
Matcha shrimp balls, crab golden soup hibiscus mandarin fish balls, qing scorched Dalian abalone


Matcha shrimp balls

Matcha shrimp balls, crab golden soup hibiscus mandarin fish balls, qing scorched Dalian abalone

Ingredients & Ingredients:

12 net shrimp, matcha or okra powder, salad dressing, lemon juice, condensed milk


Cut the back of the shrimp, soak in lye water for 10 minutes, rinse with running water and drain, add green onion, ginger, cooking wine, vegetable juice and mix well to marinate

Mix well and set aside, add mustard and spicy according to taste

Blanch the shrimp balls in water, absorb the water and mix well with the seasonings in step 2, wrap in okra powder or matcha powder and put them on the plate, and add green beans and other edible flowers and herbs to garnish

Matcha shrimp balls, crab golden soup hibiscus mandarin fish balls, qing scorched Dalian abalone

Crab golden soup hibiscus mandarin fish round

Matcha shrimp balls, crab golden soup hibiscus mandarin fish balls, qing scorched Dalian abalone

1 mandarin fish, saffron, 200 g skin, 8-10 egg whites, 100 g crab yellow sauce, salt, pepper, chicken juice, sugar, sesame oil

Slaughter the mandarin fish clean, remove the skull and tail fish bones, take the neck meat and change it into a knife, add green onion, ginger, and cooking wine to soak in blood and water for later

Boil the skin of the meat into a thick paste, filter and add crab yellow sauce, add salt to taste, refrigerate into the refrigerator to freeze into skin jelly, take out the knife and change it into a small cube for later

Add the mandarin fish grains to the flavor and beat them vigorously, add the corn starch and mix well, beat the balls again, add the crab yellow jelly cubes, seal the mouth and set aside

Add the egg whites to the wet starch and mix well and filter, spread plastic wrap in a small bowl, pour in the egg whites, add the mandarin fish balls, seal again, and refrigerate at 65 degrees in the refrigerator for 10-15 minutes

Add the fish bones to the ginger slices and sauté them in a pan to make the incense, add boiling water to the heat to make the fragrant, filter the soup residue, add the bottom flavor to the sauce, drizzle into the crab yellow fish balls and decorate the plate to serve

Saffron is added to boiling water to bubble out of color, or directly use pumpkin puree to make it golden brown

Matcha shrimp balls, crab golden soup hibiscus mandarin fish balls, qing scorched Dalian abalone

Clear scorching Dalian Bao

Matcha shrimp balls, crab golden soup hibiscus mandarin fish balls, qing scorched Dalian abalone

8 heads and 6 abalone, 1 tomato cup, 1 bitter chrysanthemum, 1 slice of purple lettuce, 4 leeks, 500 ml of chicken broth with original juice, 50 ml of rock sugar, 50 ml of peanut oil, appropriate amount of chanterine, and appropriate amount of sake

Wash the abalone, add the original chicken broth, put it in the steaming cabinet and steam for 15 minutes, then fry the abalone in peanut oil to color

Heat a wok and simmer for 5 minutes in chicken fat, sake, chicken broth and rock sugar

Abalone is placed in a tomato cup and garnished with bitter chrysanthemum, purple lettuce, and leek moss

Matcha shrimp balls, crab golden soup hibiscus mandarin fish balls, qing scorched Dalian abalone

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