
I was a popular bride for my mother

author:Brother Sannong Song was by his side

I will always remember that summer in 1980, my parents worked day and night to convert the only two grass houses in the family into tile houses, and as a result, my father became ill with overwork and died unexpectedly. The mother looked at the tall and short children, crying darkly, dead and alive.

At that time, my mother, who was only 42 years old, wanted to find another partner to support the stormy home! However, the secular prejudice of "a good woman does not marry a second husband" is like hanging a sword over her mother's head, so that she does not dare to cross the thunder pool for half a step. She had to use her own diligence and wisdom to work hard in the hard days. Finally, the situation at home changed, and our 4 brothers and sisters were admitted to college and joined the work and went to the city. Happiness is approaching her mother day by day, and she is happy all day.

The year before, I went back to the countryside to take my mother, who had passed the age of flowers, to live in the city. The city's cold security doors blocked the communication between people, and she stayed alone in her room all day, staring at the portrait of her father from 20 years ago.

My wife and I analyzed the reasons and discussed countermeasures. The wife said: "Dad died for many years, mom has no companion, less is the husband and wife are always companions, in order to make mom get rid of loneliness, or find a stepfather." "As soon as I heard it, I suddenly got started: Doesn't our neighborhood committee have a song team?" Mother's dancing song and dance is well known in the countryside ten miles and eight villages. Yes, let her join the Yangge team first!

The captain of the Yangge team is Uncle Hu, who lives in the unit next door to us. A few years ago, Aunt Hu died of illness, and both sons were working in other places, leaving him alone in an empty house. Since her mother joined the Yangge team, Uncle Hu has asked her to dance every day, and her mother has not shirked. Gradually, my wife and I found that my mother paid more and more attention to image.

Before every dance, you have to draw eyebrows, put on lipstick, play mousse... After the dance, Uncle Hu always delivered her to the door. When the two old people stayed together, there was talk and laughter, and happiness overflowed on their faces.

One day two months later, my mother was unwell and did not go dancing. When Uncle Hu learned about it, he actually came to my house with a pair of Chinese medicines. In front of the two old men, the wife took the opportunity to say: "Mom, uncle, don't hide from us, get married!" Perhaps the wife said this too suddenly, and the faces of the two old men became flushed. The mother said, "We have thought about this..." Uncle Hu added, "I'm just afraid you will object!" "How can it be?" You have worked hard to raise your children, and now that you are living a good life, you should naturally find a companion. I replied.

On the day of chongyang festival, the sun was shining. My wife and I accompanied the two elderly people to the civil affairs department to apply for a marriage certificate. The civil affairs assistant asked, "Are you in free love?" "Yes." The two old men replied in unison. "Who is the Red Lady?" "Son and daughter-in-law." The people in the office let out a wave of praise. My wife and I smiled heartily.

Comments: Being a popular bride for a mother is a manifestation of social civilization and progress. Respect for the elderly is not only manifested as material support, but also needs to respect the choice of the elderly's lifestyle and meet the emotional needs of the elderly.

Source: "The Essence of China's Stories of Respecting the Elderly" Li Baoku Editor-in-Chief, copyright belongs to the original author

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