
In addition to Yang Hucheng and Jiang Jie, who were imprisoned in the Chongqing White Mansion, there was also this big man

author:Historic inn

As everyone knows, in the Chongqing White Mansion and the Zha Di Cave, Yang Hucheng was killed together with Sister Jiang, Xiao RadishTou and others, which can be called the last madness of the Kuomintang reactionaries.

In fact, there was another big person who was killed with them, that is, General Huang Xiansheng.

In addition to Yang Hucheng and Jiang Jie, who were imprisoned in the Chongqing White Mansion, there was also this big man

Huang Xiansheng was a native of Xiuyan, Liaoning Province, who was admitted to Peking University in 1918, but in the process of the May Fourth Movement, Huang Xiansheng deeply felt the powerlessness of the literati, so he resolutely threw himself into the Northeast Army Lecture Hall, and after graduation, he entered the Northeast Army and became Zhang Xueliang's beloved general.

September 18, 1931, was a day that Chinese could not let go, because of Zhang Xueliang's non-resistance order, hundreds of thousands of northeast troops retreated without a fight, and gave up the northeast land to the Japanese, making countless Chinese sigh!

However, Zhang Xueliang's failure to resist did not mean that his men did not resist, and Huang Xiansheng, then the police chief of Liaoning Province and the director of the Shenyang Municipal Public Security Bureau, chose to fight with the Japanese and fired the first shot of the Northeast War of Resistance.

Unfortunately, his men were not well-equipped Northeast Army, but a police force organized and armed overnight, and there were only a few hundred of them. However, under the leadership of Huang Xiansheng, this unit was strong and gave the Japanese army a blow in the head.

In addition to Yang Hucheng and Jiang Jie, who were imprisoned in the Chongqing White Mansion, there was also this big man

Huang Xiansheng led this team to resist in Shenyang for a long time, and had to retreat until they ran out of ammunition and food, and became the last unit to withdraw from Shenyang.

Shortly after the withdrawal from Shenyang, Huang Xiansheng immediately began the formation of the Northeast Volunteer Army, which, although it persisted for less than a year and then failed, opened up a precedent for spontaneous armed resistance against Japan and laid the foundation for the later Northeast Anti-Japanese Alliance.

But what is unexpected is that although the Shenyang First World War made Huang Xiansheng famous, it also attracted him hatred.

The first is the Japanese people's hatred.

Because Huang Xiansheng's resistance once caused great repercussions within the Northeast Army, the anti-Japanese enthusiasm of the generals was high, and the Northeast Volunteer Army, which was later established under his auspices, was mediated with the Japanese army for a long time, creating a lot of trouble for the Japanese army, so the Japanese hated Huang Xiansheng to the bone, until the Japanese army occupied Peiping City after the July 7 Incident, and also named Huang Xiansheng's house to be raided!

In addition to Yang Hucheng and Jiang Jie, who were imprisoned in the Chongqing White Mansion, there was also this big man

The second is Chiang Kai-shek's resentment.

Although Huang Xiansheng blatantly disobeyed the order of "no resistance", because Zhang Xueliang always regarded him as a confidant and was well aware of his temper and disposition, he did not overly calculate, but chiang kai-shek, who was careful with his eyes, always had a grudge against him, especially later Huang Xiansheng openly refused Chiang Kai-shek's invitation, which made Chiang Kai-shek dissatisfied with him and made it difficult everywhere.

After the Xi'an Incident, a number of relevant personnel, including Yang Hucheng, Huang Xiansheng, and others, were included in the "blacklist" by Chiang Kai-shek.

Seeing the Kuomintang's internal struggle for power and profits, the miasma of black smoke, and the fact that the young marshal Zhang Xueliang was again under house arrest and it was difficult to play a role, coupled with the fact that Huang Xiansheng knew many Communists, he increasingly believed that the Communist Party's contingent was the contingent that genuinely resisted Japan, so he secretly made contact with our Party and waited for an opportunity to revolt.

Unfortunately, just as he was about to leave for Yan'an, he was secretly arrested by Kuomintang agents who had long been eyeing him. Since then, Huang Xiansheng has begun an 11-year prison career.

In addition to Yang Hucheng and Jiang Jie, who were imprisoned in the Chongqing White Mansion, there was also this big man

Friends who have read the novel "Red Rock" should know that Xiao Radish Head has a teacher in prison named "Huang Yisheng", and it is obvious that the prototype of this character is Huang Xiansheng.

On November 27, 1949, more than a month after the founding of New China, the reactionaries in Chongqing's White Mansion and Zha Di Dong increasingly felt that the end was coming, so they stepped up the persecution of progressives in prison, and finally secretly killed Huang Xiansheng and others.

According to records, Huang Xiansheng had anticipated that he would be killed, so he secretly hid a knife in case of an accident, but when he was taken to the mountains outside, before he could pull out his knife, he was shot in the back by the secret agents of the military command.

After General Huang Xiansheng was shot, he did not die immediately, but glared at the agent who fired the gun, and slowly fell down for a long time.

On December 15, 1949, a solemn memorial service was held for the martyrs from all walks of life in Chongqing, and the body of General Huang Xiansheng was also moved to Babaoshan Cemetery.

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