
After killing Dong Zhuo, look at Wang Yun's behavior again, and then understand Wang Yun's poisonousness

author:Historical narrative

At the beginning of the Romance of the Three Kingdoms, it is written: "Long time will be united, and long time will be divided." All feudal dynasties developed in this way, taking the country from the hands of the former dynasty, weakening and destroying again. Since the Yellow Turban Rebellion in 184 AD, the Eastern Han Dynasty has also entered the countdown to its demise.

At the end of the Eastern Han Dynasty, the masses were in strife and the warlords were in chaos, until the establishment of the Three Kingdoms and the establishment of the three legs. However, if we talk about the opening of the eastern Han Dynasty, I am afraid that it is not the famous historical event of "Lü Bu killing Dong Zhuo", that is, the most famous "beauty plan" among the thirty-six counts, and this plan is from the famous minister Wang Yun at the end of the Eastern Han Dynasty.

After killing Dong Zhuo, look at Wang Yun's behavior again, and then understand Wang Yun's poisonousness

Wang Yun's strategy was mainly for the political stability of the Eastern Han Dynasty, and Wang Yun could be said to be loyal to the country, but if you look closely at Wang Yun's various behaviors after killing Dong Zhuo, I am afraid that no one will not feel its poisonousness.

After Dong Zhuo was killed, the world cheered. Dong Zhuo's various acts have brought calamity to the country and the people, and the people of the world are eager to eat his flesh. Eradicating Dong Zhuo is not only to defend the rule of the Han Dynasty regime, but also to the people's desire. It's a great pleasure!

After killing Dong Zhuo, look at Wang Yun's behavior again, and then understand Wang Yun's poisonousness

As the primary hero who killed Dong Zhuo, Wang Yun not only received commendations from the imperial court, but also received various support and praise from the people. Wang Yun began to become a little arrogant, thinking that even Dong Zhuo had died in his hands, what else did he need to be afraid of?

He began to look at everything and not care about everything. Every time he held a meeting with other ministers to discuss important matters of the country, he no longer remained humble and actively discussed with everyone, but sat in a precarious position, not smiling, as if he were superior.

After killing Dong Zhuo, look at Wang Yun's behavior again, and then understand Wang Yun's poisonousness

It was this kind of behavior that caused the other ministers to start keeping a distance from him, rather than the same as before, which was also the beginning of centrifugation, and it had to be said that this situation was subtly similar to Dong Zhuo's situation at that time.

Cai Yong, a famous literary scholar of the Eastern Han Dynasty, but who knew that the final outcome of this literary artist was to be unjustly killed in prison, and he failed to complete his wish to write the history of Han. And Cai Yong's death can be said to have been caused by Wang Yun's hand.

After killing Dong Zhuo, look at Wang Yun's behavior again, and then understand Wang Yun's poisonousness

Cai Yong was once a subordinate of Dong Zhuo, and Dong Zhuo also particularly appreciated him. Therefore, when he learned the news that the old master had suddenly been killed, he was a little caught off guard, so he sighed involuntarily, and he never expected that it was this sigh that sent him to the road of death.

It turned out that Wang Yun was also next to him at that time, heard this sigh, and was immediately angry, thinking that Cai Yong did not have a big picture view, and only sighed for Dong Zhuo because of the small favor that Dong Zhuo gave Cai Yong. So he was sent to prison for questioning.

After killing Dong Zhuo, look at Wang Yun's behavior again, and then understand Wang Yun's poisonousness

In order to fulfill his ideal of writing a history of Han, Cai Yong was willing to accept the engraving on his face and cut such a cruel criminal law, just to save his life and spend the rest of his life completing the history of Han. At the same time, the ministers tried to rescue them, and even the lieutenant went to the door to intercede, but it had no effect, and Wang Yun still ignored it, forcing Cai Yong to finally die unjustly in prison.

Lü Bu, as one of the main forces to suppress Dong Zhuo, was also rewarded, of course, under the control of Wang Yun. At the beginning, when Wang Yun persuaded Lü Bu to cooperate, he called Lü Bu a hero, praised his talent and ability, understood his difficulties, and lamented the unfair treatment he had received.

After killing Dong Zhuo, look at Wang Yun's behavior again, and then understand Wang Yun's poisonousness

Unfortunately, after the fact, it began to reveal the real idea. Wang Yun not only looked down on Lü Bu, but only treated him as a swordsman, not a general, let alone a hero, isolating him from the government and weakening his rights.

In addition, the generals who had followed Dong Zhuo before were also quite powerful, Wang Yun pardoned them on the one hand, and later used them for his own use, on the other hand, he was afraid that they would rebel, so he wanted to deal with it, and when he was entangled, Lü Bu repeatedly persuaded and Chen Ming was harmful, but unfortunately, Wang Yun himself did not look up to Lü Bu, let alone Lü Bu's suggestion.

After killing Dong Zhuo, look at Wang Yun's behavior again, and then understand Wang Yun's poisonousness

It can be said that under Wang Yun's hands, Lü Bu did not live happily, not to mention that he was a proud person himself, and under all kinds of circumstances, gradually, he was at odds with Wang Yun. Of course, it cannot be said that Lü Bu himself has no problems, but after all, he was treated poorly by Wang Yun.

Dong Zhuo endangered the four sides, cruelly and murderously, deposed the emperor, killed Empress He, and then everyone was helpless, the root of which was the Liangzhou soldiers in his hands. Dong Zhuo's management of his subordinates was very strict and not benevolent, and if his subordinates made a slight mistake in their speech, they were executed on the spot, brutal, but effective.

After killing Dong Zhuo, look at Wang Yun's behavior again, and then understand Wang Yun's poisonousness

With this army of soldiers and horses, Dong Zhuo can be described as unscrupulous and arbitrary. So, now that Dong Zhuo is dead, where should these soldiers and horses go? Wang Yun's handling of this issue also became a turning point in Wang Yun's fate.

Wang Yun's handling of this matter fully proves that he may be a patriotic and loyal person, a schemer who can bear the burden of humiliation, but he is indeed not a qualified politician. His handling of the Liangzhou department was simply a series of riots.

After killing Dong Zhuo, look at Wang Yun's behavior again, and then understand Wang Yun's poisonousness

At first, Wang Yun planned to pardon all the Liangzhou soldiers and horses, after all, the Liangzhou soldiers and horses did not rebel, and then suddenly changed their minds and decided to punish them to set an example, but in essence, it was to obtain military power and eliminate hidden dangers.

At the same time, some people suggested that Wang Yun, instead of letting the Kwantung soldiers control the Liangzhou soldiers, it was better to appoint HuangPu Song as the commander of the Liangzhou soldiers, to appease the hearts of the army, not only to reduce disputes, but also to resolve the matter more properly. This suggestion was resolutely rejected by Wang Yun, who believed that after Dong Zhuo's death, the stationing of Kwantung soldiers and horses in Liangzhou, which was in harsh conditions, would affect the trust and loyalty of Kwantung generals to the imperial court.

After killing Dong Zhuo, look at Wang Yun's behavior again, and then understand Wang Yun's poisonousness

Wang Yun's madness is not weaker than Dong Zhuo's, he is confident that he is brilliant, only because of the special path of literature and martial arts, so the way of handling it is somewhat different. In fact, he single-handedly created the opportunity for the revival of the Han Dynasty, but did not seize the opportunity, but dragged it to the bottom of the valley, so that the people fell into a more difficult situation.

Wang Yun and Dong Zhuo were both extremely evil. Dong Zhuo is extremely vicious, and Wang Yun's judgment of the situation does lack long-term vision and determination, and his actions are not decisive enough, and he is too naïve to "seek skin with the tiger".

After killing Dong Zhuo, look at Wang Yun's behavior again, and then understand Wang Yun's poisonousness

After learning that Wang Yun wanted to disband the Liangzhou soldiers, the people of Liangzhou began to spread rumors everywhere, saying that Wang Yun wanted to destroy the Liangzhou people. The Soldiers of Liangzhou were already deeply worried, and upon hearing the news, Wang Yun not only did not intend to pardon them, but also wanted to cut their military power and disband the army, and the news of Cai Yong's unjust death made people even more desperate.

At this time, I have to mention one person, that is, Niu Fu's strategist Jia Xu, whose people are extremely cunning and scheming. He offered advice to Li Dai and Guo Feng, since the imperial court did not intend to pardon, we should fight to the death, if we were lucky enough to capture Chang'an, then the world would be our pocket; if not, then rob the rich people's homes, rob the women, and then return, we can still survive.

After killing Dong Zhuo, look at Wang Yun's behavior again, and then understand Wang Yun's poisonousness

Li Dai and Guo Feng immediately gathered soldiers and horses, traveled in the starry night, and killed Chang'an. In June, Li Dai and Guo Feng and others besieged Chang'an. Who knew that the Kwantung soldiers, whom Wang Yun valued so much, actually did not send troops to suppress the anti-thieves, and Chang'an was only Lü Bu alone, which was really difficult to support alone, so he had to flee. Eight days later, Li Dai and Guo Feng and others attacked Chang'an City.

After the rebels entered the city, all kinds of killing people and venting their anger, more than 10,000 officials and civilians died in this war, the world was suddenly in chaos, and Wang Yun, Huang Wan, and Lu Xu, who planned to participate in the eradication of Dong Zhuo, were wiped out, and all the clans were linked. Also because Wang Yun was a native of Hezhou, Li Dai, Guo Feng, and others were angry with the people of Hezhou, and killed all the people of Hezhou in the army, both men and women, and the number exceeded one hundred.

After killing Dong Zhuo, look at Wang Yun's behavior again, and then understand Wang Yun's poisonousness

Wang Yun was born in a famous family in Shanxi, and from an early age, he was talented and patriotic. Although he was born superior, he still studied hard, read poetry and books, and also learned martial arts to strengthen his body, and it is not too much to say that he was a young talent.

After his departure, for the sake of official justice, he was even more patient in designing to eradicate Dong Zhuo, and Qing Shi left his name. Who would have expected that after this, frequent deaths, pride and complacency, and vicious work would end up with such a result, which made people feel a thousand emotions.

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