
Famous actor period: remarry and marry a young wife, so that the parents-in-law who have lost their children will not shed tears in their old age 01020304

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Famous actor period: remarry and marry a young wife, so that the parents-in-law who have lost their children will not shed tears in their old age 01020304

Stills from the full stop "Breakout"

The 45-episode urban reality drama "Breakout" is being broadcast, and the national first-class actor Period plays an important role in the play "Lu Jianjian", although the role is not particularly much, but the period is impressive to the audience every time it appears.

The full stop is a well-known music and film and television actor, who has appeared on CCTV Spring Festival Gala for 6 times, starring in sketches such as "Cheering Up", "Street Guard", "Gift-giving", "Saying Sorry" and so on, which can be called classics. He also starred in 76 film and television dramas such as "The Story of the Cooking Class", "Serving You", "Lao Wei's Plan X", "Don't Take The Bean Bag improper dry food", "Women as Officials", "Dance with Wolves", "Divorce Lawyer" and so on, which can be called a prolific actor.

He had a failed marriage and later remarried with Guo Yadan, an actor in the Shenyang Military Region's Forward Literary and Labor Troupe. The full stop is 11 years older than his wife, and his love has been firmly opposed by his in-laws. However, after the parents-in-law lost their children in old age, how did they treat them?

Period (formerly known as Sentence Zhaojie) is a native of Chengcheng County, Hengshui, Hebei Province, born in 1962 in Dandong City, Liaoning Province. After graduating from high school in 1980, he became an actor and projectionist in a performance team of a military region in Shenyang.

Famous actor period: remarry and marry a young wife, so that the parents-in-law who have lost their children will not shed tears in their old age 01020304

Early period (right)

The period is not tall, chubby-looking, has a cute little tiger tooth, and two dimples, and is likable everywhere you go.

Born with a talent for comedy performance, he was transferred to the Forward Cultural troupe of the Shenyang Military Region in 1984. The period has participated in the CCTV Spring Festival Gala 6 times and became popular in the country. While acting in sketches, he starred in many film and television dramas such as "Living Treasure in the World", "Face to Face Back", "The Story of the Cooking Class" and so on.

In the 1990s, the full stop became a household name. Among them, he won the Best Supporting Actor Nomination Award at the 15th Chinese Film "Golden Rooster Awards" for his wonderful performance in the film "Face to Face Back". At that time, only One Person nominated for Best Supporting Actor, but when the award was finally awarded, The Period was lost. Best Supporting Actor was taken by a man who didn't get a nomination.

Famous actor period: remarry and marry a young wife, so that the parents-in-law who have lost their children will not shed tears in their old age 01020304

Poster of the period "Trouble is Wrong"

In 1997, He won the Best Actor Award at the 10th Changchun Film Festival for playing the village chief "Wang Chang'an" in the film "Trouble is Wrong".

He got married very early, and he entered the marriage in the mid-1980s. His wife was his colleague in the literary troupe, and the two had a daughter.

In the early 1990s, Period and his ex-wife divorced due to personality incompatibility, and his daughter followed him first. Later, because the work was too busy, the ex-wife took her daughter to her side.

The full stop is a man with heavy feelings, who struggled for years in the shadow of lost marriage before coming out. In 1994, Period developed a relationship with his colleague Guo Yadan. Both are actors in the Shenyang Military Region's Forward Literary and Labor Troupe, performing skits in the full stop and Guo Yadan singing.

Famous actor period: remarry and marry a young wife, so that the parents-in-law who have lost their children will not shed tears in their old age 01020304

Period with Guo Yadan

In the common rehearsal and performance, love grows soft branches in the hearts of the two. Guo Yadan was born in 1973 in Jinzhou, Liaoning Province, 11 years younger than the full stop. Because he was busy studying and working, Guo Yadan was unmarried and single. At that time, the two lived in the same family building and were door-to-door neighbors.

Guo Yadan lives with his parents, and his father, Guo Zhijie, works in a cultural unit and is an amateur host. One day, he saw his daughter come out of the full house, did not care, thinking that it was a normal interaction between colleagues.

After that, Guo Zhijie saw his daughter come out of the full house and suddenly became alert: the two people are single, can they be in love?

In April 1995, Guo Zhijie tested his daughter: "A girl, don't always run to the full house, it is not good to pass it out." Guo Yadan looked at his father: "Dad, I am now officially telling you that I am in love with The Period." ”

Famous actor period: remarry and marry a young wife, so that the parents-in-law who have lost their children will not shed tears in their old age 01020304

Stills from the full stop "The Tale of Wulin"

Guo Zhijie was stunned, and after a while, he said to his daughter solemnly: "You two are not suitable, quickly break up." Guo Yadan muttered, "Why can't we fall in love?" ”

Guo Zhijie laid out his reasons: "He is short, 11 years older than you, divorced, and has a daughter." You have such good conditions, why not find an unmarried boy? Guo's mother also advised her daughter to break up with The Period, saying that the two did not match.

Guo Yadan resolutely refused to budge: "Mom and Dad, I can listen to you on other things, but love must be decided by itself, you do not agree, I also want to be with him." ”

To be fair, Guo Zhijie is an enlightened father who feels that forcing his daughter to break up will affect the relationship between the two generations; if she is in a hurry, her daughter may do extreme things.

Famous actor period: remarry and marry a young wife, so that the parents-in-law who have lost their children will not shed tears in their old age 01020304

Period with Jiang Kun

In this case, he and his wife made concessions, but they knew nothing about the period and could not casually hand over their daughter to him.

At that time, the leader of the Forward Literary and Labor Troupe was Wei Precious, who was the lyricist of the song "Where the Peach Blossoms Bloomed", and was very famous in Shenyang. Guo Zhijie and he are alumni when they were studying in Jinzhou, and the two are more familiar.

Soon Guo Zhijie came to Wei Precious and asked him about the end. Wei Precious told the truth: "The period is a good character, a kind heart, a pursuit of self-motivation, a great business, and an excellent man." ”

Guo Zhijie was still not at ease, and quietly asked his daughter's vocal teacher about the person who was full. The other party said: "There are so many people in the regiment, none of them have a bad end." The period is simple and kind, talented, and very good to people, and I think he is a good match for Yadan. ”

Famous actor period: remarry and marry a young wife, so that the parents-in-law who have lost their children will not shed tears in their old age 01020304


The knot in Guo Zhijie's heart finally melted, and when he returned home, he said to his wife: "Just follow your daughter, the period is very good, and we can rest assured that we can hand over our daughter to him." Besides, the size is innate, not his fault. He has been divorced and will know how to cherish it more. The wife felt that Guo Zhijie's words were reasonable and no longer objected.

In October 1999, He and Guo Yadan remarried in Shenyang. The two married in military uniforms and did not take wedding photos.

After marriage, Full And his wife frequently went to perform in other places. He lives on the 19th floor with his wife, and Guo Zhijie and his wife moved to the 17th floor. The little couple performed very busy, and Guo Zhijie and his wife went to help them clean up every once in a while.

Famous actor period: remarry and marry a young wife, so that the parents-in-law who have lost their children will not shed tears in their old age 01020304

Period with wife

When his daughter and son-in-law returned home from the show, Guo Zhijie invited them to come to the house for dinner. At his in-laws' house, he mops the floor, does laundry, and helps his mother-in-law make soup on the stove. My parents-in-law had a yard overgrown with weeds, and they took matters into their own hands to help them clean it up.

Once, the mother-in-law suddenly had a heart attack at 4 a.m., Guo Zhijie could not bear to disturb his daughter and son-in-law, and called a taxi himself to prepare to send his wife to the hospital.

But the taxi was delayed, and Guo Zhijie had to call his daughter and son-in-law for help. Two minutes after the end, he rushed to his parents-in-law's house, and he complained to his father-in-law: "Why didn't you tell us earlier?" The father-in-law said, "I don't want to affect your rest." After the full stop, he picked up his mother-in-law and went downstairs, saying in his mouth: "A son-in-law and a half son, you should not treat me as an outsider." ”

The full stop puts the mother-in-law in the car and takes her to the hospital. After first aid, my mother-in-law turned the crisis into safety. The next day, The full stop personally fed his mother-in-law. The mother-in-law dripped the back of her hand and gave the mother-in-law a massage of the back of her hand.

Famous actor period: remarry and marry a young wife, so that the parents-in-law who have lost their children will not shed tears in their old age 01020304

Period with father-in-law Guo Zhijie

July 23, 2007, was a painful day for Guo Zhijie and his wife. On this day, their only son was tragically killed in an accident, leaving his young daughter behind.

Guo Zhijie and his wife seemed to have died several times, and their sadness and despair reached the extreme. After taking care of the brother-in-law's affairs, he knelt in front of his father-in-law's bed and said with tears: "Mom and Dad, people cannot be resurrected from the dead, and no matter how sad you are, it will not help." My brother is gone from this house and I am your own son, and I am your little niece who is solely responsible. ”

The filial piety of the full stop made Guo Zhijie and his wife burst into tears.

Famous actor period: remarry and marry a young wife, so that the parents-in-law who have lost their children will not shed tears in their old age 01020304

Although the parents-in-law have a pension, the full period often gives money to the parents-in-law. He bought food and clothing for his parents-in-law, and when his parents-in-law's family encountered any difficulties, he always rushed to deal with them. The filial piety of the full stop has eased the grief of the parents-in-law's loss of their children.

For her brother-in-law's daughter, Period raised her as a daughter and covered all her tuition and expenses.

In 2008, Period and his wife came to Beijing to develop, and the couple bought a house and settled in Beijing. Worried that his parents-in-law were lonely in Shenyang, he took his parents-in-law to Beijing to live together in 2009, and the two generations have never been separated since.

In August 2010, Guo Yadan gave birth to a daughter in Beijing, and the 48-year-old stopped to become a father. Period originally wanted to invite a nanny to come to the house to take care of his wife and daughter, but the parents-in-law did not agree, and the second elder personally took care of his daughter and granddaughter.

Famous actor period: remarry and marry a young wife, so that the parents-in-law who have lost their children will not shed tears in their old age 01020304

Full couple with daughter

Famous actor period: remarry and marry a young wife, so that the parents-in-law who have lost their children will not shed tears in their old age 01020304

Period with daughter

After becoming a mother, Guo Yadan did not go out to work, and Guo Zhijie and his wife cooperated with their daughter to take care of the baby and take care of the housework. There are more than 200 days a year outside to perform and shoot, and his wife and in-laws work together to create a solid rear for him.

Stop no drinking, no smoking, no mahjong, and stay at home when you come back from the show. He often traveled with his in-laws and accompanied the second elder to play poker at home. The parents-in-law are homesick, and they will accompany them back to Shenyang to visit their relatives.

In 2017, The daughter of Full And Guo Yadan turned 7 years old and attended elementary school in Beijing. The father-in-law said to the period: "Now that the baby is older and there are not as many chores as before, your mother and I want to go back to Shenyang to live." ”

The period resolutely disagreed: "You helped me raise my child, paid a lot, and I have remembered this love for the rest of my life." I am your son and have the responsibility to provide for you. Don't go anywhere, Beijing is your home. ”

Famous actor period: remarry and marry a young wife, so that the parents-in-law who have lost their children will not shed tears in their old age 01020304

Period with snow village stills

Famous actor period: remarry and marry a young wife, so that the parents-in-law who have lost their children will not shed tears in their old age 01020304

Period with father-in-law

Listening to the son-in-law's warm words, Guo Zhijie and his wife felt warm. At the end of the period, the parents-in-law still live with them in Beijing.

In November 2021, After living under the same roof with his parents-in-law for 12 years, He and his father-in-law have developed a deep father-son relationship.

In an interview, the author asked Guo Zhijie: "How many points do you give your son-in-law?" Guo Zhijie said happily: "100 points, the period is more intimate than his son." ”

Guo Zhijie and his wife lost their son in their old age, and their inner grief could not be repeated, but the good son-in-law gave the most intimate care to his parents-in-law, so that the parents-in-law who lost their children no longer shed tears in their old age, and the grief in their hearts gradually calmed down!


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