
#Medicinal Food Homology #Lesson Forty-fourth "Deep Sea Milk" Oysters

author:Chinese medicine kangyang said

#Health 2021# Oyster is a seafood ingredient with high nutritional value, it is tender and can be eaten raw, has a good tonic effect, loved by the people, and is also a cooked dish on our table, but many people may not know that the shell of the oyster can be put into medicine after collection, is a kind of Chinese herbal medicine with particularly high medicinal value, today's Chinese medicine class will take you to understand the oysters.

#Medicinal Food Homology #Lesson Forty-fourth "Deep Sea Milk" Oysters

Oysters are also known as oyster clams, oyster clams, oyster rooms, oyster shells, sea oyster shells, sea oyster skins, left shells, oysters in traditional Chinese medicine, mainly refers to the shell of oysters, it tastes salty, astringent, slightly cold, into the liver, kidney meridians, can level the liver latent yang, calm and calm, astringent and astringent, soft and firm loose knots, acid and pain relief. Traditional Chinese medicine is mainly used to treat dizziness and dizziness of yin deficiency and hyperactivity, yin deficiency and wind movement, irritability, palpitations and insomnia, phlegm nucleus of fistula, accumulation of fistulas, night sweats, sperm loss, hypothermia, stomach pain pantothenic acid. When it is used raw, it tastes salty and soft, flat liver and latent yang, calms the nerves, loosens the knots and relieves the heat, and has a better effect; calcination is astringent and dry, and the force of convergence and astringency is better. Because the oysters are salty and cold, they are mostly used for hot coughs, whether it is a virtual fire or a real fire, it can be used. The main symptoms are yellow sputum, or cough with blood, glue sputum sticking to the larynx, cheek red face fever, dry mouth and upset.

#Medicinal Food Homology #Lesson Forty-fourth "Deep Sea Milk" Oysters

Modern research shows that the oyster is a treasure, its meat is rich in a large number of glycogen, a variety of minerals, amino acids, trace elements, of which glycogen is the energy of human cells metabolism, can improve the body's heart and blood circulation function, nutrition brain nerves, promote brain cell development, but also regulate blood sugar, reduce the burden of diabetic patients, nourish the strong body, improve autoimmunity. Eating fresh raw oyster meat can improve sexual function, supplement arginine and trace elements, accelerate sperm synthesis in the body, promote hormone secretion, and have a certain alleviating effect on impotence and premature ejaculation and decreased sexual function that often occur in men, as well as low sperm survival rate. The value of oyster shells is also particularly high, which can inhibit excessive gastric acid secretion, treat undesirable symptoms such as nausea and vomiting acid, and can also treat symptoms such as dizziness and irritability and insomnia, hot flashes and night sweats at night.

#Medicinal Food Homology #Lesson Forty-fourth "Deep Sea Milk" Oysters

Here are a few small remedies for oysters:

1, garlic oysters: choose fresh oyster meat 300 grams, ginger garlic, salt, vinegar appropriate amount, the oysters washed, ginger garlic cut foam for later, oysters into the pot steamed, after adding cut ginger garlic salt, vinegar seasoning, edible can supplement the liver and kidneys, good marrow filling.

#Medicinal Food Homology #Lesson Forty-fourth "Deep Sea Milk" Oysters

2, oyster soup: prepare 15 grams of dried shiitake mushrooms, 30 grams of oyster meat, 20 grams of rice wine, 15 grams of goji berries, 10 grams of ginger shredded, cooking oil, salt, monosodium glutamate, pepper to taste. Wash the oyster meat and soak the shiitake mushrooms in advance, wash and chop. Put the pot on the high heat, pour in the cooking oil, when the oil is 70% hot, add the oyster meat and stir-fry a few times, then pour in the rice wine, add the appropriate amount of water, add goji berries, ginger shreds, shiitake mushrooms, salt seasoning, boil, change the heat to cook for another 20 minutes, put MSG, pepper to taste and eat. It can nourish the kidneys and enhance physical fitness.

#Medicinal Food Homology #Lesson Forty-fourth "Deep Sea Milk" Oysters

3, seaweed oyster pot: choose fresh oyster meat 35 grams, seaweed 15 grams, coriander 5 grams, monosodium glutamate, salt, sesame oil to taste, wash the oyster meat into the pot, add 1200ml of water, burn until the oyster 8 is ripe, then add seaweed, coriander, salt, monosodium glutamate and sesame oil to taste, turn off the lid of the pot for 1 to 2 minutes to take, you can soft and firm the knot, replenish the kidneys and qi.

#Medicinal Food Homology #Lesson Forty-fourth "Deep Sea Milk" Oysters

Oysters are a kind of healthy food that is gentle and suitable for all ages, and is very popular with everyone, but oyster shells should be used as a traditional Chinese medicine to pay attention to: strong hot pulse solid and sweatless people should not use. Taking more is harmful to the stomach and intestines, easy to cause constipation and indigestion, if necessary, it is advisable to use it with spleen medicine. The above is all the content of today's Chinese medicine class, I hope you can like [come to see me].

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