
Fragrant dead mushroom roast chicken, I don't need chicken soup for the soul, I want to eat meat, eat meat!

Ingredients: native chicken, shiitake mushrooms, green onion, peppercorns, bean paste, soy sauce, oyster sauce, salt, ginger, garlic.

Fragrant dead mushroom roast chicken, I don't need chicken soup for the soul, I want to eat meat, eat meat!

1 dried shiitake mushrooms soaked in warm water, washed clean, soaked shiitake mushrooms in water to remove the bottom sand to retain

Fragrant dead mushroom roast chicken, I don't need chicken soup for the soul, I want to eat meat, eat meat!

2 chickens slaughtered clean, chopped pieces, cold water under the pot over the water, drain the water and set aside

Fragrant dead mushroom roast chicken, I don't need chicken soup for the soul, I want to eat meat, eat meat!

3 Sit in the pot and fry the oil, under the onion, ginger, garlic, tempeh, dried chili pepper, peppercorns and stir-fry

Fragrant dead mushroom roast chicken, I don't need chicken soup for the soul, I want to eat meat, eat meat!

4 chicken nuggets, spray wine and stir-fry for 1 minute

Fragrant dead mushroom roast chicken, I don't need chicken soup for the soul, I want to eat meat, eat meat!

5 shiitake mushrooms, watercress paste, soy sauce, oyster sauce stir-fry evenly

Fragrant dead mushroom roast chicken, I don't need chicken soup for the soul, I want to eat meat, eat meat!

6 shiitake mushroom water, bring to a boil on high heat, reduce heat and cook slowly

Fragrant dead mushroom roast chicken, I don't need chicken soup for the soul, I want to eat meat, eat meat!

7 Wait until the soup is half received, season with salt, collect the juice over high heat until the oily soup is cooked, and start cooking

Fragrant dead mushroom roast chicken, I don't need chicken soup for the soul, I want to eat meat, eat meat!

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