,000 yuan, and Feng and his wife sold nearly 4,000 yuan of spices. The court held that Feng and his wife's act of adding toxic and harmful substances to the spices they produced and sold were not food raw materials, and their conduct constituted the crime of producing and selling toxic and harmful food, and it was a joint crime.

Poppy shells were detected in 35 restaurants across the country

Three restaurant companies in Sichuan were investigated

In January 2016, the State Food and Drug Administration announced the results of its law enforcement action to crack down on food violations. The inspection found that the food operated by 35 catering service units across the country contained poppy husk ingredients such as papaverine, morphine, codeine, nacotin, and tibaine, and there were suspected illegal additions.

Among them, 20 catering service units, including the Smart Home-Cooked Restaurant in Nanjiang Town, Nanjiang County, Bazhong City, Sichuan Province, the Niuguan Family Restaurant in Pingshan County, Yibin City, and the Jin's Sour Radish Fish Hot Pot Restaurant in Wengong Town, Renshou County, Meishan City, have been transferred to the public security organs for investigation. Five stores, including The Zhou Black Duck Sumeng Junction Store in Suzhou City, Anhui Province, and the Huipeng Zhou Black Duck Business Store in Suzhou City, Wanqiao District, Suzhou City, have been transferred to the public security organs and have been prosecuted. According to Xinhua News Agency

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