
The ten classic quotations of Mr. Lin Yutang, the master of the Republic of China, please treasure

author:Late night natto
The ten classic quotations of Mr. Lin Yutang, the master of the Republic of China, please treasure

Lin Yutang (1895.10.10-1976.3.26)

A native of Longxi (present-day Zhangzhou), Fujian

He is a famous writer, scholar, translator and linguist in modern China

His main works include: "Life is Just Like This", "The Biography of Su Dongpo", "Jinghua Smoke and Clouds", "The Art of Living", "My Country and My People", "Lin Yutang Prose", "The Feast of Life", "Selected Classic Works of Lin Yutang" and so on


Life is nothing more than that, and it is done and cherished. You will always be your own protagonist, don't always play a supporting role in other people's plays.

The degree of a person's enlightenment is equal to the depth of his suffering.

Wise people read group books and experience life.

Enjoying a leisurely life is certainly much cheaper than enjoying a luxurious life. To enjoy a leisurely life, it is only a kind of artist's temperament, in a completely leisurely mood, to spend a leisurely afternoon.

You think it doesn't matter, then nothing matters.

Girls know that someone is obsessed with her, and they will be more polite, kinder, and more sympathetic to everyone, because she finds herself in the eyes of her lover.

A man's fate is determined by his past and present actions.

You are selfish about emotions, emotions are the most capable of hurting people, and the wounds can only hurt yourself in the end.

Ordinary people cannot appreciate the joy of this earthly life, because they do not love life deeply, making life ordinary, rigid, and boring.

To really understand a person, just look at how he uses his spare time.

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