
Three Kingdoms Guanrui: A Fortune Teller Who Can Position His Destiny Recommendation: Three Kingdoms Field Domain: Success and Retirement from True Discipline

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Text/Tang Guoyi

Three Kingdoms Guanrui: A Fortune Teller Who Can Position His Destiny Recommendation: Three Kingdoms Field Domain: Success and Retirement from True Discipline


【About the author】Tang Guoyi, born after 50, was originally from Mianzhu, Sichuan, and now lives in Mianyang. Professional teacher. A life of tranquility, nothing to achieve; good reading does not seek much understanding, diligent writing and cultivation often involve the family country. Writing for many years, he has been listed among the famous literary masters of Sohu blog, and has published a collection of essays at his own expense, "Kusazawa Spring and Autumn", to communicate with two or three pen friends. After retirement, he also loved photography, so he wandered between the mountains and rivers and wandered in the wantonness of the commoners.

【This article is published with the authorization of the author】

In the big book "Romance of the Three Kingdoms", there is such a character, he is a fortune teller who can position his destiny. Guan Ren, who really had his own person in history, was born in 209 AD and died in 256; the history book "Romance of the Three Kingdoms" is recorded, and the novel "Romance of the Three Kingdoms" is described, and it is not the same person as the famous "Guan Zi" in history.

In the novel Romance of the Three Kingdoms, Guan Ren appears in the sixty-ninth time. Before this, Cao Cao was fooled by a man named Zuo Ci who pretended to be a ghost and teased him so fiercely that he was overly frightened and fell ill in bed.

Cao Cao was deeply confused about his future, so he asked Taishi Cheng Xuzhi to divinate the Zhou Yi for him and predict the auspiciousness. Xu Zhi said, "Has the Great King heard of the Divine Blessing Guan Ren?" Cao Cao said, "I have heard of his great name, but I don't know his craftsmanship." You try to elaborate. So Xu Zhi gave Cao Cao a detailed introduction to guan ru.

Three Kingdoms Guanrui: A Fortune Teller Who Can Position His Destiny Recommendation: Three Kingdoms Field Domain: Success and Retirement from True Discipline

Guan Ren, the word Gongming, a native of Pingyuan County. His appearance is clumsy and ugly, and he likes to drink and has a loose personality. His father once served as a hill chief in Langya County, somewhat resembling the current village chief. Since he was a child, Guan Ren loved to look up at the stars, refused to sleep at night, and his parents could not forbid it. He often said: "Chickens and wild pigeons still know the time themselves, let alone be alive?" "Playing games with neighbor children, I always like to draw astronomical maps on the ground, and the sun, moon and stars are distributed in the pictures. Later, when he was a little older, he had a relatively deep knowledge of "Zhou Yi", could use the wind direction to divinate auspiciousness, was proficient in mathematics, and also had the art of meeting.

Lang Yan TaiShou Shan Zi Chun heard about his fame and summoned Guan Ren to meet him. At that time, there were more than a hundred guests, all of whom were literati who could speak the Tao. Guan Ren said to Zi Chun, "I am still young and my courage is not strong enough, let me drink three glasses of fine wine first, and then talk to you about things." Zi Chun felt strange and gave him three liters of wine. After drinking the wine, Guan Ren asked Zichun, "Are the guests on the throne of the palace who are going to defend me today?" Zi Chun said, "I myself am on par with you." So he talked to Guan Ren about the I Ching theory. The pipe is talkative and profound. Zi Chun repeatedly asked questions, and Guan Ren answered like a stream. From morning to dark, I couldn't take care of food and drink. Zi Chun and all the guests were impressed. So the world called him a child prodigy.

Brother Guo En's three brothers all have leg diseases, please take care of divination. Guan Ren took out the divination object, danced a bit, and said, "It is said in the Gua Zhong that there is a female ghost in your family's graveyard, either your aunt or your uncle." In the year of famine, I don't know which one pushed her down the well in order to get a few liters of rice, and crushed her head with a large stone, and she was lonely and miserable, complaining to the heavens, so your brother had this retribution. This scourge cannot be solved. Guo En and the others pleaded guilty with tears in their eyes.

Three Kingdoms Guanrui: A Fortune Teller Who Can Position His Destiny Recommendation: Three Kingdoms Field Domain: Success and Retirement from True Discipline

Anping Taishou Wang Ji, knowing that Guan Ren was very divine in divination, invited Guan Ren to his home. It just so happens that the wife of Xindu County Ling often makes trouble, and the father and son are suffering from heartache, so please take care of divination. "There are two dead bodies in the west corner of this living room, one man with a spear and one man with a bow and arrow. The head is inside the wall, the feet are outside the wall, and the spear-wielding tube stabs the head, thus causing a headache; the bow and arrow holder stabs the heart, and therefore the heartache. So he dug up the foot of the wall and found two coffins eight feet deep underground. One coffin had spears, one coffin had bows and arrows, and the wood was rotten. Guan Ren told them to relocate the bones to ten miles outside the city to be buried, and the illness of the wife and father and son would be cured.

Guantao County ordered Zhuge Yuan to be promoted to the emerging Taishou and guan ren to send off. The guests said that Guan Ru could guess where the things were hidden, but Zhuge Yuan did not believe it, and secretly took three things, swallow eggs, honeycombs, and spiders, and put them in three boxes, asking Guan Ru to guess. After the pipe was finished, four sentences were written on each of the boxes. One: "The qi must change, according to Yu Tang; the male and female are shaped, and the wings are stretched." "It's a swallow egg. Second: "The family is hanging upside down, and there are many portals; the essence of tibet is poisoned, and the autumn is transformed." "It's honeycomb. The third is: "Long and long, spit silk into Luo; search for the net for food, and benefit in the night." (觳觫: Read husu, trembling look.) This is a spider. The guests were amazed.

There was an old woman in the township who lost her cow and looked for a pipe for divination. Guan Ru judged: "On the shore of the North Stream, seven people slaughtered and cooked; in a hurry to pursue, the skin and flesh still exist." "The old woman went there to look for it, and saw seven people cooking beef there. The old woman went to liu ying, the county's taishou, and seven cattle thieves were arrested and questioned. Liu Ying asked the old woman, "How do you know that they stole it?" "The old woman told Taishou that she asked the steward to divination to know." Liu Ying did not believe it, and asked Guan Yuan to go to the county capital, and hid the bag containing the seal in the box, calling Guan Yuan divination. Guan Ren recited a word in his mouth: "The inner square and the outer circle are written in five colors; if the treasure is trustworthy, there is a chapter when it is out." "It's a stamp pocket.

Liu Ying was very surprised and regarded Guan Yuan as a guest.

Three Kingdoms Guanrui: A Fortune Teller Who Can Position His Destiny Recommendation: Three Kingdoms Field Domain: Success and Retirement from True Discipline

Cao Cao listened to Xu Zhi's introduction and was very happy, and sent someone to Pingyuan County to look for Guan Yuan.

Soon, Guan Ren came, and Cao Cao told him to divinate and kill. Guan Ren said, "This is a magic trick played by Zuo Ci, so why worry about this?" Cao Cao relaxed his heart, and his spirit felt much better.

Cao Cao asked Guan Ren to predict the world's affairs. Guan Ren said: "Three or eight vertical and horizontal, the yellow pig meets the tiger; the south of the Dingjun, the wound is broken." ”

Cao Cao also asked Guan Ren to predict the length of Fulu, and Guan Ru said: "In the Lion's Palace, to appease the gods; The king Dao Dingxin, the descendants are extremely expensive." Cao Cao asked Guan Ru to give a detailed explanation, and Guan Ru said: "The number of days is vast and unpredictable. It will be fulfilled slowly in the future. ”

Cao Cao wanted to seal Guan Ren as Taishi. Guan Ren said: "The fate is poor, and I am not worthy of this position, and I dare not accept it." Cao Cao inquired about the reason, and Guan Ren said, "Look at me: there is no main bone in the forehead, no guard in the eyes, no beams and pillars in the nose, no heavenly roots in the feet, no three armors on the back, and no three in the abdomen." You can only cure ghosts at Mount Taishan, not in the imperial court. ”

Three Kingdoms Guanrui: A Fortune Teller Who Can Position His Destiny Recommendation: Three Kingdoms Field Domain: Success and Retirement from True Discipline

"Sanjia" and "Sannong" are all terms for looking at the face, and there are "three firsts on the back, three in the abdomen, rich in clothing and food, rich and prosperous", and people with three first and three nongs on the back and abdomen have good luck and longevity. Cao Cao said, "How do you see me?" Guan Ren said, "You are already in the highest position as a courtier, so why look again?" "Reluctant to say more.

The most wonderful thing is Guan Ren's comment to himself: he can only rule ghosts in Mount Taishan, not in the imperial court.

Cao Cao wanted to seal Guan Ren as Taishi, which was not a small official. If you want to put it in front of others, don't you quickly kowtow and thank you, and accept it without saying a word? Guan Rui is unwilling to accept, and the reason for not accepting is also three sentences: the face is not right. This is where the pipe is valuable. It is not simple for a person to have self-knowledge and not to be impressed by the high-ranking official Houlu. He did not ignore the harshness of social reality and firmly believed that "it is easy to cure ghosts and difficult to cure people." Curing ghosts is vain, can not be cured, can not be tested, big deal can be slipped away; and the treatment of people is real, the officialdom and the imperial court interpersonal relations can be dangerous, so it is not good to lose their heads, but also have to pull their wives, children, relatives and friends together with bad luck.

I once heard someone say: I see that the mayor is nothing wrong, as long as he is not a fool, who sits on the seat, just like the mayor. There was a slight sour taste in these words, and it could only be the psychology of people outside the besieged city who wanted to enter the besieged city and could not, and only when they went in would they know that being an official was not as happy as imagined. Whether Guan Ren really has no ability to be an official, or whether he has identified the true meaning of "no official and one body is light", only he himself knows.

Three Kingdoms Guanrui: A Fortune Teller Who Can Position His Destiny Recommendation: Three Kingdoms Field Domain: Success and Retirement from True Discipline

(Three Kingdoms: A Fortune Teller Who Can Position His Destiny)

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