
"Peter and the Wolf": Tearing off the fairy tale coat, the collision of human nature and wolf nature in the practical sense and the coexistence of Peter choosing to get along with animals and fearing humans shows that complex human nature is more terrible than the brutal wolf nature, and also reflects the importance of public moral health education in the social system where human nature is missing. The desire for freedom and the preservation of dignity is the bond between humanity and wolf nature, and the reason why Peter and the wolf finally reconciled. In Peter, the wolf nature of bravery and determination coexists with the human nature of kindness and compassion, and he protects the beauty of the world in his own way, and it is also the ultimate hope of mankind.

author:Ting Ying Shu Zhai

Human nature and wolf nature, which is better or worse? Are they always opposed? This is a topic that philosophers and laymen have been arguing about for thousands of years. The 2008 Oscar for Best Animated Short Film, "Peter and the Wolf", only took 32 minutes to explain such a complex proposition clearly.

The film is a clay stop-motion animation directed by British director Susie Tipriton, adapted from the symphony of the same name created by russian composer Prokofiev in 1936, without a single dialogue, each character is given a different instrument, with lifelike stop-motion animation and a distinctive symphonic rhythm, vividly presenting the thrilling and twisting plot to the audience.

The story of the symphony takes place in a cold winter in Russia, and the teenager Peter is often bullied because he is locked up in the courtyard by his grandfather for many years, and he has a lonely personality. His friends had only a duck and a bird with broken wings. One day, Peter stole his grandfather's key to open the courtyard door and went to the lake with ducks and birds, but bumped into a vicious wolf. In the midst of the chaos, the duck is eaten by the wolf, and an angry Peter, determined to avenge his friend, captures the wolf alive and takes the wolf to the town's zoo with his grandfather.

The plot of the film differs from the original plot in that after the wolf is dragged to the town, the zoo wants to slaughter the wolf because he is not domesticated, and the kind Peter eventually releases the wolf back into the forest. I think this adaptation is definitely a stroke of genius, it makes the original simple and innocent fairy tale give the cruel meaning of reality, highlights the complexity of human nature, the brutality of wolf nature, and the collision and coexistence of the two, while sublimating the theme of the film, leaving the viewer with strong resonance and infinite reflection.

"Peter and the Wolf": Tearing off the fairy tale coat, the collision of human nature and wolf nature in the practical sense and the coexistence of Peter choosing to get along with animals and fearing humans shows that complex human nature is more terrible than the brutal wolf nature, and also reflects the importance of public moral health education in the social system where human nature is missing. The desire for freedom and the preservation of dignity is the bond between humanity and wolf nature, and the reason why Peter and the wolf finally reconciled. In Peter, the wolf nature of bravery and determination coexists with the human nature of kindness and compassion, and he protects the beauty of the world in his own way, and it is also the ultimate hope of mankind.

<h1>Peter's choice to live with animals and fear humans shows that complex human nature is more terrifying than the brutal wolf nature, and also reflects the importance of public moral health education in a social system without human nature. </h1>

The 18th-century French philosopher Diderot once said:

"Human beings are both powerful and weak, both humble and sublime, both insightful and often invisible."

The town within the walls of the courtyard in the film is a human society full of vientiane. There are bullying, bullying and hard soldiers, who can openly bully unarmed children when they have guns, but in the face of real wolves, they are scared to fart and urinate. Here there is a stubborn and conservative grandfather, blindly and strictly guarding his own children, completely disregarding his physical and mental health development, and blindly defending himself to the outside world, in exchange for temporary peace in the form of closed self-protection.

There are cowardly and worldly melon-eating masses here, who dare not stand up when they see Peter being bullied, but when they see Peter catch the wolf, they flock up like flies, afraid of not getting a piece of the pie. There is also a kind and kind circus owner here, who kindly gives him a balloon when he sees the frustrated Peter, giving him the only bit of warmth and comfort.

Wolf nature, by contrast, is much simpler. Wolves are bloodthirsty and cruel and vicious. Therefore, the wolf in the film is evil when he appears: the coat is gray and black, the teeth are sharp, the eyes are fierce and cunning, and they are never soft on prey to the mouth. This is also the reason why at the beginning of the film, Grandpa desperately strengthens the courtyard wall, does not allow Peter to go out, and worries about holding a shotgun to guard against it.

But predation is only a means of survival for wolves, and in the natural world of survival of the fittest, kindness to the enemy is cruelty to oneself. From this point of view, the wolf is simply in accordance with nature. At the same time, the wolf has excellent qualities such as unity and cooperation, calmness and composure, and not afraid, daring to challenge the strong.

The high courtyard wall can prevent the fierce wolves in the wild, but it cannot stop the selfish greed of the humans inside the hospital wall, relying on the strong and bullying the weak. Therefore, Peter prefers to deal with animals, whether it is a kind and cute duck, or a selfish and lazy fat cat, or even a cruel and vicious wolf. Because what they show is the nature of nature, and there is no disguise and fickleness of human nature.

"Peter and the Wolf": Tearing off the fairy tale coat, the collision of human nature and wolf nature in the practical sense and the coexistence of Peter choosing to get along with animals and fearing humans shows that complex human nature is more terrible than the brutal wolf nature, and also reflects the importance of public moral health education in the social system where human nature is missing. The desire for freedom and the preservation of dignity is the bond between humanity and wolf nature, and the reason why Peter and the wolf finally reconciled. In Peter, the wolf nature of bravery and determination coexists with the human nature of kindness and compassion, and he protects the beauty of the world in his own way, and it is also the ultimate hope of mankind.

Today's society is more changeable and human nature is more complex than in Peter's time. The "Jiang Ge Case", "Red, Yellow and Blue Kindergarten Child Abuse Case" and the recent "Executive Sexual Abuse of Adopted Daughters" that have caused a sensation in the country have all confirmed the lack of human nature. In this social environment, public moral health education is becoming more and more important. What is Ethical Health? According to the Definition of the United Nations Health Organization:

"Moral health means not to harm the interests of others to meet their own needs, have the ability to distinguish between true and false, good and evil, beauty and ugliness, honor and disgrace, right and wrong, can restrain and dominate their words and deeds in accordance with the moral norms recognized by society, and are willing to contribute to people's happiness."

A person with corrupt moral character, even if he has profound knowledge and a strong physique, he is also very harmful to society. In the future of children as a country, their ideological and moral status is even more related to the overall quality of our entire country and nation, and it should be paid more attention to. However, the current situation is that teenagers who are not deeply involved in the world, under the invasion of various ideological trends on the television network, are extremely susceptible to the temptation and erosion of bad ideas such as violence, money worship, and pornography, and the phenomenon of "three views are not correct" abounds at a young age.

Therefore, in the hundred-year plan, education comes first. In the grand plan of education, moral education comes first. Every educator with conscience should put moral and health education in the first place in teaching work, and every responsible parent should be vigilant and actively cooperate with the school to carry out moral health education, teach children to understand the truth, goodness and beauty, pursue truth, goodness and beauty, and create truth, goodness and beauty.

If every child can be like the young Peter in the film, with love and righteousness for animal friends, the courage to dare to fight against the evil forces represented by wolves, and the compassion and respect for all lives, and other shining points in human nature, our society will be kinder and better.

"Peter and the Wolf": Tearing off the fairy tale coat, the collision of human nature and wolf nature in the practical sense and the coexistence of Peter choosing to get along with animals and fearing humans shows that complex human nature is more terrible than the brutal wolf nature, and also reflects the importance of public moral health education in the social system where human nature is missing. The desire for freedom and the preservation of dignity is the bond between humanity and wolf nature, and the reason why Peter and the wolf finally reconciled. In Peter, the wolf nature of bravery and determination coexists with the human nature of kindness and compassion, and he protects the beauty of the world in his own way, and it is also the ultimate hope of mankind.

<h1>The desire for freedom and the preservation of dignity is the bond between humanity and wolf nature, and the reason why Peter and the wolf finally reconciled. </h1>

The pursuit of freedom and dignity is not only the source of human civilization, but also the core of the wolf spirit. The scene that most impressed the audience in "Peter and the Wolf" should be that in the town, Peter and the wolf looked at each other across the cage. At that moment, the wolf, which had been majestic and cruel and fierce, was now curled up in a narrow cage. It understood that what awaited it was the sharp bayonet of the butcher, but its eyes did not have the slightest cowardice, but still carried the arrogance and stubbornness of a wolf, which made people awe-inspired.

On the other hand, in Peter's eyes, there was no pride or ostentation that the victor should have, but a deep compassion. I think that peter at this time, through the image of the wolf, must have thought of the painful and repressed self: locked by his grandfather in the high courtyard wall, losing his freedom; being bullied and ridiculed by soldiers and children of the same age, losing his dignity as a human being. What is the difference between Peter like that and the wolf in front of him who has been deprived of his freedom and dignity?

Looking at each other, Peter and the wolf found a deep resonance in each other's eyes, and they were no longer simple antagonists. Peter is no longer just the embodiment of justice, the wolf is no longer the representative of evil, and the story is no longer just a simple fairy tale of a brave teenager who fights wits with the fierce wolf in order to avenge his friends and finally defeats the wolf. They were reconciled because of their natural desire for freedom and the preservation of their dignity.

Peter let go of the wolf, fulfilling the wolf's freedom and the hatred in his heart for losing his friend, and forgiving others while redeeming himself. Before returning to the wilderness, the wolf looks back at Peter deeply, which is both a gratitude for Peter's grace of not killing, and an encouragement to Peter who yearns for freedom. Although the film ends here, but life will continue, I believe that in the future Peter, will definitely find his own personal dignity and human freedom in this "one grasp and one release".

"Peter and the Wolf": Tearing off the fairy tale coat, the collision of human nature and wolf nature in the practical sense and the coexistence of Peter choosing to get along with animals and fearing humans shows that complex human nature is more terrible than the brutal wolf nature, and also reflects the importance of public moral health education in the social system where human nature is missing. The desire for freedom and the preservation of dignity is the bond between humanity and wolf nature, and the reason why Peter and the wolf finally reconciled. In Peter, the wolf nature of bravery and determination coexists with the human nature of kindness and compassion, and he protects the beauty of the world in his own way, and it is also the ultimate hope of mankind.

In real life, there are not a few people like Grandpa Peter who use the banner of "love" and are actually implementing "control". The mother of Zhu Yuchen, the actor who played Huazi in the TV series "Struggle", not only took care of her son's daily life, but also put forward strict standards for her future daughter-in-law. It is no wonder that Zhu Yuchen is more than 40 years old, and he is still like a boy who has not grown up, and he has talked about several times in love without any problem, and perhaps no woman dares to marry him at all.

There are also many control freaks in romantic relationships. Last year' divorce of the South Korean star Gu Hye-sun, is too strong control, even Ahn Jae-hyun in the crew filming, are required to report their itinerary at all times, so that the old public security Jae-hyun tired, the original sweet feelings gradually deteriorated, and finally ended in divorce.

True love is freedom, not constraint, much less control. The love of this world is the same destination, no matter what kind of love, it is based on freedom, which is the law of nature. In this regard, man and animal are also the same, born free, and able to freely and autonomously choose their own way of life, which is the ultimate meaning of living in the world as an independent soul. Love, built on control, violates the laws of nature and ends up distorting and deteriorating. Only love based on freedom will last long and blossom into beautiful flowers.

"Peter and the Wolf": Tearing off the fairy tale coat, the collision of human nature and wolf nature in the practical sense and the coexistence of Peter choosing to get along with animals and fearing humans shows that complex human nature is more terrible than the brutal wolf nature, and also reflects the importance of public moral health education in the social system where human nature is missing. The desire for freedom and the preservation of dignity is the bond between humanity and wolf nature, and the reason why Peter and the wolf finally reconciled. In Peter, the wolf nature of bravery and determination coexists with the human nature of kindness and compassion, and he protects the beauty of the world in his own way, and it is also the ultimate hope of mankind.

<h1>In Peter, the wolf nature of bravery and determination coexists with the human nature of kindness and compassion, and he protects the beauty of the world in his own way, and it is also the ultimate hope of mankind. </h1>

Peter in "Peter and the Wolf" is undoubtedly a combination of all virtues in a fairy tale background. He naturally longs for freedom and explores the unknown world, so he can understand the value of freedom, and help others to gain freedom while striving for freedom, such as stealing keys to enjoy free skating time with his partner, tying a balloon to a bird with broken wings to help it fly, and finally releasing the wolf to help it return to the forest.

Although he has a reclusive personality and cannot integrate with his peers, he is not cowardly. On the contrary, he has the courage, tenacity, and composure that even most adults do not have. After his friend was eaten by a hungry wolf, he could immediately analyze the situation after the pain, and with his courage and wisdom, he single-handedly maneuvered with the hungry wolf, and finally successfully captured the wolf and avenged his friend. How similar this is to the wolf who is his opponent.

Such a child who is bound to freedom and trampled on his dignity has preserved the precious kindness and compassion in his heart. After catching a wolf, he can let his grandfather shoot the wolf with one shot to avenge his friends, or give the wolf to the zoo or the butcher in exchange for the honor and praise of his heroic wolf hunting. But he could not blame the past and resolutely let go of his former opponents. At that moment, Peter's body was full of human brilliance, making his thin body look tall.

"Peter and the Wolf": Tearing off the fairy tale coat, the collision of human nature and wolf nature in the practical sense and the coexistence of Peter choosing to get along with animals and fearing humans shows that complex human nature is more terrible than the brutal wolf nature, and also reflects the importance of public moral health education in the social system where human nature is missing. The desire for freedom and the preservation of dignity is the bond between humanity and wolf nature, and the reason why Peter and the wolf finally reconciled. In Peter, the wolf nature of bravery and determination coexists with the human nature of kindness and compassion, and he protects the beauty of the world in his own way, and it is also the ultimate hope of mankind.

In the ever-changing and competitive modern society, do we need human nature or wolf nature? This is a topic that people from all walks of life have been arguing about in recent years, and the "NetEase dismissal of terminally ill employees" incident that made a lot of noise some time ago has pushed the contradiction and dispute between "wolf culture" and "human culture" to the cusp of the storm.

The so-called "wolf culture" is to value the good qualities of perseverance, bravery and determination and unity and cooperation possessed by wolves, as well as the ability to survive and develop under the conditions of harsh environment and limited resources, and emphasize the team spirit and fighting spirit in the enterprise. This may seem reasonable at first glance, but it does not stand up to scrutiny. Imagine, if the so-called "wolf" culture is so superior, then why is it that it is man and not the wolf who ends up at the top of the food chain?

Because the wolf has survived in a harsh environment for a long time, although it has many excellent qualities, it has also created its cruel and bloodthirsty and unscrupulous side. It's not the wolf's fault, but it's also where people are better than wolves. Human society is not a sinister jungle where you die or I live, and history has proved that "pity" is often more powerful than "bloodthirsty", and "tyranny" can never defeat "mercy".

Of course, if there is a lack of wolf nature in human nature, it is difficult to gain a foothold in this society. The so-called "people are not rigid and standing", in daily work and social interaction, we must have our own position and principles, so that others can clearly understand their bottom line, so that they will not be easily overridden by others. Therefore, wolf nature is an attitude and a kind of human edge. Appropriate strength, as well as the inaction at critical times, not only will not make a person appear inhuman, but will win the respect and awe of others.

Therefore, human nature and wolf nature do not distinguish between good and bad. Intelligent people will combine the two, with both the goodness of human nature and the sharpness of wolf nature. For family and friends, more tolerance and understanding, more warm care, while maintaining the appropriate sharpness and hardness in work and social life. Just like the young Peter in "Peter and the Wolf", rigidity and softness, never flinching when fighting, soft and warm when it is benevolent, is the best way to deal with the world.

Write at the end:

"Peter and the Wolf" is an animated short film that uses lifelike stop-motion animation and a distinctive symphonic melody to depict the fairy tale between the young Peter and the wolf, from confrontational struggle to sympathy, and finally reach a reconciliation. Nuancedly shows the complexity of human kindness and compassion, the brutality and bloodlust but tenacity and determination of wolf nature, and the common pursuit of freedom and dignity between the two. In real life, how to deal with the increasing complexity of human nature, how to respect the human freedom of others, and how to balance the relationship between human nature and wolf nature? This is a question that deserves everyone's deep consideration.

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