
Milk toast for beginners to boost their self-confidence! Serve the seconds disc

author:Bean and fruit delicacies
Milk toast for beginners to boost their self-confidence! Serve the seconds disc

The most convenient and nutritious breakfast is milk, eggs, fruits and toast, and after eating, hurry to work and school. This milk toast bread can't get tired of eating every day!

by miranda jelly 【Official Certified Master of Bean Fruit Cuisine】

High gluten flour 250g

High gluten flour 160-170g

Caster sugar 30g

Fresh yeast 9 g

Salt 3 g

Butter 20 g

Milk toast for beginners to boost their self-confidence! Serve the seconds disc

1, all the materials except butter into the dough cylinder, first low speed and then high speed whipping dough, until you can pull out the thick film, the hole has a zigzag shape.

Milk toast for beginners to boost their self-confidence! Serve the seconds disc

2: Add butter, first at low speed and then at high speed, knead the dough until you can get out of the glove film.

Milk toast for beginners to boost their self-confidence! Serve the seconds disc

3. Glove film

Milk toast for beginners to boost their self-confidence! Serve the seconds disc

4: Slightly shaped, placed in the dough jar, covered with plastic wrap and fermented at room temperature to twice the size. Poking a hole with your finger doesn't get smaller.

Milk toast for beginners to boost their self-confidence! Serve the seconds disc

5. After patting the exhaust with your hand, divide it into three parts and shape it.

Milk toast for beginners to boost their self-confidence! Serve the seconds disc

6: Take a dough and roll out into a long tongue shape

Milk toast for beginners to boost their self-confidence! Serve the seconds disc

7. Roll it up.

Milk toast for beginners to boost their self-confidence! Serve the seconds disc

8: Roll into a cylindrical shape and then flatten again, roll out into a long tongue, roll it up, put it into a toast mold, and discharge the three doughs side by side.

Milk toast for beginners to boost their self-confidence! Serve the seconds disc

9, with Haishi c40 fermentation, once can be adjusted. Set the fermentation temperature to 32 degrees Next to put a bowl of hot water to maintain humidity. Ferment until nine minutes full

Milk toast for beginners to boost their self-confidence! Serve the seconds disc

10: Preheat Haic C40 to 175 degrees and bake for 40-45 minutes. If the lid is closed, it becomes a cube, and if the lid is not covered, it will ferment into a mountain shape. If it is a mountain toast, it is easier to succeed with an electronic temperature control and a large oven like c40. That's my lesson

Milk toast for beginners to boost their self-confidence! Serve the seconds disc

11. Immediately after baking, reverse the buckle and let it cool. You can eat them one by one!

Nourish the heart, benefit the kidneys, remove heat, quench thirst, treat irritability, irritability, thirst, diarrhea, carbuncle, trauma bleeding and burns.

There are skills in cooking delicious dishes, each of my dishes has a little trick, everyone search for "bean fruit" can directly view my recipe!

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