
Appetizing fried noodles! Copying the famous snacks of the Northwest at home, noodle lovers love fried noodles

author:There is a cafeteria

In the northwest region, noodles come and go frequently, in Lanzhou, in addition to the most famous bowl of beef noodles, there is a snack more grounded, in Lanzhou ordinary families and streets can be eaten, the practice is not complicated, this is fried noodles, in the noodle jianghu, it has a status. Some people say that if fried noodles are added to the noodle jianghu, he will not hesitate to choose fried noodles. Fried noodles are also ordinary noodle snacks, and after waking up, the dough is made into a dough, which is strong, and even southerners will love its taste.

Lanzhou fried noodle slices will be added to lamb, onions, potatoes and carrots. In Xi'an and other places in Xinjiang, there will also be fried noodles, the practice is much the same, the difference is that the ingredients are different, and some fried noodles also add oil and spicy seeds. The most domineering thing is a bowl of fried noodles that are eaten with garlic.

As a specialty of the northwest region in the noodle jianghu, stir-fried noodles can be most flexible and changeable, can be fried with meat dishes, can also be accompanied by vegetarian dishes, and smorgasbord is also OK. The weight of the kung fu of fried noodles is spent on kneading the dough, the dough should be kneaded to the extremely soft, and in addition, the noodles are awakened with cooking oil, and the noodles are warm water, and the ratio of water to noodles is 3:1.

The most fun thing about making food is not to go exactly like that, to do it according to the routine, but to play on the basis of the original imagination, flexible and changeable, which is the most interesting place to cook food.

Appetizing fried noodles! Copying the famous snacks of the Northwest at home, noodle lovers love fried noodles

Ingredients: Flour Eggs Salt Warm Water Oil Bean Sprouts Onion Tomatoes Salt Soy Sauce Garlic

Step: The first step is, of course, to knead the dough, mix warm water and flour in a 3:1 example, beat an egg in the basin, put a little salt, and use chopsticks to stir the flour into a flocculent;

Appetizing fried noodles! Copying the famous snacks of the Northwest at home, noodle lovers love fried noodles

Put in the bread machine to start the kneading mode, knead the dough until it is soft, and then use the plastic bag to wake up for about half an hour;

Appetizing fried noodles! Copying the famous snacks of the Northwest at home, noodle lovers love fried noodles

After waking up, roll out the noodles into long strips and cut into small pieces, take a basin where the agent is placed and brush it with oil, and then brush the oil on both sides of the divided agent in the dish, and continue to wake up;

Appetizing fried noodles! Copying the famous snacks of the Northwest at home, noodle lovers love fried noodles

At this time, the green vegetables are washed and prepared, and they can be fried according to their favorite meat dishes with noodles;

Appetizing fried noodles! Copying the famous snacks of the Northwest at home, noodle lovers love fried noodles

Prepare the pot, pour in the water and bring to a boil!

Knock on the blackboard! It's time for the most important thing! The dough is generally the size of the big finger noodles, but it can also be pulled a little longer, holding a good ingredient in one hand and pulling the dough in the other.

Appetizing fried noodles! Copying the famous snacks of the Northwest at home, noodle lovers love fried noodles

Pour the dough into a little boil and rinse it in cold water and set aside;

Stir-fry the tomatoes in the oil;

Appetizing fried noodles! Copying the famous snacks of the Northwest at home, noodle lovers love fried noodles

Pour in the dough slices, onions, bean sprouts, salt, soy sauce and stir-fry slightly, and then you can get out of the pot;

Appetizing fried noodles! Copying the famous snacks of the Northwest at home, noodle lovers love fried noodles

Such a plate of stir-fried noodles can be used as a staple food or as a dish on the table. Breakfast is also a good choice, you can wake up the dough one night and the next morning the noodles will be more tendonic.

Appetizing fried noodles! Copying the famous snacks of the Northwest at home, noodle lovers love fried noodles

It is not difficult to do a good job of fried noodles, the main thing is to knead the dough, the water remembers to put warm water, if it is hand kneading dough, in the process of kneading the dough can feel the change of the dough, slowly become soft and powerful. The other is to wake up the noodles, to use oil, these two important points to remember can play fried noodles. You can fry it any way you want!

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