
The mother behind kasparov, the chess king

author:Chess amateur
The mother behind kasparov, the chess king

Chess master Gary. Kasparov, at the age of 22, became the world's youngest chess champion (the kings of chess in the history of chess) and a prodigy in the history of chess. He can speak 15 Chinese, is an accomplished mathematician, computer expert, and regular contributor to the Wall Street Journal in New York. His father died when he was 7 years old, and since then, his mother Clara has been a guiding force for him to move forward.

Chess master Gary. Kasparov, who became the world's youngest chess champion at the age of 22, is a prodigy in the history of chess. He can speak 15 Chinese, is an accomplished mathematician, computer expert, and regular contributor to the Wall Street Journal in New York. His father died when he was 7 years old, and since then, his mother Clara has been a guiding force for him to move forward. In his autobiography, Changing Childhood, he attributed his childhood interest in chess to watching his mother play chess, who encouraged him to develop a strong ego, which played a key role in his becoming a world-class chess master. His friend once described his mother this way: "Every game his mother always had to be there, in a hidden place, because she was his aide-de-camp, his chief of staff. He relied on her presence, and he needed to know where she was. ”

U.S. President Bill Clinton is also a successful person raised by his mother. Three months before Clinton came to earth, his father died. Clinton's mother, Virginia, who went to night school to become a nurse, was determined to make her son not only a good career, but also a quick promotion. She threw herself on her son, and asked Clinton to go to Oxford to study because Virginia asked him to write her a letter every week and review the new friends he had made, telling Clinton to "never stop learning, never say 'can't do it.'"

Former British Prime Minister Heath was the first person from a working family to become Prime Minister of the Conservative Party. Recalling his personal upbringing, Heath said it was his mother, Edith, who instilled in him the conviction that he could succeed with hard work. Edith, a maid of a noble lady who later married a carpenter, was convinced that her son would be able to solve the social problems of the time and get ahead. Heath, 83, who still misses his mother who died 50 years ago, said affectionately: "When my mother died, I was so exhausted that I almost collapsed, and I hardly knew how to live." ”

The success of these celebrities shows that as a mother, it is far from enough to have maternal love, but also to be good at education, to be an example for children everywhere, and to use good ideas, qualities, and quality styles to edify and influence children. Gorky said it best: "Love children, this is what hens do." But to be good at educating them, this is a great thing for the state, it requires talent and extensive knowledge of life. "Psychologist Dorothy Ofe, University of London. Dr. Hainaud, speaking of people who aspire to succeed and succeed and succeed, said: "The dedication of a mother, that kind of concentration, instilled in a boy is great self-esteem, and those who have that self-esteem from an early age will never give up and will develop into confident adults." You have the confidence that you can succeed if you work hard. That is to say, if properly guided, the determination and dedication of the mother can produce the most successful talents of the times.

Transferred from the Zhongyi Cup Chinese Chess League

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