
Relieve hunger and make homemade Xinjiang grilled buns

author:Gourmet Nobita

Go to Xinjiang restaurant to eat, the favorite order in addition to pilaf is grilled buns. The thin skin and filling, the crispy outside and the fragrant inside, the special grilled noodle aroma blend perfectly into the lamb, plus the onion and cumin icing on the cake, there is no beauty.

In fact, the seemingly magical Xinjiang baked buns, we can also do at home, and it is not complicated to make, can be made in the oven, although not as delicious as locally made, but the relief is enough.

Relieve hunger and make homemade Xinjiang grilled buns

Ingredients: 500g of lamb shank, 300g of high gluten flour, 250g of onion, 120g of water, 10g of sugar, 1 egg, cumin and cumin, black pepper to taste. Yeast 4 g, cooking oil 30 g, salt 10 g.

Relieve hunger and make homemade Xinjiang grilled buns

The noodles wake up, because it takes a long time, so be sure to deal with it in advance: pour the flour into the basin, add yeast (the number of grams of ingredients refers to the previous step, the preparation has instructions, according to the indicated grams, there is less error), and then slowly add water while stirring the flour. Put the sugar in, the sugar can help the yeast fermentation, but also make the bun less likely to crack. Put salt to make the buns have a low taste, more flavor, and make the flour stronger.

Relieve hunger and make homemade Xinjiang grilled buns
Relieve hunger and make homemade Xinjiang grilled buns

Finally, beat the fresh eggs into it, stir into a ball, if you have a cooking machine at home, use the cooking machine to stir out the fascia, observe that the surface of the dough is smooth in the middle, add cooking oil to it, and continue to stir (while beating and pouring, do not stop the machine). If you don't have a cook machine, just use your hands and it takes a little longer.

Relieve hunger and make homemade Xinjiang grilled buns
Relieve hunger and make homemade Xinjiang grilled buns

The dough is in good condition, cover with plastic wrap, wake up to twice the size of the current volume (if you want to make it faster, put the dough into the oven, put a basin of hot water at the bottom, and ferment faster in a warm environment), do the processing of other ingredients during this time.

Diced onions (one pound of lamb with about half a pound of onions), lamb thigh meat also diced (with a little fat meat out of some oil is more fragrant)

Relieve hunger and make homemade Xinjiang grilled buns
Relieve hunger and make homemade Xinjiang grilled buns
Relieve hunger and make homemade Xinjiang grilled buns

Then you can open the pot to fry the filling, pour the onion directly into the pot, without putting oil, directly dry fry, fry the water out, and then the filling will not produce too much water. Sauté until the onion is translucent and the aroma is strong.

Relieve hunger and make homemade Xinjiang grilled buns
Relieve hunger and make homemade Xinjiang grilled buns

Then fry the lamb, also without adding oil. Pour out the oil and water until the lamb is no longer out of the oil out of the soup, and pour the de-flavored cumin and cumin into it and stir-fry together. Then add the mixture: Mix the onion and lamb together, add salt and black pepper and stir well, and the filling is ready.

Relieve hunger and make homemade Xinjiang grilled buns
Relieve hunger and make homemade Xinjiang grilled buns
Relieve hunger and make homemade Xinjiang grilled buns
Relieve hunger and make homemade Xinjiang grilled buns

After the dough is done in advance, it is now in a drawn-out state, sprinkle some white flour on it, knead it into a dough and take it out. Sprinkle some dough on the cutting board and continue to knead smoothly.

Relieve hunger and make homemade Xinjiang grilled buns
Relieve hunger and make homemade Xinjiang grilled buns
Relieve hunger and make homemade Xinjiang grilled buns

Pull the dough into long noodles, knead into large balls, and then pull the small doughs with the same amount of ingredients, and let them sit for 10 minutes to make the noodles more relaxed.

Relieve hunger and make homemade Xinjiang grilled buns

Then roll out the small balls into a skin, like the skin of the dumplings, with a thick middle and thin sides. Hold the dough in one hand, press the edge with a rolling pin in the other, turn it around and press it, and you're good to go. Just wrap the filling in the dough. You can fold the four corners like a quilt, put the folds down, and then put into the baking pan, brush with a layer of egg liquid (an egg with a little water to beat well), so that the finished product looks better and is less likely to crack.

Relieve hunger and make homemade Xinjiang grilled buns
Relieve hunger and make homemade Xinjiang grilled buns

Preheat the toast at 200 degrees, put the bun in and bake for about 18 minutes. (Adjust appropriately according to the capacity time of home baking incense)

Relieve hunger and make homemade Xinjiang grilled buns
Relieve hunger and make homemade Xinjiang grilled buns

Bake, let's eat.

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