
The only thing to do is to find the lost deer

author:No two past books

The only thing to do is to find the lost deer

The only thing to do is to find the lost deer


It is said that during the Three Kingdoms period in China, there was a man in the Wei kingdom called Guan Lu (Yin Lu), who was a warlock.

One day, a farmer who was engaged in tuning the fields in the area under the jurisdiction of the officials who managed the area through which the Licao Canal passed, caught the deer, and after catching the deer, the deer was stolen again, and the farmer asked the steward to divinate for himself.

After the fortune telling, he said: This deer thief is the third family that lives in the street on the east side of your house. You go straight to the door of his house, and when no one is there, take a tile, secretly uncover the seventh rafter of the room used to scoop rice in his house, put the tile under the rafters, and after noon tomorrow, his family will naturally return the deer to you.

That night, the father of the deer thief suddenly had a headache, and the headache was so bad that he had a fever, and the deer thief also came to ask Guan Ren to divinate for himself.

Guan Ren exposed the deer thieves, and the deer thieves confessed the specific situation to Guan Ru.

Guan Rui ordered the deer thief to carry the skin and flesh of the deer with a flat shoulder, and hid it in the place where the deer was located when the deer was originally stolen, and the disease of the deer thief's father would naturally be cured.

Guan Rui then secretly asked the deer's owner to go and get the meat, and told the deer catcher to uncover the rafters and throw away the tiles in the original way, and the deer thief's father's illness was cured.

Some people say that the Guan Ren in the story, the character Gongming, was a warlock during the Three Kingdoms period of China.

Some people say that the rafters (sound boats) in the story refer to wooden strips placed on the roof to support materials such as tile pieces. Those whose cross-section is round are called rafters, and those whose cross-sections are square are called rafters.

This story is from The Garden.

"Alien Garden" is a collection of Zhiwei novels written by Liu Jingshu.

Liu Jingshu was a scholar of the Southern Song Dynasty during the Southern and Northern Dynasties of China.