
Foreign police officer Fujian learns "dog fist" to learn Chinese martial arts Gandang "migratory bird"

author:American Overseas Chinese Daily Network

"I started practicing Ground Martial Arts at the age of 17, and I have been practicing for 15 years. Matthew Brooks said recently. Matthew is a police officer in Brighton, England, who works in crime investigations. Every March, he and like-minded people travel across the ocean to Fujian to learn Chinese martial arts from Lin Zaipei, the representative inheritor of the Southern Shaolin Technique. Overseas martial arts enthusiasts said that they want to spread martial arts to more parts of the world and let more people know the breadth and depth of Chinese culture.

China News Network reported on the 11th that in the two issues of the American "Kung Fu" magazine in 2005 and 2009, there was such a line: we fight while lying on the backs (we lie on the ground boxing), the article describes a very different Chinese martial art - ground martial arts. For a time, Dishu Fist set off a wave in the world martial arts circle.

Accompanied by the wave is a group of "overseas migratory birds", a group of martial arts enthusiasts, who have traveled thousands of miles to Fujian to learn the art of martial arts and feel the mysteries of Chinese martial arts. However, due to the validity of their visas, they can only stay in China for a short time to practice boxing, and then return to their hometown for the next year. Years.

"In 2007, I came to China with a kung fu dream to study martial arts, and I didn't know Master Lin Zaipei without fighting." Neil Johnson, who has opened a museum in the UK to teach ground boxing, said.

Neil recalled: "I had two hands with him, the first time I had the upper hand, but I did not expect that he would suddenly lean over and sweep my knees, and I fell to the ground, and he immediately twisted my legs with his legs, making me unable to move, and lost to him." However, I did not lose my heart, and thought of the response method of "next game surprise attack" to challenge him again, but I still lost to him. The next year, I took the trainees to him, and I said to him, "We are going to learn the art of earth boxing." ”

Ground Fist, because of the moves imitating the rolling, closing flash and other movements of dogs, also known as "dog fist", is a rare fist in southern China, mainly spread in Mindi. Legend has it that it is a set of pictographic boxing techniques created by nuns in Fujian Bailian Nunnery in the late Ming and early Qing dynasties.

In 2011, the Southern Shaolin Dishu Quan was officially rated as a "National Intangible Cultural Heritage", and Chinese boxer Lin Zaipei became its representative inheritor.

"We love Chinese martial arts, we use the art of martial arts to practice martial arts, and every time we practice, our knowledge increases." Matthew and Neil were joined by police officer Imogen Thomas and university teacher Alison canals and other martial arts enthusiasts.

"We are not just Westerners who learn Kung Fu, we are a big family, and The Earth Technique Boxing binds us together, and we gain friendship and healthy physique from it." We learn Chinese martial arts and spread it to more parts of the world, so that more people know the breadth and depth of Chinese culture. Matthew said.

According to Lin Zaipei, more than 1,000 foreign disciples from 13 countries, including the United States, the Netherlands, Russia, Canada, and Australia, have come to learn Earth Martial Arts.

This year, Lin added a bilingual pennant in Chinese and English to the wall of the martial arts hall where he was taught boxing, which was given to him by a British student. Yin Hong's flag reads, "Together we will continue to advance the development of art and ensure that it is passed on to future generations!" ”

They went to Rong from England and are the sixth generation of Dishu Quan

Foreign police officer Fujian learns "dog fist" to learn Chinese martial arts Gandang "migratory bird"

In Jinji mountain park, five British foreign disciples performed earth martial arts. (Source: Straits Metropolis Daily)

Foreign police officer Fujian learns "dog fist" to learn Chinese martial arts Gandang "migratory bird"

Sam is a novice who practices half a beat slower, but he enjoys the process. (Source: Straits Metropolis Daily)

Foreign police officer Fujian learns "dog fist" to learn Chinese martial arts Gandang "migratory bird"

With the ground fist of JuKegang, it is very practical for the female police officer Imogen. (Source: Straits Metropolis Daily)

Foreign police officer Fujian learns "dog fist" to learn Chinese martial arts Gandang "migratory bird"

Lin Zaipei, a 76-year-old descendant of dishu fist, taught foreign disciples by hand. (Source: Straits Metropolis Daily)

According to the "Straits Metropolis Daily" report, the head is shrunk, the chest is pulled back, the shoulders are sunken and the elbows are dropped, the hips are bent, the knees are bent, the stretches are alternate, the rolling is smooth, and the speed of wear is smart... The top of the mountain, this is where the martial arts masters have fought a decisive battle. Recently, on the jasmine stage of Jinjishan Park in Jin'an District, Fuzhou City, 5 British foreign disciples from 10,000 kilometers away collectively performed the "three battles" routine of Dishu Fist under the guidance of Lin Zaipei, the fifth generation of Dishu Quan.

Among these foreign disciples, the oldest is 50 years old, the youngest is 26 years old, and two of them are British policemen.

The young man Matthew is a police officer in Brighton, England, and the blonde Imokin once served as a grappling training instructor in bristol city police, and the one that linked them together was the ground art boxing, and now they are considered to be the sixth generation of the ground art boxing.

Dishu Fist is one of the rare Han Chinese fists in southern China. Every year in March, a group of foreign disciples from the United Kingdom take more than ten days of annual leave, take sixteen or seventeen hours of flights, and go to Fuzhou to learn art several times. Their master, Lin Zaipei, 76 years old, is the representative inheritor of the national intangible cultural heritage of Southern Shaolin Dishu Boxing, and began training foreign disciples ten years ago.

Now that the master is older, the master brother Lin Zhenquan has become the guidance and sparring of foreign disciples. Lin Zhenquan said that Xiyuan Village in Fuzhou is the hometown of their grandfather Chen Yijiu, and the foreign disciples came to Fuzhou to study art, and it is precisely the folk atmosphere of dishu fist in Fuzhou.

The foreign disciples studied in Fuzhou in a way that practiced asceticism. They live in ordinary business hotels, travel by bus, in order to save a dollar transfer fee, they can walk an extra kilometer. They dress modestly and wear Chinese Leap brand rubber shoes when practicing.

This time in Fuzhou, they brought the "post-90s" lawyer Sam. As a novice, Sam will slow down the upper half beat and occasionally lose physical strength when doing routine movements, but he enjoys the process, "When practicing martial arts, I can relax my whole body and forget the pressure of work." (End)

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