
Mediation | Husband Domestic Violence Wife Smashing Window "Mars Hits Earth" The 6-year marriage exploded The source of the contradiction is 1 bed?

author:The first gang
Mediation | Husband Domestic Violence Wife Smashing Window "Mars Hits Earth" The 6-year marriage exploded The source of the contradiction is 1 bed?


Wang Xiaoxia, who lives in Fuqing City, and her husband Lin Qiang have been married for nearly 6 years, the eldest daughter is 6 years old, and the younger son is more than 2 months old. From the 4th month of Wang Xiaoxia's pregnancy to the birth of the child, she lived in her mother's house, and Lin Qiang never came to see her and the child, not even a phone call.

Mediation | Husband Domestic Violence Wife Smashing Window "Mars Hits Earth" The 6-year marriage exploded The source of the contradiction is 1 bed?

"Mediation has a set" column group came to Wang Xiaoxia's mother's house, only to enter the door, Wang Xiaoxia's mother complained to us about her son-in-law, Wang Xiaoxia told us that last October, when she was 4 months pregnant, because of family trivia, Lin Qiang beat her face with his fists covered with blood.

After this conflict, Wang Xiaoxia returned to her mother's house to recuperate. In the days of the mother's family, the husband's family did not pay attention to themselves, and even after the birth of their young son, they did not visit the door, which was simply the rhythm of grace and righteousness! In order to understand the truth, the mediator and Wang Xiaoxia went to Lin Qiang's home together to understand the situation.

On the way, Wang Xiaoxia's heart has always been very worried, and she told us about a past: two days ago, she and her daughter talked about going back to her father's house, and her daughter cried and said no, because her father would beat her mother. Speaking of emotional places, Wang Xiaoxia couldn't help but shed tears...

Mediation | Husband Domestic Violence Wife Smashing Window "Mars Hits Earth" The 6-year marriage exploded The source of the contradiction is 1 bed?

After a 15-minute drive, we came to Lin Qiang's house - a 4-story house, the door is not locked, Wang Xiaoxia opened the door and went in but did not see her husband' figure, it turned out that Lin Qiang was at work, we decided to go to the village committee first to understand the situation. At the office of the village committee of Cangxia Village in Longjiang Street, Fuqing City, the staff helped us contact Lin Qiang, who promised to come from the unit to the village committee at 2 p.m. to accept mediation.

In the afternoon, Lin Qiang arrived as promised, and we saw him holding his young son in his arms. Lin Qiang told the "Mediation Has a Set" reporter that in the months when he and Wang Xiaoxia were separated, he also went to his daughter's kindergarten and wanted to take her out to buy clothes. However, this move made Wang Xiaoxia very angry, she went straight to Lin Qiang's house, smashed the glass on the 1st to 4th floors, and even the TV, furniture and other items were not spared, almost seeing what was smashed... It seems that Wang Xiaoxia is also a violent temper.

Mediation | Husband Domestic Violence Wife Smashing Window "Mars Hits Earth" The 6-year marriage exploded The source of the contradiction is 1 bed?

Xu Shimin, a mediator in the column "Mediation Has a Set", learned that Wang Xiaoxia was very concerned about the safety of her daughter at that time, so she made a mistake on impulse. But whether it is Lin Qiang's domestic violence or Wang Xiaoxia's smashing of windows, rising to the level of violence, it is not right, and suspected of crime, both sides are too uncool. So, back to the original question of domestic violence, why did Lin Qiang do anything to Wang Xiaoxia?

When Wang Xiaoxia married Lin Qiang, the family did not buy her a new marriage bed. After this, the family bought a new bed for Lin Qiang's sister. This inevitably makes Wang Xiaoxia feel that her husband's family is favoring one over the other, and her heart is uncomfortable, so it is inevitable to complain about this every day, and sometimes even have a fierce verbal conflict with her husband's family, which makes the atmosphere at home very unpleasant. Listening to his wife's broken thoughts, Lin Qiang couldn't bear it any longer, and only then did a physical conflict occur. Lin Qiang also admitted that it was a momentary impulse to do something to his wife at that time, but Wang Xiaoxia's temper really made him unbearable.

Mediation | Husband Domestic Violence Wife Smashing Window "Mars Hits Earth" The 6-year marriage exploded The source of the contradiction is 1 bed?

The two sides have been arguing endlessly about the past of Chen Guzi's rotten sesame seeds, and they have different opinions, and we have no way to verify the facts of the incident at that time. However, we can see from the dispute between the 2 people that the contradiction between the husband and wife is not caused overnight, and the daily communication situation is very bad. Today, they have a daughter and a son, but they feel that the road of affection has come to an end, and they insist on divorce! Both parties agreed to divorce by agreement, what are their plans for life after divorce?

As far as Wang Xiaoxia, as a mother, the 2 children are all meat that fell from her body, and Wang Xiaoxia wants to take them all away, but Lin Qiang has always insisted that there be 1 child to follow her after the divorce. In the end, wang Xiaoxia's family agreed to raise their daughter to Lin Qiang after consultation, but put forward a condition: in the case of the daughter being raised by Lin Qiang, Lin Qiang would continue to pay the maintenance of his son.

Mediator Lao Xu pointed out that both parties are the biological parents of the child, both have custody rights, and should each bear 50%. Wang Xiaoxia asked Lin Qiang to pay a one-time maintenance fee of 100,000 yuan, while Lin Qiang was only willing to pay 30,000 yuan. In addition, Lin Qiang still hopes that his son's surname and hukou can follow him. Because the two sides had a relatively large disagreement, the mediator Lao Xu decided to separate the two parties first and communicate separately.

Mediation | Husband Domestic Violence Wife Smashing Window "Mars Hits Earth" The 6-year marriage exploded The source of the contradiction is 1 bed?

After 10 minutes of consultation, Lin Qiang said that Wang Xiaoxia had smashed the windows and TVs in their home before, and they would not pursue these losses. But if the younger son follows his mother's surname, he can only pay 30,000 yuan as the living expenses of the younger son from the current to the age of 6. Wang Xiaoxia's aunt said that the acceptable price is 50,000 yuan. Seeing that the gap between the two sides was one step closer, Lao Xu decided to let the two families communicate face-to-face again.

After repeated tug-of-war, perhaps wanting to make a decision as soon as possible, Wang Xiaoxia's family finally agreed to Lin Qiang's plan to pay 30,000 yuan for living expenses. Considering that the 2 people have not yet divorced, the 2 children still live with Wang Xiaoxia first. The mediator Lao Xu suggested that during this 1-month cooling-off period, the parties should carefully consider whether there is room for reversal in each other's marriage. The two sides finally reached an agreement, and our mediation came to an end.

When everyone was ready to leave, Lin Qiang and his daughter said goodbye. After all, it is flesh and blood, and father and daughter are deeply in love after all. The naïve little daughter may not understand the fate she will face in the future, and at this time, we don't know when to see each other, and we seem to be sighing... Please pay attention to the "Mediation has a set" column broadcast at 7:00 pm on fujian TV comprehensive channel, we will continue to bring you wonderful stories, taste the cold and warmth of the world...

Mediation | Husband Domestic Violence Wife Smashing Window "Mars Hits Earth" The 6-year marriage exploded The source of the contradiction is 1 bed?



Mediation | Husband Domestic Violence Wife Smashing Window "Mars Hits Earth" The 6-year marriage exploded The source of the contradiction is 1 bed?
Mediation | Husband Domestic Violence Wife Smashing Window "Mars Hits Earth" The 6-year marriage exploded The source of the contradiction is 1 bed?

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