
Oyster Knowledge Encyclopedia The Efficacy and Role of Oysters Home-style oysters Grown in warm, tropical oceans, most famously produced along the coast of France. Oyster meat contains protein, fat, liver sugar, but also contains a variety of vitamins and taurine and calcium, phosphorus, iron, zinc and other nutrients, is a precious food for skin beauty and disease prevention.

author:Seafood Encyclopedia

<h1>Oysters grow in warm, tropical oceans and are best known off the coast of France. Oyster meat contains protein, fat, liver sugar, but also contains a variety of vitamins and taurine and calcium, phosphorus, iron, zinc and other nutrients, is a precious food for skin beauty and disease prevention. </h1>

A basic introduction to oysters

Oyster Knowledge Encyclopedia The Efficacy and Role of Oysters Home-style oysters Grown in warm, tropical oceans, most famously produced along the coast of France. Oyster meat contains protein, fat, liver sugar, but also contains a variety of vitamins and taurine and calcium, phosphorus, iron, zinc and other nutrients, is a precious food for skin beauty and disease prevention.


Oysters, of the oyster family or swallow clam family, are bivalves of molluscs found in temperate and tropical coastal waters. The genus Sea Chrysanthemum and unequal clams are sometimes called spiny oysters and saddle oysters, respectively. Oysters were reared for consumption in BC; pearls can be produced in the mantle membrane of pearl oysters.

If an outer object invades the shell of an oyster, the oyster secretes a pearl that wraps the outer object in layers to form a pearl. The pearls produced by eating oysters are dull and of low value. Only a few oriental species, especially the Persian Gulf mother-of-pearl, produce the highest quality pearls. Pearls are mostly harvested from oysters over the age of 5. Small pearls are implanted in the mother-of-pearl by hand, around which cultured pearls are formed, most of which are cultured in the coastal waters of Japan or Australia.

The two shells of oysters are of different shapes, with a rough, dark gray surface; the middle of the upper shell is raised; the lower shell is attached to other objects, larger, quite flat, and the edges are smoother; and the inner surface of both shells is white and smooth. The two shells are connected by an elastic ligament at one of the narrower ends. The middle of the shell has a strong closed shell muscle to resist the pull of the ligaments. When the shell is slightly stretched, the wavy movement of the cilia is used to introduce water into the shell (the amount of water flowing through it can reach 2 to 3 gallons per hour), and the tiny organisms are filtered. Birds, starfish, snails, and fish, including rays, eat oysters.

At present, China's oysters are mainly distributed in Zhanjiang, Guangdong, Nantong, Jiangsu, Sanmen County, Zhejiang, on the back of Small Island (large-scale aquaculture) and Dalian Bay or near the river. Harvested, de-meated, washed and dried all year round.

Efficacy and function of oysters

Salty, slightly chilly. Return to the liver, gallbladder, kidney meridians. Flat liver latent yang; heavy town calming; soft and firm loose knots; convergence and solidity. Main vertigo tinnitus; palpitation insomnia; fistula gall tumor; symptomatic fistula; self-sweating night sweats; sperm; collapse; belt down.

1. Strong liver detoxification

The liver glycogen of oysters is present in the liver and muscles where energy is stored, and has a deep relationship with cell division, regeneration, and activation of red blood cells, which can improve liver function, restore fatigue, and enhance physical strength. The taurine contained in oysters can promote bile secretion, eliminate neutral fats that accumulate in the liver, and improve the detoxification effect of the liver.

2. Improve sexual function

Oysters contain a large amount of arginine, which is indispensable for the production of sperm, and the trace element lead. Arginine is the main component in the manufacture of sperm, and lead promotes the secretion of hormones. Consuming oysters can improve sexual function. Male diseases such as decreased sexual function, impotence, enlarged prostate, and hypoplasia of sexual organs are in many cases caused by insufficient lead.

3. Purify the congestion

Oyster taurine has a good preventive effect on arteriosclerosis caused by congestion, and consequent narrow heart disease, myocardial infarction, and cerebral infarction.

4. Restore fatigue

The amino acids contained in oysters can improve the function of the liver, inhibit the accumulation of lactic acid, and help speed up the recovery of fatigue and the improvement of physical strength. In addition, the taurine and liver glycogen in oysters can not only help the recovery of physical fatigue but also be very effective for the recovery of mental fatigue, and the improvement of endogenous depression and the restoration of vision have also been recognized.

5. Nourish the face

Because of their iron and copper content, oysters are the most effective treatment for iron deficiency anemia specific to women. In addition, oysters contain large amounts of lead that most people lack in the body. Therefore, the consumption of oysters can prevent skin dryness, promote skin metabolism, decompose subcutaneous melanin, and produce delicate skin that is white and red. Because it can promote the formation and secretion of hormones, it also has a good effect on physiological irregularities, inoculation, menopausal disorders, etc.

6. Improve immunity

Oysters are called 'milk in the sea' and are rich in very good proteins, liver glycogen, vitamins and minerals, containing more than eighteen kinds of amino acids, which are rich in amino acids (glutamic acids, sugar gums) that can synthesize glutathione that can synthesize antacid substances. After eating oysters, glutathione is synthesized in the human body, the active acids in the body are removed, the immunity is improved, and aging is inhibited.

7. Promote metabolism

The amino acids, minerals and vitamins contained in oysters, such as lead, will improve blood circulation, and women's enemies, cold blood pressure and low blood pressure will also be improved.

Nutritional value of oysters

1. Oysters are a high-protein, low-fat, easily digestible and nutrient-rich food, rich in glycine and a carbohydrate called liver glycogen, and their oysters are the basis for their delicious taste.

2. Dried oyster meat contains up to 45% to 57% protein, 7% to 11% fat, and 19% to 38% liver glycogen. In addition, it also contains a variety of vitamins and taurine and calcium, phosphorus, iron, zinc and other nutrients. The calcium content is close to that of milk, and the iron content is 21 times that of milk.

Oyster selection

When purchasing high-quality oysters, attention should be paid to the selection of large fat, yellowish color, uniform individuals, and dry, and the surface color is maroon. Cooked oysters, the shell is slightly open, which indicates that it is alive before cooking. If it is boiled after death, the shell is tightly closed, because it is alive, and when it is boiled, it reacts, so the shell opens, and the dead does not react.

The main features of the long oyster, Omi oyster and Dalian Bay oyster are: the long oyster is a long strip, up to 35 cm long, the scales are thick and layered, hard, and the fracture layer is white and slightly salty; while the Omi oyster is mostly round or oval, and the scales are homomorphic rings, layered on top of each other; the Dalian Bay oyster is triangular, and the scales are slightly firm and wavy. The three are very different in shape and easier to distinguish.

Storage of oysters

Fresh oysters can survive for 5 to 10 days at a very low temperature, such as 0, but their fatness will be reduced and the taste will also change, so try not to store, buy and eat now.

How to eat oysters

Method for dry oysters: Prepare a basin of hot water, dissolve a little baking soda in hot water, and then soak the dried oysters in hot water. When the soak is soft, it is not only easy to wash but also to remove the odor of dried oysters, and it can be rinsed with clean water after washing.

A home-cooked practice of oysters

Oyster Knowledge Encyclopedia The Efficacy and Role of Oysters Home-style oysters Grown in warm, tropical oceans, most famously produced along the coast of France. Oyster meat contains protein, fat, liver sugar, but also contains a variety of vitamins and taurine and calcium, phosphorus, iron, zinc and other nutrients, is a precious food for skin beauty and disease prevention.

Oysters fried

Oyster Frying: Oyster Frying (Hokkien for ou a jian are the first tone, Mandarin translation as "sea oyster fry"), originated in Quanzhou, Fujian, is a classic Han snack in southern Fujian, Taiwan, Chaoshan and other places in Guangdong. The origin is the alternative food invented by the people of the coastal areas when they cannot eat enough, which is a symbol of a poor life. Oyster fried is said to be such a creative dish invented in a poor society.

Oyster Knowledge Encyclopedia The Efficacy and Role of Oysters Home-style oysters Grown in warm, tropical oceans, most famously produced along the coast of France. Oyster meat contains protein, fat, liver sugar, but also contains a variety of vitamins and taurine and calcium, phosphorus, iron, zinc and other nutrients, is a precious food for skin beauty and disease prevention.

Oyster omelette

Sea oyster omelette: Sea oyster omelette is the most nourishing of shellfish and is known as "milk in the sea". It is rich in protein, liver sugar, fat and a variety of vitamins, and is a very famous tonic. It has the effect of tonifying liver and clearing heat, nourishing yin and clearing eyes, clearing the lungs and nourishing the blood, refreshing the spirit, replenishing the kidneys and aphrodisiacs, and can cure weakness and detoxify erysipelas. If you have a chance, don't eat more.

Oyster Knowledge Encyclopedia The Efficacy and Role of Oysters Home-style oysters Grown in warm, tropical oceans, most famously produced along the coast of France. Oyster meat contains protein, fat, liver sugar, but also contains a variety of vitamins and taurine and calcium, phosphorus, iron, zinc and other nutrients, is a precious food for skin beauty and disease prevention.

Poria oysters

Poria oysters: Poria is sweet and flat, into the heart, lungs, spleen meridians, with wet water, spleen and stomach, calming effect; oysters are rich in protein, fat, calcium, phosphorus, iron, zinc and other nutrients. Poria oyster cake has the effect of tonifying the spleen and kidneys and strengthening the muscles and bones, and is suitable for patients with osteoporosis with spleen and kidney deficiency.

Oyster Knowledge Encyclopedia The Efficacy and Role of Oysters Home-style oysters Grown in warm, tropical oceans, most famously produced along the coast of France. Oyster meat contains protein, fat, liver sugar, but also contains a variety of vitamins and taurine and calcium, phosphorus, iron, zinc and other nutrients, is a precious food for skin beauty and disease prevention.

Oyster lean porridge

Oyster lean porridge: Oysters have a high nutritional value and are known as "milk in the sea". Rich in very good protein, liver glycogen, vitamins and minerals, contains more than eighteen kinds of amino acids. After eating oysters, it can improve immunity and inhibit aging. At the same time, it can also promote metabolism. Use it to cook porridge, nutrition will be better.

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