
Baoji, a city surrounded by rolled dough skins and cheeky faces

author:Old Field a lot
Baoji, a city surrounded by rolled dough skins and cheeky faces

Since I had the high temperature vacation, my high temperature vacation trip seems to have never been smooth. In the first year, I went to Baoji Guanshan Ranch with my mother and was drenched in a soup chicken; the second year I went to Qinghai with my aunt, and I was fooled by an unscrupulous tour guide; in the third year, I was depressed and went to Chengdu; in the fourth year, when the epidemic struck, the whole high temperature holiday was spent at home all day... The time came to the high temperature vacation in 2021, just when Zhou Yang was also taking annual leave, the two of us hit it off and decided to come to a trip that said and went.

I thought about many places in advance, but the epidemic struck again, and we both didn't want to spend too much money, and finally decided the destination - Baoji. Baoji, adjacent to Xi'an. I have not been to Baoji before, but I have heard Zhou Yang say that the scenery of Baoji is still very good, and there are many delicious foods. As soon as I heard the delicious food, I came to my senses, after all, Baoji is a city that relies on rolling dough skin and cheek noodles. So we made a hasty decision at the dinner table to leave next Monday! The route initially discussed was "Xi'an → Qishan County→ Baoji City→ Guanshan Ranch → Xi'an". Buying tickets, routes, and itineraries in one go, this is the tacit understanding of old friends to travel poorly.

Baoji, a city surrounded by rolled dough skins and cheeky faces

Weather is always one of the first factors to consider, no matter where you're going. On Sunday night, I checked the weather forecast and Baoji was moderate to heavy rain. Finished! Is this trip going to be a waste of time? Fall asleep with trepidation and pray that it won't rain the next day. The next morning, before six o'clock, I was awakened by the crackling rain outside. Stand by the window and take a look, sure enough, it is raining heavily. Could it be that this is Providence, and does God have to make every trip so fateful? No matter what, I am destined by my own heavens, and I will go to the knife!!

Baoji, a city surrounded by rolled dough skins and cheeky faces

Converging with Zhou Yang at the subway station, the subway crowd surged in the morning rush hour on Monday, and the faces of each worker appeared with a kind of determination that was about to be heroic and righteous. I was secretly proud of myself, because my terminal, not the unit, was a place I had never been. After passing through five levels and cutting six, I will sit on the high-speed train and pray to Grandpa Wang Shouyi on the back of the seat: Pray that qishan will not rain heavily, at least so that Zhou Yang and I will not be drenched in soup chicken.

Baoji, a city surrounded by rolled dough skins and cheeky faces

Before my ass was hot, I was in Qishan. Thankfully, it didn't rain in Qishan! Just out of the subway station, I saw a small stall selling rolling dough. The aroma of spicy seeds and vinegar kept pouring into my nose. The stall owner's eldest sister saw that I was stupid and wanted to move, and shouted harder: "Authentic Qishan rolling dough, 4 yuan a piece ~" If I hadn't eaten breakfast, I wouldn't have resisted the temptation to come to a piece. It was only ten o'clock after looking at the watch, and we decided to go to the Qishan treasure spot searched on the public review - the town of three kingdoms.

Baoji, a city surrounded by rolled dough skins and cheeky faces

To be honest, after seeing the real thing, I think that the town of the Three Kingdoms is not as beautiful as Qujiang South Lake. But this is all an afterthought, after all, the artificially created natural landscapes are similar in many places. I walked around and saw where there were rowing boats. We were 20 each and also experienced the joy of taking a boat ride. Of course, this happiness is mixed with the fear of 70% of the fear of falling into the water. The only surprise was to see a row of ducks swimming on the lake, which was very cute (it was later found that it should be a big white goose).

Baoji, a city surrounded by rolled dough skins and cheeky faces
Baoji, a city surrounded by rolled dough skins and cheeky faces
Baoji, a city surrounded by rolled dough skins and cheeky faces
Baoji, a city surrounded by rolled dough skins and cheeky faces

Coming out of the town of Three Kingdoms, it was time for dinner. Finally came to the link I was most looking forward to - eating. On the high-speed rail, we searched for delicious food in Qishan all the way on the Internet, searched two or three, and then quickly took a taxi. When I arrived at the place, several high-scoring restaurants were next to each other, and the audience was dazzling. I first went to the first shop that was red in the face, and it turned out that it was full of customers. The waiter's attitude is also the same as the bad reviews on the public reviews: cold and arrogant. Seeing that we still had to wait, we both came out.

Baoji, a city surrounded by rolled dough skins and cheeky faces

The second is the Xiao family pig's trotters, eating a pig's trotter is also good, the result is obviously shown to be nearby, follow the navigation but can not find the place for a long time. Just when we were at a loss, suddenly a small blackboard in front of the store caught my attention: customers wearing Hongxing Erke into the store could enjoy a free rolling dough. Isn't that a coincidence? Zhou Yang's classmate just wore Hongxing Erke, how could such wool not be lost! Xingchong, a classmate with Zhou Yang, rushed into the store, but found that there was no customer in the store except for the clerk. I couldn't help but feel uneasy again: Is it because the taste is too bad, and no one has come to the meal?

Baoji, a city surrounded by rolled dough skins and cheeky faces
Baoji, a city surrounded by rolled dough skins and cheeky faces

Next to these restaurants, the signature dishes are similar. The attitude of this waiter is also not salty or light, perhaps the business is not good, and he can't laugh out loud. I ordered pig's trotters, vegetarian spelling, a mouthful of incense (mini version of cheek noodles), and a rolled dough skin. The taste is decent, but probably because the rolling crust is free, it tastes pretty good, at least the chili sauce is delicious. The vegetarian spelling that can be seen everywhere is quite amazing, there are black rotten bamboo and black dried tofu, I don't know if it is a Qishan specialty. A mouthful of flavor is general, and the chili oil is very choking, so I dare not suck it up, for fear of choking on the flowers. Three small bowls of cheek noodles for one person, I didn't finish eating.

Baoji, a city surrounded by rolled dough skins and cheeky faces

During the meal, I also witnessed two big masters outside the window fighting, one of whom was still on the phone shaking people, and the quarrel was not lively. Zhou Yang and I exchanged glances, conveying a common feeling: Qishan people seem to have a bad temper (personal feelings, don't spray).

Full of wine and food, before leaving the restaurant door, we still did not hold back, and reminded the clerk that the "Er" character of "Hongxing Erke" was wrong. At this time, the clerk smiled awkwardly and hurried to find someone to correct it. After coming out, I glanced at the opposite side, and the original famous Xiao family pig's trotter was across the road, but we also found a few back and forth. I really wore glasses to find glasses, and my intestines were remorseful.

What to do in the afternoon? Zhou Yang proposed that you can go to Zhuge Temple, the Internet is not bad, and you don't want tickets. The taxi was driving on the winding road, and our mood was also fluttering with the wind. Not raining is already the luckiest thing, and the rest don't have to be extravagant. Come out to play, take the initiative to reduce satisfaction, and happiness can be increased.

Baoji, a city surrounded by rolled dough skins and cheeky faces

All the way to the Zhuge Temple on the top of the mountain, the scenic spot is not large, the key is to 30 yuan ticket. Come on, spend the money you need to spend! Bought tickets, entered the scenic spot, there are many big temples and small temples. I'm not very interested in this kind of building, but the towering trees inside are very eye-catching, vigorous and tall, and the trees are covered with moss, which are full of traces of age.

Baoji, a city surrounded by rolled dough skins and cheeky faces
Baoji, a city surrounded by rolled dough skins and cheeky faces
Baoji, a city surrounded by rolled dough skins and cheeky faces

Because it is at the top of the mountain, you can see the mountains in a small way, but it is worth the fare. After taking a few tourist photos, the two of us saw that the time was almost the same, and then hurriedly called Didi, and bought a high-speed rail ticket for the latest trip back to Baoji in Qishan on the car. Stepping on the point, we both took the high-speed train, which was very dangerous.

Baoji, a city surrounded by rolled dough skins and cheeky faces

Out of the Baoji high-speed rail station, it began to rain lightly, and we booked a hotel near the high-speed rail station on the bus. The high-speed rail station is located in Baoji High-tech Zone, which may be the reason for the new construction in recent years, with high-rise buildings, wide and clean roads, and very good greenery. In particular, the shared bicycles are arranged very neatly, which is very good, much stronger than Xi'an.

When I arrived at the hotel, I unloaded my outfit and was finally able to rest for a while. It didn't take long for my stomach to grumble again. This day and day, go out and eat in mind. The two of us began to search for delicious food on the US group again, planning to taste it. Walking down the street, a moment there is a wind of sour and spicy noodles, and the next moment, the wind brings the scent of rolled dough skin to your nostrils. The air is filled with the aroma of gourmet food, constantly catching people's taste buds.

Baoji, a city surrounded by rolled dough skins and cheeky faces

Finally arrived at this hotel, completely exceeded expectations. The waiter aunt was particularly warm and gentle and also gave ice cream. The noodles of this family are obviously much more delicious than those eaten in Qishan in the morning. We also bought two one-person meals, a total of 16 snacks, a variety of dazzling, dazzling, and Liu Grandma entered the Grand View Garden, for a while I did not know which one to eat first.

Baoji, a city surrounded by rolled dough skins and cheeky faces

Fu Feng a mouthful of incense, yyds (yellow soup this bowl)

Baoji, a city surrounded by rolled dough skins and cheeky faces

The spicy flavor is all chili peppers, and it is not recommended to taste other flavors

Baoji, a city surrounded by rolled dough skins and cheeky faces
Baoji, a city surrounded by rolled dough skins and cheeky faces
Baoji, a city surrounded by rolled dough skins and cheeky faces

The cheeky ribs are super favorite, very vigorous, sour and spicy taste

I was really big-eyed and small-minded, ate a few bites of rolled dough, sucked three bowls of incense, and grunted a few mouthfuls of honey snow ice city. By the time it was time to try these 16 snacks, it was already too late. Take a break and get back on your feet. Among these snacks, Zhou Yang's favorite is cold mixed broccoli and walnut buns, and my favorite is honey cold rice dumplings and bean batter. Three different flavors of a mouthful of incense, or the golden soup base of the Fufeng a mouthful of incense is the most suitable for my appetite, sour and appetizing, the soup is also very delicious. The other two are slightly unremarkable, and even Zhou Yang, who loves to eat spicy seeds, feels that the bowl of noodles with a lot of spicy seeds is not very delicious.

After dinner, it was time to go for a sneak, and it just so happened that the light rain also stopped sensibly at this time. After a few bus stops, you will arrive at the famous attraction in Baoji City - Shigushan Park.

Baoji, a city surrounded by rolled dough skins and cheeky faces
Baoji, a city surrounded by rolled dough skins and cheeky faces

No wonder Baoji can be rated as a garden city, there are mountains and water in the city, and the vegetation coverage rate is leveraged. Shigushan Park inexplicably gave me a kind of southern park style, which is full of towering trees, winding paths, natural oxygen bar. Along the way, I also saw several ultra-long banners against telecommunications fraud, and even the time, process, people, reasons, and locations of the case were explained, which really shocked me, and it can be seen that Baoji public security really used its heart.

Baoji, a city surrounded by rolled dough skins and cheeky faces

All the way uphill, after all, it is also a hill. Zhou Yang and I were breathlessly climbing the mountain, while nagging about life, buying a house and a car, a job, a salary... It is always a topic that young workers cannot escape. Finally, at the top of the mountain, a majestic complex of buildings stands in front of you. Looking at it, this tower-like building was originally called The Stone Drum Pavilion. As for why this place is called "Stone Drum"! Baidu said: It is named after the stone drum, a cultural relic from the Spring and Autumn Period, which was unearthed.

Baoji, a city surrounded by rolled dough skins and cheeky faces
Baoji, a city surrounded by rolled dough skins and cheeky faces

After a short rest on the stone bench by the Stone Drum Pavilion, when I went down the mountain, I happened to encounter a beautiful sunset. Zhou Yang and I really had a fluke of bumping into the luck, thanks to the weather, not only did not let us rain, but also gave us the opportunity to enjoy the beautiful scenery.

Baoji, a city surrounded by rolled dough skins and cheeky faces
Baoji, a city surrounded by rolled dough skins and cheeky faces
Baoji, a city surrounded by rolled dough skins and cheeky faces

Not long after descending the mountain, I came to Baoji's famous "snack street" - Chen Cang Ancient Street. The streets are very retro and have the characteristics of the Republic of China. Probably because it is night, there are not many shops that are open. Originally, I also wanted to find the spicy flower roll recommended by many people on the public review, but I also failed. Next to the ancient street sits a bridge with a very ancient charm, known as the "Dongling Covered Bridge". Under the bridge, the Wei River rushes endlessly. On the bridge, many people are walking in Na Liang.

Baoji, a city surrounded by rolled dough skins and cheeky faces
Baoji, a city surrounded by rolled dough skins and cheeky faces

Speaking of this "East Ridge", it is too existential. No matter which direction Zhou Yang and I stood in, we could see the word "Dongling" on the roof of a towering office building in the middle of the high-rise buildings. The big glowing characters are particularly eye-catching, I just Baidu by the way, the original Dongling is a group name, or China's top 500 enterprises, engaged in mineral and real estate development, no wonder so arrogant.

Walking along the covered bridge from south to north, I did not expect that the bridge was Yintai City. Our feet are overloaded today, but when we see the mall in front of us, we still can't help but want to visit. The photos taken today are not very good, mainly because the clothes we are wearing are too fat. It's better to go to the mall and buy skinny clothes. Time is tight and the task is heavy, and I tried on several clothes but I was not satisfied. Heck, it seems that I'm really too fat to blame for my clothes. Finally, in a hurry to buy some small snacks in the supermarket that can be eaten tomorrow, Zhou Yang and I stepped on the notice of the mall closing to complete the purchase.

Back to the hotel, click on the WeChat campaign, as expected, it is indeed the first step today. The tense and fulfilling day is about to pass, Zhou Yang still let me pick up the spirit, we have to calculate all the expenses of today, and then aa. In other words, hanging out with friends, aa is really the most scientific and least destructive way to consume friendships. You don't suffer losses, I don't take advantage, spend money openly, peace of mind, no one will be uncomfortable. After calculating the cost, we both hurriedly washed up and got ready to go to bed, after all, early the next morning, we had to rush to the next stop: Guanshan Ranch.

Early the next morning, rush to the meeting place said by the tour guide and take a bus to the Guanshan Ranch. The scenery on the side of the road is also too late to appreciate, just worry about sleeping. Even the tour guide's commentary turned into an annoying mosquito call at this point. Guanshan Ranch and my mother came here a few years ago, but when I came, it happened to rain and I didn't have fun. Looking at the dark clouds along the way, I can't help but worry about whether it will rain at Guanshan Ranch, after all, the rain on the mountain, when it rains, will not give you the opportunity to hold an umbrella. Fortunately, when it arrived, it was only cloudy.

Baoji, a city surrounded by rolled dough skins and cheeky faces
Baoji, a city surrounded by rolled dough skins and cheeky faces
Baoji, a city surrounded by rolled dough skins and cheeky faces
Baoji, a city surrounded by rolled dough skins and cheeky faces

We both bought tickets for the sightseeing bus, 40 per person. After all, Guanshan Ranch is very large, and if you walk on your legs, you can only see a small part of the attractions. Get on the sightseeing bus and feel the superb driving skills of the driver's master Akina Mountain Bike. The undulating winding path is not much wider than a car. The driver master swooped down, and all the passengers in our car screamed out in fright. However, the more we shouted, the more excited the driver became and the faster he drove. Just like this for a while, a moment down, just like riding a roller coaster, super exciting, worth the fare. In the place with good view, the driver will also stop for ten minutes and let us go down to take pictures. harm! This is not a contemporary tourism, hurry to see the attractions, get off the car to take a few photos and send a circle of friends even if you have visited.

Baoji, a city surrounded by rolled dough skins and cheeky faces
Baoji, a city surrounded by rolled dough skins and cheeky faces
Baoji, a city surrounded by rolled dough skins and cheeky faces
Baoji, a city surrounded by rolled dough skins and cheeky faces

At noon, we sat down at the visitor center to rest. The weather suddenly turned cloudy and sunny, and the harsh sunlight passed through the glass and shone on my sexy slender white legs, very hot. At four o'clock in the afternoon, we gathered and went down the hill, and the two of us were racing against time again. Guanshan Ranch to Baoji City is about three hours by car. The high-speed rail ticket that is scheduled to return to Xi'an at 7:30 tonight is afraid that it will not catch up, and I want to book 8 or 10 o'clock, and there is no remaining ticket at this time. The two of us had to desperately take a risky fight and booked a high-speed rail ticket at 7:30. As for why not go again the next day? That, of course, is to save money on one night's stay.

Baoji, a city surrounded by rolled dough skins and cheeky faces

Come and go, can't take two photos and then go?

Baoji, a city surrounded by rolled dough skins and cheeky faces
Baoji, a city surrounded by rolled dough skins and cheeky faces

By the time the bus arrived in Baoji, it was already 7:05. Zhou Yang quickly called a Didi to rush to the high-speed rail station, passing five levels and cutting six generals, and arrived at 7:18 when he arrived at the Baoji high-speed rail station. We both rushed into the station, breathless, waiting to find their seats, a look at the watch, 7:23, yay! Complete tasks ahead of schedule. In this way, the two of us stepped on the whole time and ended the hurried but fruitful journey of Baoji.

On this trip, the only little regret was that my parents said to go home and bring them Baoji rolling dough, but because of the high-speed train, there was no time to buy it. What about the harvest? It's probably the freshness and good mood of going to an unknown place. Zhou Yang and I breathed a sigh of relief, sat on the high-speed train on the return trip, opened the MEtuan again, and excitedly discussed what to eat after arriving in Xi'an in the evening...

This short and hurried trip to Shaanxi Province was not so tall and did not have much fresh experience. But from the moment you get bored, from the moment you set off to where others are tired, the meaning of travel begins.

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