
A festival between Zhang Ailing and Fu Lei: Zhang wrote a novel alluding to Fu Lei's extramarital affair, and the two cut off contact

author:Green Orange O

Fu Lei is a famous modern translator, writer, educator, and Zhang Ailing is a well-known love novelist, it is reasonable to say that the two do not have much intersection, how can they be involved together, and even make so many misunderstandings?

In fact, in the early days, Fu Lei greatly appreciated Zhang Ailing's talent, and he praised Zhang Ailing's works as "the most beautiful harvest in the literary world".

A festival between Zhang Ailing and Fu Lei: Zhang wrote a novel alluding to Fu Lei's extramarital affair, and the two cut off contact

Fu Lei's family book is quite prestigious

So if this is the case, where does the enmity between him and Zhang Ailing come from? This has to start with Fu Lei's red-faced confidant Ms. Chengjia liu.

Fu Lei's wife, named Zhu Meifu, is a gentle woman with a gentle personality and a generous heart, to what extent is her heart generous? She was well aware of Fu Lei's close relationship with Cheng Jialiu, and Fu Lei's son later recalled that his father's feelings for Cheng Jia Liu were so infatuated that he could not extricate himself, like glue, and even arrived, as long as Cheng Jia Liu was not around, Fu Lei was irritable to the point that it was difficult to work.

A festival between Zhang Ailing and Fu Lei: Zhang wrote a novel alluding to Fu Lei's extramarital affair, and the two cut off contact

The Fu Lei couple in the early years

Zhu Meifu looked in her eyes and was anxious in her heart, she knew in her heart that Fu Lei's dependence on Cheng Jialiu, she did not make a big fuss. Once she sent Fu Lei a plate of fruit to relieve the heat, when Fu Lei was working alone in the study, but he was restless, pacing around, throwing a mess of large and small paper balls on the floor, Zhu Meifu understood at a glance, Fu Lei was missing his confidant lover again.

Zhu Meifu put down the fruit plate, secretly called Cheng Jialiu, and said, "Sister, do you have time today?" My family has bought some new fashionable fruits, so if my sister has time, she will try them! And sir also loves to eat it! ”

I have to say that Zhu Meifu was magnanimous to the point where ordinary people could not understand, and besides, this relationship was also very secret at that time, only Fu Lei, his wife and Chengjia Liu knew about it, and it was not known to outsiders. Cheng Jia Liu is another kind of woman with a completely different personality from Zhu Meifu, Zhu is gentle like water, Cheng is enthusiastic like fire, and the two accompany each other, so that Fu Lei is addicted to it and cannot extricate himself.

A festival between Zhang Ailing and Fu Lei: Zhang wrote a novel alluding to Fu Lei's extramarital affair, and the two cut off contact

Cheng Jia Liu and Fu Lei

However, since this relationship was tacitly approved by the hostess Zhu Meifu, besides, the social environment and cultural atmosphere of that era were also very tolerant of the affairs of literary talents, so the relationship between the three did not cause much repercussions until Zhang Ailing's novel "Yin Baoxuan Sending Flowers to the House" was published.

The prototype of the story of this novel is Fu Lei and his red-faced confidant Chengjia Liu. Moreover, Zhang Ailing also blatantly wrote herself into the novel, in which her name is "Ailing".

As soon as this novel was published, it directly led to Fu Lei's extramarital affair being revealed to the world, and Fu Lei's tall literati personality also collapsed in an instant, and Fu Lei and Zhang never intersected again.

So how did Zhang learn about Fu Lei's secret affair with Cheng Jialiu?

It turned out that Cheng Jialiu and Zhang Ailing were once friends with the same window, she was a new woman of the times, a famous soprano singer, naturally she intervened in the emotional life between Fu Lei and Zhu Meifu, inexplicably circling between the three people, and love and not, her heart was also bitter, and at that time Fu Lei had a lot of praise for Zhang Ailing, so she foolishly ran to often pour out the depressed feelings in her heart to Zhang Ailing.

She said, "Ailing, what do you say I should do?" Fu Lei and I are truly in love, Zhu Meifu is the third person in our love, and I have become the third party in their marriage, besides, they also have two lovely children, Zhu is so kind, I can't bear to hurt Zhu, but I can't give up this relationship. ”

While enjoying the sweetness of this uninhibited love, Cheng Jia Liu is distressed that he cannot get along with his beloved day and night. These words she poured out became the material for the novels of the sensitive and talented writer Zhang Ailing.

At this time, another thing happened to happen, which became the fuse for the publication of the novel, it turned out that Fu Lei was also a literary critic, he wrote an article criticizing Zhang Ailing's certain works for only loving male and female love, not deep enough for social significance, too superficial, worried that Zhang Ailing was too greedy for interests, and would even repeat the mistakes of "hurting Zhongyong".

After Zhang Ailing saw it, her heart was naturally very unconvinced, so she published the novel "Yin Baoxuan Sending Flowers to the Louhui" in one breath, and the novel has been published, which immediately caused an uproar in the society, and the secret love affair between Fu Lei and Cheng Jialiu was also made public.

In the novel, "Ailing" urged the heroine to leave Shanghai and go to the mainland to find a real lover to marry, and the real ChengJialiu also listened to Zhang Ailing's enthusiastic advice, left Shanghai, went to the mainland, she was also under the pressure of huge social opinion at the time, hurriedly found a man who did not have very deep feelings to marry, even jumped out of this emotional quagmire, but in the end, it is not the true destination of inner emotions, so it is said that soon Chengjia Liu divorced again.

The end of this relationship also made Fu Lei very angry with Zhang Ailing, and the two of them have since formed a beam and will never come back again.

A festival between Zhang Ailing and Fu Lei: Zhang wrote a novel alluding to Fu Lei's extramarital affair, and the two cut off contact

Fu Lei and his wife in their later years

Later, Fu Lei and his wife hanged themselves, and Zhang Ailing also regretted it very much after learning about it in her later years, feeling that she was really emotional and hurt Fu Lei and his wife, but unfortunately, everything was too late!

A festival between Zhang Ailing and Fu Lei: Zhang wrote a novel alluding to Fu Lei's extramarital affair, and the two cut off contact

However, the measures taken by Zhang Ailing, in the eyes of modern society, should be commendable, after all, the feelings of the "threesome" are immoral, after all, it will deeply hurt one of them, Zhang Li persuaded Cheng to leave Fu Lei, but also a piece of kindness, so that the selfish feelings without an ending are not worth advocating, and should be ended.

The world is floating and sinking, why be afraid of the comments behind you? As the lyrics sing, "Responsible for the affairs of the living, why count the posthumous comments?" ", wave your hand, let the past go with the wind!

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