
The delicious secret of teppanyaki tofu successfully conquered my stomach

author:Bean and fruit delicacies
The delicious secret of teppanyaki tofu successfully conquered my stomach

There is always a snack street at the entrance of every university, with all kinds of tempting snacks. It has been many years since graduation, and I still miss the various snacks at the entrance of our school. A few days ago to go to the university to do something, saw the iron plate on the iron plate tofu smelling nose, silently swallowed a few saliva, if it is not convenient to park, you must get off the car to buy a relief. Snack street tofu did not eat, go home we do it ourselves, with imagination, spent 5 yuan to make a pot of fried tofu, the taste is very good, after eating the mouth and sit down to share the method, after the hunger we do it at home, super simple ah.

By Liaoning crab


bean curd





Raw soy sauce

oyster sauce



Spicy pot seasoning powder (paprika is also available)

Mushroom powder

<h2>Practice steps</h2>

The delicious secret of teppanyaki tofu successfully conquered my stomach

1, a large piece of tofu, two shallots, half a garlic, a large spoon of cooked sesame seeds, a large spoon of spicy spice pot seasoning powder, bread crumbs or peach crisps, sugar thrown away, a large spoon of soy sauce, a large spoon of oyster sauce, a large spoon of tomato sauce, a small spoon of mushroom powder, a small amount of cooking oil. Add salt to the basin and soak the tofu for a while.

The delicious secret of teppanyaki tofu successfully conquered my stomach

2, when soaking tofu, we prepare the seasoning, divided into dry and wet materials. I used sesame seeds, spicy pot seasoning powder, original breadcrumbs, sugar and mushroom powder. Spicy pot seasoning can be replaced by barbecue ingredients or mixed with paprika pepper powder cumin powder, bread crumbs can also be replaced with peach crisp, which can alleviate the spiciness of chili peppers and make the whole seasoning more palatable, because there is salt in the spices of the spicy pot, so there is no additional salt. I used oyster sauce, ketchup, soy sauce, sweet noodle sauce, and if you particularly like chili peppers, you can also add some chili oil.

The delicious secret of teppanyaki tofu successfully conquered my stomach

3, well, the tofu bubble is almost over, fish out, cut into the right size of the pieces. Also prepare some minced garlic and chopped shallots.

The delicious secret of teppanyaki tofu successfully conquered my stomach

4: Take out the electric cake pan, preheat it with electricity, brush the oil, and then put the tofu pieces on the table piece by piece, keep the high heat and fry the tofu.

The delicious secret of teppanyaki tofu successfully conquered my stomach

5, I use the new Site deep pie bell, up and down can be heated, cover the lid, up and down the same fire, fry for a few minutes after the pan.

The delicious secret of teppanyaki tofu successfully conquered my stomach

6, at this time the tofu bottom noodles have been fried yellow, first crush the garlic and green onion under the pot, wait a while and then brush the sauce we prepared before evenly on the top of the tofu.

The delicious secret of teppanyaki tofu successfully conquered my stomach

7, you can add some oil to the pot, and finally sprinkle the prepared dry material, and fry for a while to eat.

The delicious secret of teppanyaki tofu successfully conquered my stomach

8, eat while hot, tofu is very tender and full, very delicious.

<h2>Nutritional benefits of tofu</h2>

1. The "protector" of menopause

Effective in preventing the development of osteoporosis, breast cancer and prostate.

2. Prevention of cardiovascular diseases

While tofu is healthy, it can also inhibit the intake of cholesterol. Soy protein significantly reduces plasma cholesterol, triglycerides and LDL, which can not only prevent colon cancer, but also help prevent cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases.

3. Reduce the chance of breast cancer

Soybeans made of tofu contain soybean isoflavones, which can adjust the response of the breast to estrogen, and the concentration of isoflavones in the urine of Japanese women is 100 to 1000 times that of Women in the United States and the Netherlands, which is related to the fact that Japanese people often eat soybeans, and it is also a reason for the low incidence of breast cancer in Japan compared with European and American countries. In addition, it can also effectively prevent the occurrence of leukemia, colon cancer, lung cancer, stomach cancer, etc.

4. Anti-vascular

The production of saponins contained in soybeans, scavenging free radicals in the body, has significant anti-cancer activity, has the effect of inhibiting the growth of tumor cells, inhibiting platelet aggregation, and anti-thrombosis.

5. Substitutes for milk

The nutritional value of tofu is similar to that of milk, and it is the best substitute for people who cannot drink cow's milk due to lactose intolerance, or who do not eat meat and poultry in order to control chronic diseases.

6. Tonic and detoxification of heat and health

Tofu is a tonic and heat-clearing health food, often eaten, can supplement the qi, clear heat and dryness, quench thirst, clean the stomach and intestines. It is more suitable for people with hot constitution, bad breath and thirst, unclear stomach and stomach, and post-fever recuperators. Modern medicine has confirmed that in addition to the function of increasing nutrition, helping digestion and enhancing appetite, tofu is also quite beneficial to the growth and development of teeth and bones, and can increase the content of iron in the blood in the hematopoietic function.

<h2>Dietary contraindications to tofu</h2>

Although tofu is good, it is not suitable for daily life

Although eating tofu is good, excessive consumption will endanger health.

Cause indigestion: Tofu is rich in protein, and eating too much at one time not only hinders the body's absorption of iron, but also is prone to bloating, diarrhea and other symptoms.

Promote the decline of kidney function: people to the elderly, the ability of the kidneys to excrete waste declines, a large number of tofu, the intake of too much plant protein, will make the body produce more nitrogen-containing waste, increase the burden on the kidneys, so that kidney function decline, is not conducive to good health.

Cause arteriosclerosis: soy products are rich in methionine, which can be converted to cysteine under the action of enzymes, which will damage the endothelial cells of the arterial wall, and easily deposit cholesterol and triglycerides on the arterial wall, causing arteriosclerosis.

Causes iodine deficiency: Soybeans contain saponins, which not only prevent atherosclerosis, but also promote the excretion of iodine in the human body. However, long-term excessive consumption of tofu can easily cause iodine deficiency.

Promote gout attacks: tofu contains more purines, purine metabolism disorders of gout patients and patients with high blood uric acid concentrations can easily lead to gout attacks.

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