
Classic Black Pepper Steak – a restaurant-style taste made at home

author:Bean and fruit delicacies
Classic Black Pepper Steak – a restaurant-style taste made at home

There have been recipes for black pepper steaks before, and this time it is another way to marinate with you. 1. Beef contains potassium Potassium is a mineral that is relatively lacking in the diet of most athletes. Low levels of potassium inhibit protein synthesis as well as growth hormone production, which can affect muscle growth. 2. Meat contains high-quality protein Steak is an excellent high-protein food, (per 100g) also contains calcium 7 mg, iron 0.9 mg, phosphorus 170 mg, vitamin B 10.07 mg, vitamin B 20.15 mg, folic acid 6 mg, and a small amount of vitamin A and so on. Nutrients are easily absorbed by the body. Nutritionists say that the nutritional value of beef ranks first in various meats, which can increase physical strength and replenish vitality. Therefore, beef is a must-have food for athletes at every Olympic Games. 3. Beef contains iron and zinc Beef can provide you with more iron and zinc – a valuable element for maintaining energy. For example, steak is rich in easily absorbed iron and zinc, which can improve the function of the immune system, and is also rich in folic acid, preventing babies from being born with disabilities. 4. Beef contains vitamin B12 Vitamin B12 is essential for cell production, and the role of red blood cells is to bring oxygen to muscle tissue. Vitamin B12 promotes the metabolism of branched-chain amino acids and supplies the body with the energy it needs for high-intensity training. 5. Beef contains vitamin B6 Beef contains vitamin B6, the greater the protein demand, the more vitamin B6 should be added in the diet. Beef contains enough vitamin B6 to help you strengthen your immunity, promote protein metabolism and synthesis, and help the body recover after intense training.

By tina_j kitchen

Beef tenderloin 600 g

Ingredients for marinating beef:

Celery 40 g

Broccoli 40 g

100 g onion

Pineapple 40 g

Garlic 20 g

Black pepper juice 100 ml

Butter 30 g

Chopped onion 40 g

Minced garlic 10 g

At frying:

Butter 50 g


Cucumber slices a little

2 small tomatoes

Mashed potatoes 80 g

2 sour cucumbers

Classic Black Pepper Steak – a restaurant-style taste made at home

1, buy beef tenderloin, wash and dry the surface water, with a special hammer for steak on both sides of the beating loose

Classic Black Pepper Steak – a restaurant-style taste made at home

2: Cut the onion into cubes, cut the celery into small pieces, cut the broccoli into small pieces, garlic

Classic Black Pepper Steak – a restaurant-style taste made at home

3: Cut the pineapple into chunks

Classic Black Pepper Steak – a restaurant-style taste made at home

4: Put it together in a blender and beat it into a puree

Classic Black Pepper Steak – a restaurant-style taste made at home

5: Put it in the steak after beating well

Classic Black Pepper Steak – a restaurant-style taste made at home

6: Marinate for more than 12 hours, including two or three times

Classic Black Pepper Steak – a restaurant-style taste made at home

7: After marinating, remove the puree of vegetables and fruits on the surface, sprinkle some ground black pepper on the surface and let stand for 10 minutes

Classic Black Pepper Steak – a restaurant-style taste made at home

8: Heat the pan over low heat and add butter, melt and turn to high heat

Classic Black Pepper Steak – a restaurant-style taste made at home

9: Add the marinated beef over high heat for 30 seconds on each side

Classic Black Pepper Steak – a restaurant-style taste made at home

10, wait for the two sides to change color, slightly browned, change the heat to low, 4 minutes on each side (pay attention to the thickness of the steak), thin if the time is appropriate to reduce

Classic Black Pepper Steak – a restaurant-style taste made at home

11: Make black pepper sauce from another pot: chopped onion and minced garlic, butter and set aside

Classic Black Pepper Steak – a restaurant-style taste made at home

12: Melt the butter in a pot over low heat, then add the onion and garlic

Classic Black Pepper Steak – a restaurant-style taste made at home

13: Sauté until fragrant

Classic Black Pepper Steak – a restaurant-style taste made at home

14: Pour in the juice left over from the fried steak and add the black pepper sauce

Classic Black Pepper Steak – a restaurant-style taste made at home

15: Bring to a boil over low heat

Classic Black Pepper Steak – a restaurant-style taste made at home

16, plate, you can directly sprinkle some black pepper and salt

Classic Black Pepper Steak – a restaurant-style taste made at home

17, the color is very beautiful, I like to have blood in it

Classic Black Pepper Steak – a restaurant-style taste made at home

18, like the black pepper sauce drizzled with the prepared sauce can be

Classic Black Pepper Steak – a restaurant-style taste made at home

19, make your own taste of the restaurant at home

Classic Black Pepper Steak – a restaurant-style taste made at home

20, marinate yourself more delicious

Classic Black Pepper Steak – a restaurant-style taste made at home

21. Dinner tonight

1. The heat is more important, according to their favorite maturity to cook 2.Use black pepper grains, not black pepper powder 3.Want the steak to be tender, or spend money to buy good beef, or take time to marinate


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