
Casserole lamb chop radish soup, one soup and two eat, meat fragrant and delicious soup umami strong

author:Lucky enough to enjoy life
Casserole lamb chop radish soup, one soup and two eat, meat fragrant and delicious soup umami strong

Winter is more suitable for eating lamb, because mutton is warm, belongs to the winter cold and warm supplement meat. But eating too much will really catch fire, easy to appear toothache, mouth and tongue sores, more yellow phlegm, like cold and afraid of heat and other fire phenomena. In particular, drinking the soup of shabu lamb is easier to catch fire. In my personal experience, one autumn, I coughed from a fire, and after more than a week of taking Chinese medicine and adjusting, I got obviously better. However, because I drank half a bowl of mutton soup one night, the next day my cough immediately worsened, so the Chinese medicine doctor said a meal. Since that time, I have learned that this mutton soup is more popular than mutton.

After Beijing entered the winter, I always wanted to cook lamb chops and radish soup, but I was on fire some time ago, and my mouth was blistering. Today, my family saw that my mouth was all right, so they bought lamb chops and white radish. White radish contains a lot of fiber, which can promote digestion, and it is cool, and it is just neutralized when eaten with lamb.

Today to share with you, cook a pot of lamb chop radish soup, you can eat two soups, meat fragrant and delicious soup umami strong.

Casserole lamb chop radish soup, one soup and two eat, meat fragrant and delicious soup umami strong

Main ingredients:

1 white radish, lamb chops to taste, water, cooking wine, rock sugar, goji berries, ginger slices, green onion, salt, pepper, coriander, minced garlic, soy sauce, sesame oil, aged vinegar, sugar

Production process:

1: After the fresh lamb chops are rinsed, cut into moderate-sized chunks with a knife, soaked in water for more than 2 hours, and the water should be changed in the middle.

Casserole lamb chop radish soup, one soup and two eat, meat fragrant and delicious soup umami strong

2: Remove the head and tail of the white radish, scrape off the skin, wash, cut into rolling knife pieces, and set aside.

Casserole lamb chop radish soup, one soup and two eat, meat fragrant and delicious soup umami strong
Casserole lamb chop radish soup, one soup and two eat, meat fragrant and delicious soup umami strong

3: Relax the water in the pot, put the lamb chops into the pot with cold water, pour in the appropriate amount of cooking wine, boil and skim off all the foam. Drain the lamb chops and set aside.

Casserole lamb chop radish soup, one soup and two eat, meat fragrant and delicious soup umami strong
Casserole lamb chop radish soup, one soup and two eat, meat fragrant and delicious soup umami strong
Casserole lamb chop radish soup, one soup and two eat, meat fragrant and delicious soup umami strong

4: Prepare shallots, sliced ginger, goji berries, coriander and rock sugar.

Casserole lamb chop radish soup, one soup and two eat, meat fragrant and delicious soup umami strong
Casserole lamb chop radish soup, one soup and two eat, meat fragrant and delicious soup umami strong

5: Put in the casserole dish with an appropriate amount of water, add the appropriate amount of cooking wine, green onion, ginger slices, salt, boil and pour into the lamb chops, if there is still foam in the water, skim off again. After boiling the pot, turn to low heat, cover the pot and cook for 1 hour.

When the time comes, uncover the lid of the pot, first fish out the green onion in the pot, and then pour the cut white radish and goji berries into the casserole. Without liding, place the rock sugar in the soup until it brings to a boil. Calculate the time to cook for 20 minutes, and it is best to leave a thin slit in the lid of the pot to let it run out of the radish gas.

Tell you a little trick: when boiling white radish, put the right amount of rock sugar in the pot, which can effectively remove the bitterness, astringency and odor of the radish. If you still don't believe it, try it, it's really spiritual. Don't ask who told me, it's a little secret. Ha ha!

Casserole lamb chop radish soup, one soup and two eat, meat fragrant and delicious soup umami strong
Casserole lamb chop radish soup, one soup and two eat, meat fragrant and delicious soup umami strong
Casserole lamb chop radish soup, one soup and two eat, meat fragrant and delicious soup umami strong

6: Cook the white radish for 20 minutes, the taste is best, turn off the heat. Lamb chops and radish soup is done. When boiling radish, we make a dipping sauce. Take a small bowl, according to your taste, pat a few cloves of minced garlic into the bowl, and then pour in the appropriate amount of soy sauce, sesame oil, aged vinegar, sugar, chopped coriander and stir well.

Casserole lamb chop radish soup, one soup and two eat, meat fragrant and delicious soup umami strong

7: Put the lamb chops and radish soup in a large bowl.

Casserole lamb chop radish soup, one soup and two eat, meat fragrant and delicious soup umami strong

8, finished product picture: casserole lamb chop radish soup, one soup two eat, meat fragrant and delicious soup umami strong.

When eating, you can eat with lamb chops and radish dipping sauce with chopsticks, or you can drink a bowl as a soup in a small bowl. One dish and two can be eaten as a dish and can be used as soup, killing two birds with one stone. The meat of the lamb chops has been deboned, delicate and mellow, soft and delicious, the radish is soft and hard, the entrance is slightly sweet without odor, and the soup is umami, so delicious!

Casserole lamb chop radish soup, one soup and two eat, meat fragrant and delicious soup umami strong

Friendly Reminder:

1, white radish must be peeled, boiled out so that there is no spicy taste.

2. When boiling radish, do not cover the pot tightly and leave a small slit. Remember to put the right amount of rock sugar so that there is no bitterness, astringency and odor.

3, drink lamb chops radish soup, remember to drink hot, so that it is delicious and delicious.

4, if you can eat spicy, it is best to dip some chili oil in the sauce, the taste is richer.

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