
How to eat crucian carp? Teach you the method of canned crispy fish, bone crispy meat aroma, better than buying

author:Winter solstice snowy night
How to eat crucian carp? Teach you the method of canned crispy fish, bone crispy meat aroma, better than buying

Introduction to this issue: How to eat crucian carp? Teach you the method of canned crispy fish, bone crispy meat aroma, better than buying

The weather is warm, there are many stalls selling fish in the market, selling some small river fish and small river fish, these small fish are generally wild fish, the taste is particularly delicious, many people may be the same as me, do not like to eat farmed big fish, like to eat some small miscellaneous fish, spent 10 yuan, bought 3 pounds of small crucian carp, small crucian carp fish bones are more, many people do not know how to eat small crucian carp. Canned fish many people like to eat, scorched with soft taste, fish bones and fish bones crisp soft, especially under the rice, do not have to worry about being pricked by fish bones.

How to eat crucian carp? Teach you the method of canned crispy fish, bone crispy meat aroma, better than buying

Today teach you to use small crucian carp to make canned crispy fish, learned the method of this crucian carp, you can not go to the supermarket to buy canned fish, do it at home, bone crispy meat aroma, better than the canned fish bought, do it clean and hygienic, eat assured, even children can eat, fish bones are soft, eat can also supplement calcium. High temperature heat makes the fish bones crisp and soft, allowing the calcium in them to dissolve in large quantities. Therefore, the calcium content of canned fish is increased compared to fresh fish, and the minerals in it are not lost. Therefore, eating canned fish is also good for mineral supplementation. Here's a detailed recipe for this spiced crispy crucian carp:

How to eat crucian carp? Teach you the method of canned crispy fish, bone crispy meat aroma, better than buying

How to eat crucian carp? Teach you the method of canned crispy fish, bone crispy meat aroma, better than buying

【Canned crucian carp with spices】Ingredients required: 3 kg of crucian carp, appropriate amount of oil and salt, 2 pieces of green onion, 3 slices of ginger, 2 cloves of garlic, 20 peppercorns, 2 large ingredients, 3-4 pieces of fragrant leaves, 1 piece of cinnamon, 3 dried chili peppers, 120 grams of tomato paste, 2 teaspoons of five-spice powder, 2 tablespoons of sugar, 3 tablespoons of light soy sauce, 2 tablespoons of cooking wine,

Procedure steps:

How to eat crucian carp? Teach you the method of canned crispy fish, bone crispy meat aroma, better than buying

1. Clean up the crucian carp, especially the black film in the abdomen is removed cleanly, the black membrane in the belly of the fish, the fishy smell is relatively heavy, the crucian carp is washed, fished out of the drainage water, the water must be drained, otherwise when fried, it is easy to splash oil.

How to eat crucian carp? Teach you the method of canned crispy fish, bone crispy meat aroma, better than buying

2. Add oil to the pot to heat, the crucian carp into the oil pan in batches to fry, the oil is burned to 70% heat, (slightly green smoke) into a crucian carp to try the oil temperature, crucian carp into the oil pot, immediately around the dense bubbles, the oil temperature can be, the fish into the oil pot one by one, turn on the high heat to fry for 1 minute, and then change the low heat to fry for 2 minutes after fishing out. Do not turn the crucian carp after entering, fry the shape and then turn the fish over and fry, wait for one side to be fixed and then turn over and fry the other side, so that it is easy to keep the fish intact, the fish has not been fried when the shape is turned, the fish is easy to crush. The fried crucian carp is cooled, the oil in the pot is hot, the crucian carp is re-fried, the crucian carp is fried until it is golden and crispy, the oil is fished out, and the cooled fish is re-fried for a second time, so as to ensure that the fish's spines are fried and crispy, and after the fish is done, there is no need to worry about the fish bones will prick the throat.

How to eat crucian carp? Teach you the method of canned crispy fish, bone crispy meat aroma, better than buying

3. Pour out the oil of the fried fish in the pan, leave a little bottom oil, add the shallots, ginger slices, garlic grains, fragrant leaves, peppercorns, large ingredients, cinnamon, dried peppers, and fry the seasonings to bring out the aroma.

How to eat crucian carp? Teach you the method of canned crispy fish, bone crispy meat aroma, better than buying

4. Stir-fry the tomato sauce and stir-fry the tomato sauce to make it sour.

How to eat crucian carp? Teach you the method of canned crispy fish, bone crispy meat aroma, better than buying

5. Add water, the amount of water can not exceed the fish, pour cooking wine and soy sauce, and bring the soup to a boil.

How to eat crucian carp? Teach you the method of canned crispy fish, bone crispy meat aroma, better than buying

6. Add the fried crucian carp, bring to a boil on high heat, cover the pot, turn to low heat and simmer for 1 hour.

How to eat crucian carp? Teach you the method of canned crispy fish, bone crispy meat aroma, better than buying

7. After the time, collect the juice on high heat, keep some soup, do not boil the soup dry, overheat, and let it cool. A pot of bone crispy meat flavored canned crispy fish is ready. The fish is best eaten after it is cold, and the taste is better.

How to eat crucian carp? Teach you the method of canned crispy fish, bone crispy meat aroma, better than buying

8. If you can't finish eating at one time, put the remaining fish into the crisper box, pour in the remaining soup, put it in the refrigerator for refrigeration and storage, and eat as you go.

How to eat crucian carp? Teach you the method of canned crispy fish, bone crispy meat aroma, better than buying

Tips: Using a pressure cooker to press crucian carp will save time, pressing for 10 minutes on it, the oil temperature of the fried fish should be higher (slightly green smoke), you can put the crucian carp into the oil pot one by one, do not turn it after entering the crucian carp, fry the shape and then turn the fish over and fry, wait for one side to be fixed and then turn over and fry the other side, so it is easy to keep the fish intact, the fish is not fried when the shape is turned, the fish is easy to crush. The fried crucian carp is cooled, the oil in the pot is hot, the crucian carp is re-fried, the crucian carp is fried until it is golden and crispy, the oil is fished out, and the cooled fish is re-fried for a second time, so as to ensure that the fish's spines are fried and crispy, and after the fish is done, there is no need to worry about the fish bones will prick the throat.

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