
This man is an ancient master of easy learning, accurate prediction is a magic skill, and it is said that he does not lose his mind


In the Jin Dynasty, there was a "shenbu", known as Zhanbuzhong, who had the ability to penetrate the heavens and the earth, and people at the time called him "Jingfang Guanrui".

Jingfang is the master of Yixue in the Western Han Dynasty, who founded Jingshi Yixue and has influenced it to this day. Guan Ru was a god of the Three Kingdoms at the end of the Han Dynasty and a legendary figure.

What exactly is the ability of this person we are going to talk about today, which can be better than the Management of the Beijing House?

This person is Guo Pu of the Jin Dynasty, and today we will talk about his legendary story.

This man is an ancient master of easy learning, accurate prediction is a magic skill, and it is said that he does not lose his mind

Guo Pu came from a family of officials and eunuchs, he was interested in the astronomical geography of arithmetic since he was a child, he studied ancient and modern times when he was young, and he had a deep knowledge of historiography and literature, and his most powerful place was his arithmetic.

The so-called "magic number" is a kind of ancient Chinese occultism, such as Zhou Yi divination, feng shui wangqi, astronomical astrology, etc., such learning in ancient China has been highly valued, from the pre-Qin era, the state has set up "Dabu" and "Taibu" and other official positions, specializing in the national policy of the military master to divination, assist the emperor to make decisions.

This man is an ancient master of easy learning, accurate prediction is a magic skill, and it is said that he does not lose his mind

Guo Pu's skills are valued by the world, and he has left many legends in the folk. He served as a staff officer to the powerful minister Wang Dun, but he opposed Wang Dun's rebellion.

Wang Dun asked Guo Pu to divinate for his rebellion, and Guo Pu bluntly said that the matter was not auspicious, and Wang Dun was furious, believing that Guo Pu deliberately opposed him, so he ordered Guo Pu to behead him.

When Guo Pu was about to be executed, he said to the executioner, "The place where I was killed must be under two cypress trees." "Walking there, sure enough there were two cypress trees.

Guo Pu also said, "There should be a magpie nest on the tree." "Everyone couldn't find it, Guo Pu asked people to look for it carefully, and it turned out to be found among the branches."

The executioner who killed Guo Pu knew him, it turned out that twenty years ago, Guo Pu met a person on the way to Yuecheng, Guo Pu suddenly called the man's name, and then gave him his expensive clothes, the man did not accept it, but Guo Pu said: "You just take it, you will understand it in the future." The man accepted and left. This man is the executioner who is going to kill Guo Pu today.

Its God calculated so much!

After Guo Pu's death, Wang Dun rebelled, and as Guo Pu said, he was defeated, and Neither Wang Dun nor his family had a good end.

This man is an ancient master of easy learning, accurate prediction is a magic skill, and it is said that he does not lose his mind

The history books record that Guo Pu learned from a mysterious worldly master named "Guo Gong", and Guo Gong taught Guo Puqi the book "Qingnan Zhongshu" in nine volumes, and it was with these nine strange books that Guo Pu became a generation of "gods".

When it comes to the "Qingbao Book", many people have the impression of it as the posthumous work of the divine doctor Hua Tuo in the novel "Romance of the Three Kingdoms", Hua Tuo was killed by Cao Cao, leaving the medical work Qingbao Book to the prison cell boss, but unexpectedly it was burned by the cell leader's wife, so the study could not be circulated.

In history, Hua Tuo's posthumous work is not the "Book of Qingbao", and the earliest recorded book of Qingbao in history is this one of Guo Puxue.

Guo Pu later also wrote a large number of works on Yixue divination feng shui kanyu, together with this "Qingsang Zhongshu" to form the "Guo's Yixue", but unfortunately, most of these books, including the Qingbao Zhongshu, have not survived.

We can now only judge from the few words recorded in history that The Yixue divination used by Guo Pu should be regarded as a school of Yixue of the Jing clan, and it is the mainstream of the Yixue of Elephant Numbers.

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