


The fridge flos sophorae to do a MaiFan spring frozen, this method make flos sophorae MaiFan soft waxy soft non-stick teeth, is a dish is a staple food.Nutrition and health, eat a not long flesh

By HaoYi private kitchens

< h2 > < / h2 > material

Sophora japonica 500

1 bowl of flour

The onion 2 root

3 clove of garlic

Chinese prickly ash 8 grain

Five-spice powder 1 scoop

5 g of salt

1 scoop

< h2 > < / h2 > practice steps


1, ready to all the ingredients (sophora japonica with salt water washing clean backup in advance)


2, sophora japonica accused of water, add flour, spices


3, add a little salt, stir well, let every one on flour sophora japonica


4, boiler water boiled in a mixed flos sophorae, steamed into the basin shaking scatter cool in fifteen minutes


5, and will cut the chopped green onion, garlic, dried prickly ash into the basin, pour into soy sauce


6, pour a spoonful of hot oil, stir well


7, wow is really too good

< h2 > tip < / h2 >

Like to eat flos sophorae friend can pick some flos sophorae in flos sophorae season wrapped in plastic bag, frozen in the refrigerator, eat out, at any time when but also cannot be stored for too long

< h2 > sophora japonica nutritional efficacy < / h2 >

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