
The weather is getting hotter, come to a plate of pepper and chicken to enhance appetite, the meat is tender, spicy and flavorful, under the wine and rice

author:Easy to cook

Hello everyone, I am a kitchen easy, share a learned kitchen food, welcome to exchange, enhance each other.

No appetite? Don't want to eat? It was an appetizing and delicious dish! Today Xiao Yi and everyone to share the super appetizing pepper chicken home practice, after doing the chicken tender, spicy appetizer, the taste is not the outside of those "cold mix chicken" can be compared. It is very good to drink and eat, eat at home, and entertain guests.

Ingredients required:

3.3 1/2 yellow chicken, green onion, ginger, flower carving wine, peppercorns, white root, yellow gardenia, salt, sugar, chicken essence, dried chili pepper, spicy red oil, chicken juice, spicy fresh sauce, coriander, sesame oil, rattan pepper oil

Preparation steps:

Step 1: Half a three-yellow chicken cut off the head and nails, and then tear off the skin around the neck.

The weather is getting hotter, come to a plate of pepper and chicken to enhance appetite, the meat is tender, spicy and flavorful, under the wine and rice

Step 2: Add water to the pot, add the shallots, slices of ginger, carved wine and peppercorns to remove the fishy smell; then put the chicken cold water into the pot to blanch the water, bring it to a boil over high heat and beat the foam on it; then use a colander to fish out the chicken and set aside.

The weather is getting hotter, come to a plate of pepper and chicken to enhance appetite, the meat is tender, spicy and flavorful, under the wine and rice

Step 3: Bring water to a boil in the pot, add slices of ginger, green onion, a small slice of white root, dried peppercorns and two yellow gardenias; then put the chicken into the pot, season with enough salt and a little sugar and chicken essence, bring to a boil on high heat and cover the pot, cook for 20 minutes on medium-low heat.

The weather is getting hotter, come to a plate of pepper and chicken to enhance appetite, the meat is tender, spicy and flavorful, under the wine and rice

Step 4: Cut the dried peppers into small pieces and put them into a bowl, then shake out the chili seeds inside; then add a little dried peppercorns, then pour a little boiling water to soak, and finally control the dry water and set aside.

The weather is getting hotter, come to a plate of pepper and chicken to enhance appetite, the meat is tender, spicy and flavorful, under the wine and rice

Step 5: Heat the pot and add a spoonful of oil, then put the peppercorns and chili pepper cold oil that control the water into the pot, fry until there are no small bubbles in the pan, indicating that the water has evaporated; at this time, the color of the peppers also begins to become darker, and then the fried peppercorns and pepper oil are put out; finally add homemade spicy red oil and a little chicken essence, sugar, chicken juice, and spicy fresh dew to add flavor, and use chopsticks to stir well and set aside.

The weather is getting hotter, come to a plate of pepper and chicken to enhance appetite, the meat is tender, spicy and flavorful, under the wine and rice
The weather is getting hotter, come to a plate of pepper and chicken to enhance appetite, the meat is tender, spicy and flavorful, under the wine and rice

Step 6: A little onion and scallion (slash knife) are shredded and the parsley is cut into small pieces.

The weather is getting hotter, come to a plate of pepper and chicken to enhance appetite, the meat is tender, spicy and flavorful, under the wine and rice

Step 7: Take out the cooked chicken and let it cool, then tear the chicken into small pieces and put it into the basin; then put the onion shreds, shredded shallots, and coriander in, then add the mixed pepper sesame oil and a spoonful of boiled chicken soup, and stir well with chopsticks.

The weather is getting hotter, come to a plate of pepper and chicken to enhance appetite, the meat is tender, spicy and flavorful, under the wine and rice

Step 8: Put the mixed chicken on a plate and drizzle with a little sesame oil and rattan pepper oil.

The weather is getting hotter, come to a plate of pepper and chicken to enhance appetite, the meat is tender, spicy and flavorful, under the wine and rice

Production key points:

1. Cut the green onion as obliquely as possible and cut the stem into sections, so that it tastes better.

The spicy and salty chicken produced in this way, the meat is soft and tender, this aroma is not a simple seasoning taste, and every hint of taste is poured into the chicken, mellow and fragrant. It is no exaggeration to say that it is full of color and fragrance. Such an appetizing and simple dish, are you sure you don't want to try it?

In the whole process of video production of this issue of Pepper Ma Chicken, you can refer to the video production of Kitchen Easy on February 7, 2021, or you can directly search for keywords Kitchen Easy Pepper Chicken, so that you can quickly find Ha, we will see you in the next issue.

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